
22 JULY 2004
Thorndon Gardens, Ewell, Surrey
11.5M telecommunication mast and ancillary street cabinet. (Plans)
APPROVE the siting and design subject to the following conditions:(1)
The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years
from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91(1)
of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Prior to the commencement of works to erect the mast hereby approved, details shall be
agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority of the planting of a tree and a
maintenance programme, to replace the sapling that is indicated on the submitted plans
to be removed. Such planting shall be carried out within one month of the installation
of the mast and street cabinet and shall be maintained in accordance with the agreed
maintenance programme.
Reason. In order to maintain the degree of planting which exists on this verge in the
interests of visual amenity and in accordance with policies NE7 and DC1 of the Epsom
and Ewell District Wide Local Plan 2000.
This application for an 11.5m high mast (street column type) and street cabinet are submitted to
Committee because of the expected degree of public interest in the matter and because the 56 day
period allows time for consideration by Members rather than at delegated level. The proposal is
for a lamp column type mast of less height than the existing lamp columns in the vicinity. Street
furniture positioned on the grass verge has deemed permission granted under the General
Permitted Development Order. This submission is only for the prior approval of the siting and
Officers recommend no objection and that prior approval be granted subject to a condition to
replace one small tree that will be lost.
The site lies on the north-west side of the junction of Thorndon Gardens with Kingston Road, in the
grass verge just to the east of the tactile paving at the kerbside. There are two 12m high lamp
columns and traffic lights within a few metres of the proposed site and a street tree about 7/8m
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Thorndon Gardens is a residential street. The proposed siting is not directly outside the front of any
residential property, but more towards the flanks where there are minimal window openings.
Relevant Planning History
Current proposal
The current proposal is to erect an 11.5m high telecommunication mast of the lamp column style
and one street cabinet measuring 1.4m long, 0.65m wide and 1.2m high. The mast is to be
positioned 1.2m from the kerb line, close to a 7/8m high tree beside the tactile paving at the
crossing of Thorndon Gardens. It will be 11.4m and 13.6m from the nearest houses.
Planning Policy
Telecommunications development the nearby lamp posts
Planning Considerations
This mast is considered under policy DC22 of the District Wide Local Plan 2000, which makes it
clear that planning permission will be granted for such equipment provided that certain criteria are
met. This proposal meets the criteria in that since it is lower than and designed to mimic lamp
columns as a piece of street furniture it will not cause serious harm to the appearance of the site; it
is screened as far as practicable by the existing landform and trees or by landscaping and planting
incorporated into the proposal; the potential for physical interference has been minimised. No
listed buildings or conservation areas are involved, nor is the equipment proposed on a building.
The mast will be seen against the background of houses and other street furniture in the same way
as the existing street furniture. The applicant has agreed to re-site the Cabinet at the rear of the
pavement rather than on the grass verge.
Health matters are covered by the fact that a certificate has been submitted which confirms
conformity with the ICNIRP limits, indeed the emissions are said to be between 0.04% and 0.022%
of the ICNIRP safe limit. Maximum emissions are at a distance of 178m from the mast at 0.022%
of the safe limit.
The applicant has stated in the application that the mast and base station are needed because the
area between Worcester Park and West Ewell is a known area of substandard ‘Orange ‘radio
coverage, due to the lack of mobile radio base stations in the immediate area. The site is intended
to provide coverage to the primarily residential areas in these locations, as well as to the A240
(Kingston Road).
There is a school (Riverview C of E School) some 560m from the application site and a Church
Hall nursery group some 180m away.
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A sapling is to be removed from the highway verge which should be replaced.
In view of the restricted size of the equipment, its roadside location and conformity with the
ICNIRP emissions it is considered that there is no justification for refusing to approve this
submission for prior approval subject to the conditions listed above.
No comments.
Notification was sent to 146 neighbours residing within 150m radius of the site. To date one e-mail
letter of representation have been received on the basis that the mast is too close to urban housing
and outside a home allocated by members of the mentally handicapped community. A tree is to be
felled to make way for this mast. This is a very green issue and is totally against the ethos of the
local environmentalists.
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