
Paraphrasing Exercise
Please paraphrase the following numbered items:
1. In his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey writes that the majority
of people are preoccupied with being “understood” rather than seeking to “understand.”
2. I believe that if we could change this one facet of our behavior, we would see immense
improvements in our society and in our relationships.
3. Interrupting prevents effective and meaningful communication, and can prevent the speaker from
making a valid point.
4. It is rare to find someone who truly knows how to listen. The vast majority of people don’t listen,
especially when they are involved in an argument, because they are forming their response,
waiting to pounce on the speaker the minute he or she takes a breath.
In the book You Just Don’t Understand, Debra Tannen discourses on the role that the gender of
the speaker plays in the meaning of what is said.
Tips for Good Communication
Effective communication helps you at school, at work, and in your personal relationships.
You don’t have to be an expert – anyone can communicate effectively by remembering the
three tips for speaking and the three tips for listening.
SPEAK so your message is understood:
1. Understand your audience
(ask yourself, who is the listener; what is he/she interested in?)
2. Send a tailored message
(use words and tone that the listener will relate to)
3. Use appropriate body language and tone of voice
LISTEN for accurate meaning:
1. Concentrate
2. Provide feedback
(nod, make eye contact, say “I see” and “uh-huh”)
3. Paraphrase
(restate main points in your own words, summarize)
Of course, it helps to master Standard English grammar and develop your vocabulary. The
more effectively you can communicate, the more opportunities you’ll have professionally
and socially so that YOU CAN achieve your goals!
To learn more about preventing violence in your school, ask your National Guard representative to give the School Violence
Prevention presentation or HEAR Anti-Bullying Program presentation.
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