20s Chest

Roaring 20’s and Great Depression Treasure Chest
Greetings fellow historians!
As our class travels through the Roaring 20s, you, an archaeologist, and your partner, an anthropologist, will be
creating a treasure chest filled with artifacts and fossils that shows the importance of this time period to the
lucky person who discovers the coffer.
PART I: Obtain a Treasure Chest
Select a treasure chest and decorate it. Your container should reflect the time period between 1920 and
Part II: Encase Your Treasures
While I trust your expertise and decision making, you should consider that your classmates want to be
astounded so make sure you include specimens that are exciting and different. Do not rely solely on the
Your treasure chest needs to include the following:
At least three (3) artifacts that give information about the economy;
At least two (2) artifacts that give information about the Red Scare.
At least Four (4) artifacts or fossils that give information about how this time period was governed;
At least three (3) artifacts or fossils that give information about inventions.
At least six (6) artifacts or fossils that give information about the society (think science, literature, art,
technology) from this time period. This – may include specimens that give information about families, housing,
social classes and jobs.
Part III: Apply the Importance of Your Treasure to Society
After filling your chest with all that you believe is important to the Roaring 20’s and Great
Depression write a description of your artifacts. Your written description must be typed and will include the
following information:
The name of your artifact
Why you chose to include the artifact in your cache;
Why the artifact was important to the 1920-1940;
What significance/impact the artifact has on today’s society.
Part IV: Presentations
When you have completed the assignment, you will be sharing your treasure chest with the class.
Your fellow historians are an inquisitive group so you and your partner need to be prepared to answer questions
from the group about what you are presenting and why you chose your items.
Part V Grading Rubric
You will be graded as follows:
Students’ treasure chest reflects the appropriate time period
Three economic specimens
Two Red Scare specimens
Four government specimens
Three invention specimens
Six social specimens
Description and importance of specimen from each category
Points Possible