april 08 minutes - Canadian Occupational Health Nurses

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
4:05 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. (DST)
In attendance:
Valerie Adrian, President (SK)
Ellen Coe, Vice President (AB)
Marg Creen, Secretary/Treasurer (ON)
Eva Clegg (BC)
Donna Langille (NS)
Karen Mazerolle (NB)
Laura Stanford-Martin (NF)
Recording Secretaries: Frances MacCusworth and Donna Langille
Call to order
President Valerie Adrian called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. (daylight savings time),
welcoming everyone to the meeting. She said that Marg Creen would join the meeting later.
New items were added to the agenda:
# 8.f – Manitoba and # 8g – COHNA elections
MOTION # 1.04.09: Clegg/Langille
THAT the revised agenda be approved. CARRIED.
Minutes of the Last Meeting (February 11, 2009)
The following changes were made to the minutes: Item # 3 to read “Minutes of the last
meeting (December 10, 2008)” and item # 8 to read “Donna Langille said that Nova Scotia
needs are for financial support for education.”
MOTION # 2.04.09: Mazerolle/Langille
THAT the February 11, 2009 minutes be approved
as amended. CARRIED.
Business arising from February 11, 2009 minutes
COHNA Operating Guidelines
The guidelines are 50 percent complete and Ms Coe will e-mail them to the board
prior to the May 26/09 meeting. Ms Adrian will e-mail the current operating
guidelines to Ms Coe and Ms MacCusworth.
The Operating Guidelines are different from the Bylaws, which are still in draft
format, waiting approval from Industry Canada.
COHNA Membership Survey
Anne Sowden is working with Valerie Adrian on revising and putting the survey onto
Survey Monkey. Ms Adrian plans to tighten the survey. The survey takes 15
minutes to complete and Ms Adrian hopes to have results from the survey by the
May meeting. She noted that a three percent response from a survey is considered
One of the goals of the survey is find out how COHNA can be of benefit to its
members; how COHNA can support its members. Ms Adrian said she would
welcome any further suggestions from the board. The provinces will send a link to
the survey to their members with the exception of Ontario. Executive Director Brian
Verrall will have the link put on OOHNA’s website.
The board agreed to offer one grand prize to encourage more COHNA members to
complete the survey.
MOTION # 3.04.09: Mazerolle/Stanford-Martin
THAT a grand prize of $500.00 be awarded and used for registration
to an education event(s) (e.g. conferences/workshops) anywhere in
Canada provided the event(s) provide CNA continuing education
credits. CARRIED.
Disability Management Guidelines
Tabled until Marg Creen joins the meeting.
2009 COHNA Education Day (May 27.09)
Ms Creen joined the conference call.
Ms Coe reported that all speakers for the AOHNA conference (including COHNA
education day) are confirmed. 25 people are registered for the COHNA education
day. Directors were reminded to send in their registration forms as soon as possible.
MINUTES April 8, 2009
The AOHNA conference chairperson has resigned; however, the vice-chairs are
handling the conference seamlessly.
Valerie Adrian said that she has spoken with co-chair Terry MacDonald who assured
her that Alberta would absorb any losses. Ms MacDonald will also forward
registration numbers weekly to Ms Adrian.
It was noted that COHNA needs tighter education day guidelines for the provinces.
The question was asked if session presentation handouts could be placed on the
COHNA website as member information. Alberta will look into this. Ontario cannot
due to speaker contracts.
Under Events, the Newfoundland event will be removed as the web link malfunctions.
Under Documents, a Provincial Report section will be created and all provincial reports
will be uploaded. Under Awards, remove what is there and place the note “section
under construction”.
It was noted that positive feedback has been received regarding the website Job
Award of Excellence
The award winner’s name will be secret until the award is presented at the 2009
education day lunch. Ms Adrian and Ms Coe agreed to organize the preparation of
the certificate and contacting the recipient. COHNA does not pay the recipient’s
travel or conference registration.
CAN – COHN(C) Exam Committee
Ms Adrian participated in a three-hour conference call that streamlined questions for
the prep guide. Another 21 prep guide questions were approved for the next
certification exam.
It was noted that Ms Langille and Ms Stanford-Martin recently wrote the certification
Financial Report
As of April 1/09, taking into account items outstanding, the chequing account balance
is $16,613.72. The treasurer asked for the board’s direction regarding the
reinvestment of an upcoming GIC: should monies be taken from the chequing
account to round up the amount to be reinvested or should the actual amount coming
due be reinvested at 2.5% for two years?
MINUTES April 8, 2009
MOTION # 4.04.09: Creen/Clegg
THAT the GIC coming due April 18/09 be reinvested for two years at
2.5% at the existing amount shown on the day the GIC is due.
CNA Associate and Affiliate Groups (AAE) Update
Ms Creen reported that she sits on the AAE strategic planning committee and the
committee is developing its vision and mission for the AAEs. She will report in more
detail after the June 2009 meeting.
She thanked directors for their annual reports.
COHNA (Strategic Planning) Goals & Direction
This is tabled until the May meeting. Directors are encouraged to e-mail their ideas
to Ms Adrian.
New Business
Election Process
The current president’s term ends December 31, 2009; therefore, a vice-president is
needed to work with the in-coming president (Ms Coe). A call for nominations for
vice-president needs to go out 60 days prior to the AGM; 40 days prior to the AGM,
directors’ names are to be submitted to the Nominations Committee chair (the
current vice-president); 30 days prior to the AGM, the Nominations Committee sends
the list of nominees and their biographies to the COHNA board.
Voting occurs at the AGM where nominations may be made from the floor if there are
vacant positions. Directors who are not attending the AGM may sign a proxy form
and give it to a director who is attending the AGM.
It was noted that directors’ provincial associations much write a letter of support in
order for the director to stand for vice-president.
The position of vice-president is a two-year term but this year, 2010, it will be one (1)
Ms Coe was tasked to e-mail a call for nominations to the COHNA board.
Speakers’ Corner
This is a reference tool that is to be placed on the COHNA website where OH & S
speakers and their areas of expertise are listed so that members can source
potential speakers for their education events. Speakers must hold their COHN(C)
certification and must list their credentials.
MINUTES April 8, 2009
The board agreed this is would be a very good resource. Ms Adrian asked if any
directors would work with her on this project. Ms Clegg volunteered to assist.
MOTION # 5.04.09: Clegg/ Creen
THAT a Speakers’ Corner section be developed for the COHNA
website. CARRIED.
PowerPoint Presentation on OH Nursing
Ms Adrian is developing an education/marketing presentation that could be used for
conferences. It was noted that Ms Jeannette Coombs has developed a presentation
that was very well received by employers at a recent conference.
Ms Langille agreed to contact Ms Coombs, copying the board, to ask if she would
allow her presentation to be placed on the COHNA website as a resource tool for
OHNs across Canada. The appropriate acknowledgement of Ms Coombs would be
At this point in the meeting, Ms MacCusworth left the conference call and Ms Langille
took over recording the minutes of the meeting.
The issue of needing to have the most recent versions of COHNA documents was
MOTION # 6.04.09: Creen/Coe
THAT Valerie Adrian’s expenses be paid for two days in Toronto so
that Valerie can work with Frances MacCusworth on arranging
documents. CARRIED.
Marketing COHNA
Business Cards
Valerie suggested COHNA business cards to help promote COHNA at provincial
MOTION # 7.04.09: Langille/Creen
THAT COHNA business cards be printed with information
including our vision statement “Improving the health and
safety of works by speaking with a national Canadian
voice”, our logo and our e-mail address
AND FURTHER THAT 1000 cards be printed and the
administrator send out the required number to the smaller
provinces. CARRIED.
Frances would need to send the draft of the business card to the executive for
MINUTES April 8, 2009
Raising COHNA visibility at provincial conferences/workshops
Valerie Adrian thought that the COHNA business cards could be distributed at the
provincial conferences/workshops as one of the ways to promote awareness. She
plans on speaking at the BC workshop in May and would like to emphasize that
provinces need to be promoting the benefits of Occupational Health Nursing so that
OHNs continue to be a viable and desired resource in Canadian workplaces.
MOTION # 8.04.09: Creen/Langille
THAT Valerie Adrian be supported in the endeavor to
promote COHNA and OHNs at the BC workshop by
having her expenses paid to present in the maximum
amount of $500. CARRIED.
8.5.iii Congratulatory message to successful Certification Exam candidates
Valerie Adrian would like to send out congratulations postcards (the ones used last year) and
use removable labels to all the approximately 100 successful candidates from last year and
to this year’s successful candidates. It was decided that this was included in this year’ s
operating budget for last year’s recipients.
MOTION # 9.04.09: Mazerolle/Clegg
THAT we support the initiative in sending out the
COHNA postcard to this year’s certification exam
successful candidates
AND FURTHER to pay for the labels/postage in the
amount of $150-$200. CARRIED.
Board member reports on COHNA and Provincial activities
Manitoba: COHNA received a cheque in the amount of $199 from Manitoba –
contact Diane Gantzel. A letter was to follow; however, none received to date. No
board member has been identified to represent COHNA and there has not been one
for some time (approximately 2 years).
Discussion ensued about the COHNA by-laws in respect to not showing for Annual
meetings/conference calls and that COHNA can revoke status for non-attendance at
meetings. It was decided that Valerie would write a letter to Diane Gantzel and
outline their responsibilities under the COHNA bylaws for being part of COHNA and
that includes not only paying membership dues to COHNA, but supporting COHNA
through an active provincial representation. Donna offered that with the expectations
set out under the COHNA bylaws that the consequences for Manitoba be set out and
to give a reasonable timeline for a response.
Verbal reports were received from the provinces in attendance on their activities. All
written reports are in but one and that is coming shortly.
Discussion centered on ways to promote Occupational Health Nursing with the 4th
year nursing students and the employer community, to increase membership
MINUTES April 8, 2009
numbers and to be more efficient by using teleconferencing to overcome
geographical and work-life/time challenges. Discussion also focused on how to
support those nurses who want to attend educational opportunities but who either
cannot afford or their employer cannot afford to support them in this pursuit. This
was deferred to the next meeting for further discussion and solutions.
Next Meeting
Annual Meeting, May 26th in Calgary at Greenwood Inn. Start time 8:30 and is a full
day. Valerie will send out the agenda and provincial board members who are unable
to attend will be linked in by teleconference which the hotel has. A laptop and
projector will be required.
Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. DST by Valerie Adrian.
Valerie Adrian
MINUTES April 8, 2009
Marg Creen
April 8, 2009
All Directors:
 e-mail any further suggestions for the membership survey to Ms Adrian
Valerie Adrian:
 e-mail current operating guidelines to Ellen Coe and Frances
 organize Achievement Award preparations with Ms Coe
 work on a website speakers’ corner with Ms Clegg
 letter to Diane Gantzel, Manitoba
Eva Clegg:
 Work with Ms Adrian on to develop a website speakers’ corner
Ellen Coe:
 e-mail completed operating guidelines to board prior to May meeting
 investigate if AOHNA conference session materials can be uploaded to
the COHNA website
 organize Achievement Award preparations with Ms Adrian
 e-mail board a call for nominations for VP
 arrange for AGM laptop and projector with AOHNA conference
Marg Creen:
 reinvest GIC per board’s instructions
Donna Langille:
 contact Ms Coombs re- her PowerPoint presentation
Frances MacCusworth:
 website: Events section – remove ND event; Documents section –
create Provincial Reports sub-section and upload provincial reports;
Awards section – remove what is there and place “under construction’
 develop business card and send to executive for approval
arrange for AGM conference call
MINUTES April 8, 2009