The Dawes Act 1887

The Dawes Act
Kerry Hamill, Cassidy Lorenz, Connor
Who is Involved?
• Several white Americans were involved in this
act being passed.
• These Americans thought that the
government was treating the Native
Americans unfairly.
• Some well known people who were involved
– Helen Hunt Jackson
– Sarah Winnemucca
What caused this event to occur?
• This act passed because white Americans
thought that the government was treating the
Native Americans unfairly
• They noted all of the broken promises that the
government had made toward Native
• This event occurred in 1887
• All over the country but specifically in the
Native American reservations.
Gave each family a separate plot of land
Sent children to boarding schools
Taught adults to learn how to farm
Did little to help Native Americans
Why Did It Fail?
• The Dawes Act failed because the land that
was given to each family was too small
• Also the most land was not agriculturally fit
for farming.
• The few Native Americans that did want to
farm lacked the tools and money
• They were not used to the agricultural way of
• “The Dawes Act 1887.” Nebraska Studies.
Nebraska State Historical Society, n.d. Web. 7
Nov. 2011.
• La Vere, David L. “Indian Territory .” World
Book Advanced. World Book, 2011. Web. 7
Nov. 2011.
• The National Archives. “The Dawes Act.” PBS.
PBS, n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2011.