Cope, A - Spy Dog 2


Spy Dog 2 by Andrew Cope

In your group, you are giving a Secret Service DVD report to Professor

Cortex updating him on Lara the Spy Dog. One or two pupils will act as agents who are describing the DVD to him. The rest of your group will act out the 'photographs' + 'film' which have been recorded on the DVD. Slow motion would be good for some scenes.

Here are some ideas (You don't have to do them all):

Boys v Girls football match in village sports hall. Boys' penalty is saved by Lara. She races up the field to meet a cross and volleys in the winner. Sophie: "Our game I believe, Gentlemen. Excellent game,


A photographer has got past the village security and snapped a shot of Lara scoring the winning goal - it'll be worth thousands. Returns to his fellow reporter in a car: "Result! If gathering evidence is going to be this easy, we'll have our story within days."

One reporter spies on Lara from a tree. The other dresses as a postman.

Lara makes herself cocoa, does the crossword holding pen in mouth

Lara's thoughts: I'm the canine equivalent of James Bond. I have unusual markings - mostly white with black patches. Offended when owners say she looks like a cow - a cow indeed! Cows are dirty, smelly and stupid, whereas I have a shower every day & I'm super-intelligent.

Lara recalls her injuries from a recent mission: bullet hole in ear, slight limp because another bullet is embedded in her thigh.

Lara goes to the window, suspicious of being watched, sees nothing.

Lara wishes she could speak Human language as well as knowing English,

French, German & Chinese.

Lara can work a laptop, send emails; is good at football, gymnastics, swimming & karate; can drive, ride a horse, defuse a bomb; can do jigsaws, play chess, write poems.

The fake postman delivers Lara a clock from 'Auntie Elsie'. Lara settles down to watch a DVD, but there is a secret camera in the clock and the reporters can see everything: Lara doing press-ups & star jumps, eating biscuits, admiring the family photos of Sophie & Ben

Spy Dog 2 by Andrew Cope

In your group, you are giving a Secret Service DVD report to Professor

Cortex updating him on Lara the Spy Dog. One or two pupils will act as agents who are describing the DVD to him. The rest of your group will act out the 'photographs' + 'film' which have been recorded on the DVD. Slow motion would be good for some scenes.

Here are some ideas (You don't have to do them all):

Boys v Girls football match in village sports hall. Boys' penalty is saved by Lara. She races up the field to meet a cross and volleys in the winner. Sophie: "Our game I believe, Gentlemen. Excellent game,


A photographer has got past the village security and snapped a shot of Lara scoring the winning goal - it'll be worth thousands. Returns to his fellow reporter in a car: "Result! If gathering evidence is going to be this easy, we'll have our story within days."

One reporter spies on Lara from a tree. The other dresses as a postman.

Lara makes herself cocoa, does the crossword holding pen in mouth

Lara's thoughts: I'm the canine equivalent of James Bond. I have unusual markings - mostly white with black patches. Offended when owners say she looks like a cow - a cow indeed! Cows are dirty, smelly and stupid, whereas I have a shower every day & I'm super-intelligent.

Lara recalls her injuries from a recent mission: bullet hole in ear, slight limp because another bullet is embedded in her thigh.

Lara goes to the window, suspicious of being watched, sees nothing.

Lara wishes she could speak Human language as well as knowing English,

French, German & Chinese.

Lara can work a laptop, send emails; is good at football, gymnastics, swimming & karate; can drive, ride a horse, defuse a bomb; can do jigsaws, play chess, write poems.

The fake postman delivers Lara a clock from 'Auntie Elsie'. Lara settles down to watch a DVD, but there is a secret camera in the clock and the reporters can see everything: Lara doing press-ups & star jumps, eating biscuits, admiring the family photos of Sophie & Ben
