Why was the Dawes Act of 1887 unsuccessful

Section Review Questions
Chapter 18: Plains Indians Way of Life Ends
1. Why was the Dawes Act of 1887 unsuccessful?
The act ignored the traditional Native American views of land ownership.
2. What was a main reason for the decline of buffalo herds in the 1830s and
increased market for buffalo robes
3. Where did Native Americans win a victory over cavalry troops?
Little Big Horn Valley
4. What finalized the Native American way of life coming to an end?
The government took away the power of tribal leaders.
5. What were the promises of the Fort Laramie Treaty and which one was not
They would be given tools, domestic animals, and money, along with land they
could live on forever. Their land was eventually taken away.
6. What leader’s surrender marked the end of formal warfare between Native
Americans and the United States government?
7. Why was the Long Walk so devastating?
Many Navajos died on the 300 mile journey across the desert to New Mexico.
Section Review Questions
Chapter 18: Plains Indians Way of Life Ends
1. Why was the Dawes Act of 1887 unsuccessful?
2. What was a main reason for the decline of buffalo herds in the 1830s and
3. Where did Native Americans win a victory over cavalry troops?
4. What finalized the Native American way of life coming to an end?
5. What were the promises of the Fort Laramie Treaty and which one was not
6. What leader’s surrender marked the end of formal warfare between Native
Americans and the United States government?
7. Why was the Long Walk so devastating?