Teacher’s Name:
Class/Period: Expository Composition, 2nd Period
Unit: Elements of Writing
Date: 10-15-08
Agenda: 1) Class discussion: elements of writing. 2) Review Writing Styles handout. 3) Model writing sample.
4) Students write, using element choices.
California Content Standards: ELA Writing 1.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the elements of
discourse (e.g., purpose, speaker, audience, form) when completing narrative, expository, persuasive, or
descriptive writing assignments.
Objectives: When completing written work, SWBAT make reasoned choices regarding style, tone, form, and
word choice informed by the topic, speaker, audience, and purpose of the writing.
Materials Needed: Writing Styles handout, Business letter format handout, white board, overhead projector and
transparency, paper and pen.
5 min.
Teacher Procedures
Student Responsibilities
Ask the students, “What are some reasons
Students will name as many different reasons to write
we write?” Encourage them to come up
as they can think of. The volunteer will write the list
with as many examples as they can. (e.g.,
on the board.
letters, text messages, school essays, cover
letters, blogs, etc.) Ask for a volunteer to
write the list on the board.
5 min
When complete, ask the students, “Do we
The students, we hope, will recognize differences in
write all these the same way?” Discuss the
the various forms of writing. With encouragement,
different elements in the various forms of
they should be able to identify some ways in which the
writing (style, tone, word choice) and the
writing styles are different and why.
reasons for these differences (topic,
purpose, speaker, audience).
5 min.
Give them the Writing Styles handout. Pick
A student will read the “Text message”. Class will
a student to read the “Text message”.
debate whether that kind of writing is acceptable in
Discuss the elements and whether or not it’s
text messaging.
appropriate. (Bottom line: it is.)
5 min.
5 min.
Have a different student read the informal
A student will read the informal thank you note. The
thank you note. How is it different? (Proper
class will identify how it differs from the text
grammar, word choice, format, etc.) Why?
message, and why one might make those writing
(Purpose, audience)
Have a third student read the formal Thank
Another student will read the formal Thank You
You Letter. Again, discuss how it differs
Letter. Class will discuss how it’s different and why.
from the others. Point out to students that
this is the proper format for a thank you
letter following a job interview or college
10 min.
At the board, write “Speaker”. Ask the
Students will brainstorm a list of potential speakers for
students to list any possible speakers they
a written piece.
can think of. They may need examples at
first. (e.g., themselves, Shakespeare, the
school Principal, etc.) Cut the list off at ten.
Write “Purpose” and ask for examples. (“I
Students will list potential purposes for the piece.
broke my leg”, “I discovered America”,
“We invaded Canada”, etc.) Then write
“Audience” and ask for suggestions. (The
Students will list possible audiences for the piece.
Pope, their parents, a lawyer, etc.)
5 min.
At the overhead, model an example, using
Students will be dazzled by your wit and learn how to
selections from the lists on the board.
use these elements to inform their written work.
(Ideally, it will be entertaining. (e.g.
Speaker: God, Purpose: invitation to a
Christmas party, Audience: Santa Claus)
5 min.
Have students write one element from each
Students will select one choice from each of the three
list on the board on a sheet of paper for their
lists on the board and write them on a sheet of paper.
homework assignment. Give them the
instructions below. Hand out Business
Letter Format.
Homework: From the list on the board, have students pick a specific speaker, purpose, and audience and write a
letter. (Text messages and non-standard grammar are forbidden. Remind them that the style, tone, form, word
choice, grammar, etc. must all be informed by and consistent with their choices. In class the next day, they will
exchange papers and review their peers’ writing, checking for these elements. They will then respond in writing
to the original speaker from the POV of the given audience. They will then share some of the correspondences
out loud with the class.
Assessment or Evaluation: Original writing: 5 point scale. Response: 5 point scale. Score will reflect effort,
creativity, and demonstration of understanding of differences discussed in the elements of writing.
Lesson Plan Commentary/Reflection: The lesson plan first discusses the topic to gain the students’ interest. It
then shows them examples of the different elements of writing. The students then participate in compiling lists
of different elements for the instructor to then model in a piece of writing. Finally, the students are asked to
write alone. This follows the “I do it/ We do it/ We do it together/ You do it alone” format. By responding to a
classmate’s writing, the students get more practice and are further reinforced by having to write from the POV
of a new speaker addressing a new audience. (In their original writing, they get to choose, but in the responses,
they have to write in the given framework.) Although they may not choose to write a formal business letter,
they are at least being acquainted with this format that will be important in seeking employment or admission to
Writing Styles Handout
1) Text message
Speaker: Me
Purpose: thank you note
Audience: my brother
dude party rocked! thnx gtg w
2) Casual note
Speaker: Me
Purpose: thank you note
Audience: Principal Johnson
Principal Johnson,
I wanted to drop a quick note to thank you for including me at your gathering this weekend. It was a nice
treat to get to know you and the rest of the faculty outside of our academic environment. I hardly recognized
Coach Smith without his baseball cap and whistle. Seeing you and Mrs. Johnson get busy on the dance floor to
“Bust A Move” is not something I’ll soon forget.
I’m very grateful to be surrounded and inspired by such a creative and dedicated group of educators.
We’re fortunate to have an equally strong leader to guide us. You’ve gotten us off to a terrific start.
Thanks again,
Ima Reader
English Department
3) Formal letter
Speaker: me
Purpose: thank you note
Audience: potential employer
576 Main St.
Springfield, PA 13285
6 October, 2008
Mr. Horrace G. Fogbottom
Director of Human Resources
Really Great High School
1600 Pennsylvania Blvd.
Washington, DC 06932
Dear Mr. Fogbottom:
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me last Thursday. After speaking with you, and seeing Really Great High
School firsthand, I’m more convinced than ever that my educational skills and philosophy would be a good match for
your school. Your commitment to encouraging active and practical learning is extremely evident. I’d consider myself very
fortunate to teach at your school.
I feel that I have unique abilities that could further advance the excellence you clearly foster at Really Great High School.
I’m fluent in seventeen languages and use these skills to develop a culturally diverse environment in my classroom. I have
extensive experience in the world of technology and have had great success incorporating computer skills into my
teaching pedagogy. I’ve taught academic units which embed Power Point, website design, and online editing into the
curriculum. My students gain not only superior knowledge of the material covered, but they learn skills necessary to be
tomorrow’s leaders in today’s technological world.
I’m particularly impressed with your school’s Media & Television Studio. I would love to bring my Emmy Awardwinning screenwriting skills and coordinate writing courses with the Production Studio. You could be the first school in
the nation with an in-house television series written, produced, and broadcast entirely by students. Likewise, I could
facilitate daily news broadcasts through your Journalism Department. School announcements could be presented via
television by student broadcasters, sporting events could be reported, and you could address the student body for daily
updates and briefings.
In a time when so many schools are struggling to provide the relevant and rich education that students deserve, it’s
encouraging to see an institution succeeding. I hope I can be part of your team.
Ima Reader