Buried Treasure by Pete Hester April, 2013

Buried Treasure by Pete Hester April, 2013
A treasure chest is buried,
Somewhere north of Santa Fe,
Sitting out in the open,
Waiting there for you or me.
This treasure chest is dated,
Around about 1100 AD,
And if left there through the ages,
Who will the finder be?
Will he say some fool didn’t bury,
Or was it some Indian chief,
Just left out in the open,
Probably was some petty thief.
Something bad must have happen,
For the petty thief to flee,
But I’m glad he had his problems,
Soon a rich man I will be.
Confusion o’er the contents,
Many years are in between,
For the chest is dated older,
And the coins lots newer seem.
Ah, I bet he robbed a rich man,
One who had collected things and such,
I’ll sell a little at a time now,
No one will suspicion much.
Did you leave a note in the chest, Mr. Fenn? It will sure clear up lots of questions
A 100 years from now….