Patient Participation DES - Local Participation Report Template

Helios Medical Centre
Patient Participation DES - Local Participation Report Template
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Helios Medical Centre
Local Patient Participation Report
Date Published: 3/3/14
A description of the profile of the members of the PPG: 56 Members
Patient Reference Group Distribution Report
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We have a much better gender spread In the group this year which is encouraging, we are still low on Under
16s and members from different Ethnic backgrounds. We have added an invitation to join the PPG in to our
new patient registration packs and this has boosted numbers but mainly from white British households,
however this is representative of the Demographic spread of our practice We aim make our advertising
material more appealing to both the Under 16s and Non White British Populations in the coming year.
In order to achieve a diverse range of patients for our Patient Participation Group we have
made joining this group accessible for everyone, including; using posters in our waiting room,
advertising it from reception but also having a link on the top of our webpage with contact
details and an online form should a patient wish to join, all new patients are given an invitation
in the welcome pack.
To increase demographics of young members of the PPG we have decided to do a Practice
Population search every month to find out how many patients have now turned 16 and 18.
From that data we will send each of those patients a personalised letter requesting their input
for the PPG. We hope that this will encourage young people by giving them a sense of
responsibility and a chance to voice their opinion.
Although we have also included the PPG initiation in new patient packs we have decided to
modernise and update it to attract new patients.
We are a registered member of N.A.P.P and their regular bulletins are sent to our PPG
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A description to be entered in around how the Practice and the PPG determined and reached
an agreement on the issues which had propriety within the Local Practice survey:
In December 2013 the Chair of the PPG contacted all PPG members to ask for input in to the Patient
Survey for 2013/14. The Chair received a good response and forwarded all comments to Katie McNeill at
Helios. Katie McNeill met with managers at Helios on 18.12.14 and formulated a draft set of questions,
this draft was sent to the PPG members for comment.
The PPG members were keen that we looked once more into how we ensured patients knew about the
great service Helios offers its patients. A number of PPG members raised the communication around
results so this was included. Generally the Group were keen to find out what areas Helios were good at
and where improvements could be made. In light of changing times the PPG asked if we could include a
question about Saturday openings.
After a few amendments the Survey was published on the website and paper
copies were given out in the Practice to all patients attending the surgery to ensure diversity.
A description of how the Practice sought to obtain the views of its registered patients
We worked with the PPG to compile a range of questions that not only achieved a detailed
opinion but also to advertise the services that we offer as a practice. This would be particularly
useful for those that have never heard of some of the services that we offer here. The survey was
offered to every patient over a 4 week period to ensure a diversity of answers.
A description of how the Practice sought to discuss the outcomes of the local survey and the
Practice’s action plan together
The PPG met with practice staff on March 6th 2014, the survey was discussed and some very good points
were raised by the patients, these comments have been incorporated in the Survey analysis and a Plan
has been created for the forthcoming year. Minutes of this meeting available on request.
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A description of the findings or proposals that arose from the local Practice survey and what
can be implemented and if appropriate reasons why any such findings or proposals should not
be implemented
We asked our patients if a once a month Saturday morning clinic would be helpful and used, 69%
of the patients that participation said yes, so we have started to implement that.
We also mentioned to patients about receiving their test results and 85% of our patients support
our method of only directly contacting them if there was a problem with their result. And
patients are happy to ring themselves otherwise.
A summary of any evidence including statistical evidence relating to the findings or basis of
proposals arising out to the local Practice survey: Please note that after each question the
outcomes and comments are noted in BLUE
PPG & Survey Results Report
Helios Patient Survey 2013/14
Number of Responses: 183
Helios Patient Survey 2013/14
1) In order to maximize our available appointments, we have introduced the following
appointments with a specially trained practitioner, please tick if you have used this type of
appointment or do not know of the service ---- Phlebotomist appointment for Blood Test
Yes, I have used this Service 41%
I am unaware of this service 41%
I know of this service but it is not applicable 14%
No response 4%
Outcome and points of note
We have recently introduced a phlebotomy service, we are encouraged that 41% of patients are aware of the
service and will continue to promote this in the surgery.
1b) In order to maximize our available appointments, we have introduced the following
appointments with a specially trained clinician, please tick if you have used this type of
appointment or do not know of the service ---- Asthma review with Prescribing Pharmacist
Yes I have used this service 12%
I am unaware of this service 49%
I know of the service but it is not applicable 32%
No response 7%
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Outcome and points of note
We have recently introduced a asthma review with Pharmacist service, we are encouraged that only 49% are
not aware of the service (considering only 5% of our patients are on our Asthma register) we will continue to
promote this in the surgery.
1c) In order to maximize our available appointments, we have introduced the following
appointments with a specially trained clinician, please tick if you have used this type of
appointment or do not know of the service ---- Medication review with Prescribing Pharmacist
Yes I have used this Service 14%
I am not aware of this service 57%
I am aware but it is not applicable 22%
No response 7%
Outcome and points of note
We have recently introduced a med review with pharmacist, we clearly need to advertise this service in the
surgery to heighten patient awareness.
1d) In order to maximize our available appointments, we have introduced the following
appointments with a specially trained clinician, please tick if you have used this type of
appointment or do not know of the service ---- Diabetic review with Practice Nurse
Yes I have used this service 14%
I am not aware of this service 42%
I am aware but it is not applicable 35%
No response 9%
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Outcome and points of note
As just 2 % of our patient population are currently diabetic this indicated a good response.
2a) Did you know we offer these services ?---- Carers Support Group
Yes 24%
No 69%
No response 7%
Outcome and points of note
It is one of Helios’ aims to increase awareness in the practice of “who is a carer”, in discussion with the PPG it
was agreed that a advertising campaign should be started to encourage “carers” to identify themselves. Laura
Starr – Lead receptionist will look at this in April.
2b) Did you know we offer these services ? ---- Dementia Support
Yes 20%
No 72%
No response 8%
Outcome and points of note
It is also one of Helios’ aims to increase awareness around the support offered to patients and their families
with regard to Dementia. It is clearly an area we need to make our patients aware of as the results indicate.
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(posters, newsletters, website etc)
2c) Did you know we offer these services ? ---- Free NHS Health Check
Yes 48%
No 45%
No response 7%
Outcome and points of note
It is encouraging to see almost half of the patients surveyed were aware of this, as it is only offered between
45 and 74 years of age.
2d) Did you know we offer these services ? ---- Contraceptive Coil and Implants
Yes 29%
No 62%
No response 9%
Outcome and points of note
It is encouraging to see that this service is being used, as it is a new service at Helios (previously patients
were sent to a women’s clinic)
2e) Did you know we offer these services ? ---- Minor Surgery Clinic
Yes 31%
No 61%
No response 8%
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Outcome and points of note
It is encouraging to see that this service is being used, as it is a relatively new service at Helios and only a
small percentage of the population would have used this.
2f) Did you know we offer these services ? ---- Travel Immunisation Clinic
Yes 49%
No 44%
No response 7%
Outcome and points of note
We have been running this service for a long time and it is evident our patients are aware of it.
2g) Did you know we offer these services ? ---- Support towards the end of life
Yes 20%
No 71%
No response 9%
Outcome and points of note
It is also one of Helios’ aims to increase awareness around the support offered to patients and their families
with regard to the end of life. It is clearly an area we need to make our patients aware of as the results
indicate. (posters, newsletters, website etc)
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2h) Did you know we offer these services ? ---- Art Therapy
Yes 53%
No 39%
No response 8%
Outcome and points of note
We have been running this service for a long time and it is evident our patients are aware of it.
2i) Did you know we offer these services ? ---- Movement Therapy
Yes 56%
No 37%
No response 7%
Outcome and points of note
We have been running this service for a long time and it is evident our patients are aware of it.
2j) Did you know we offer these services ? ---- Counselling (in House)
Yes 51%
No 42%
No response 7%
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Outcome and points of note
We have been running this service for a long time and it is evident our patients are aware of it.
3) We would like to gauge support for the practice to open for ONE Saturday Morning a month
for pre booked appointments: ---- Would you use these appointments?
Yes 69%
No 21%
No response 10%
Outcome and points of note
As a result of this outcome, we have now implemented once a month Saturday morning sessions and the
feedback has been excellent.
4) Have you had any GOOD experiences from other GP Surgeries which we could learn from?
See Appendix A for comments
Outcome and points of note
The comments were reviewed by staff and PPG members, there were no real themes except a number of
patients had experienced walk-in clinic in other practices. This was discussed at length however the
conclusion was that this service has been tried at Helios and was not successful.
5) What if anything is unique or important to you about the practice which would encourage you
to recommend us to your family or friends?
See Appendix A for comments
Outcome and points of note
The comments were reviewed by staff and PPG members, the most dominant themes were the unique
Anthroposhical and Homeopathic approaches that Helios Offers. There were no negative points on which the
PPG thought we should action.
6a) Do you use any of the following services either before seeking an appointment with the
Doctor or when the Surgery is closed? ---- Helios Website
Never 51%
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On occasion 30%
Often 8%
No response 11%
Outcome and points of note
From the results of the survey it is clear that there is a lack of Patient awareness. This was also echoed by the
PPG members. Suggestions to improve this was to have a obvious link on our website, but also in the surgery,
to have posters in the waiting room or even a big poster/ banner advertising all the alternative healthcare
services that are available during the OOH period.
6b) Do you use any of the following services either before seeking an appointment with the
Doctor or when the Surgery is closed? ----
Never 69%
On Occasion 13%
Often 3%
No response 15%
Outcome and points of note
From the results of the survey it is clear that there is a lack of Patient awareness. This was also echoed by the
PPG members. Suggestions to improve this was to have a obvious link on our website, but also in the surgery,
to have posters in the waiting room or even a big poster/ banner advertising all the alternative healthcare
services that are available during the OOH period.
6c) Do you use any of the following services either before seeking an appointment with the
Doctor or when the Surgery is closed? ---- NHS 111 (or formerly Nhs direct)
Never 37%
On occasion 44%
Often 6%
No response 13%
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Outcome and points of note
This was more encouraging, the NHS advertises this service themselves. However there is still scope for Helios
to promote this service to patient’s as well. A suggestion was to have a recorded message on the OOH
6d) Do you use any of the following services either before seeking an appointment with the
Doctor or when the Surgery is closed? ---- Speak to Pharmacist at a local Pharmacy
Never 14%
On Occaion 60%
Often 13%
No response 13%
Outcome and points of note
Again, the evidence suggests that there is awareness of this service and Helios will continue to promote this to
the patients.
If you answered Never to any of the previous questions, what are your reasons?
See attached Appendix C
Outcome and points of note
The comments reflect the answers above that patients are unaware of have a lack of appropriate technology.
7a) On average the surgery receives SEVENTY blood/ultrasound/x-ray tests per day the vast
majority of which are normal; it is policy that if a result arrives which is NOT NORMAL then the
patient will be contacted. Normal results are marked as such and are filed in the patient notes.
Please select agree or disagree from these statements. ---- I understand the procedure and I am
happy to call the surgery if I want to know a result
I agree 85%
I disagree 1%
No response 14%
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Outcome and points of note
From the results only 1 person disagreed with this service, so Helios will continue to report results in this way.
Appendix A
>> 0ne evening a week where you just turn up. useful if you suddenly feel ill/pain but don't
know what it is. <<
-->> a few times my daughter had stomach pains and she was seen that day and given a
thorough examination and i received meds for her within hour. on flip side my partner was left
for 12 days suffering from gout to get an appointment <<
-->> a system where you can attend on day to see GP waiting system <<
-->> a turn up and queue surgery can be helpful <<
-->> all correspondence available in large print <<
-->> An electronic booking in terminalat the Family Practice Clifton <<
-->> Asthma service is brilliant Call back service with Doctor is very efficient I love what the
practice offers - holistic approach <<
-->> Been with you so long I can't remember using other surgeries (in any detail) <<
-->> Being collected from waiting room or garden by GP. Sense of there always being enough
time within the consultation. It does mean that sometimes one is waiting for awhile but that is
FINE becasue you know that on this occasion someone else is getting the time and attention
they need. <<
-->> better if gp surgeries engaged with service users to inform better health care services <<
-->> blood pressure and weight machine in waiting room <<
-->> can't think of any <<
-->> clearer separation of offices and reception - can sometimes hear what receptionists are
saying from waiting room ( i have never heard anything that was sensitive or confidential
though. <<
-->> Doctors, in turn, taking open surgeries. <<
-->> Dr Cuellar was incredibly helpful and supportive when I was ill with a chest infection, but
most importantly, the nurses who drew my blood were So empathetic and caring. I left the
practice feeling someone cared. it made the rest of my day special. <<
-->> easier to get an appointment <<
-->> Electronic booking serive - online and arrival <<
-->> Have a walk in service every moring, for minor emergencies <<
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>> I am very happy with the service provided by Dr Mclaughlin, one really makes the time for
appointments to discuss health issues and is very supportive and has a lovely manner <<
-->> I chose Helios in part because my experiences with other practices were mainly negative <<
-->> i don't like having to wait for hours for a doctor to ring back and even if you ring at 8:30 on
the dot there are no appointments available. <<
-->> I feel listened to whenever I have an appointment with GP or nurse. I get treated as an
individual <<
-->> I have been at Helios since we moved to Bristol in 2000. We were originally in London before
and it was just an ordinary experience. So I don't have much to answer the question. And it was
different in Russia. <<
-->> I have found none better <<
-->> i hear falloden way have district nurses on call most of the time and their opening hours are
more frequent. have thought of morning. <<
-->> i THINK your systems are good that you can speak to a dr on the phone and come in for
emergencies. Sometimes wonder about quality of drs ? a few times I not had good treatment as
later been sorted by OOH dr on a saturday in relation to my child re urine infection and a mouth
virus. I still come br=ecause it is an easy an pleasant here but I am still slighly wary if I am
honest <<
-->> if a GP listens to the detail of the conversation and picks up on details which the patient
himself may not have noticed, then this is very reassruing. Dr Grunewald is excellent at this <<
-->> keeping to appointment times <<
-->> maybe open surgeries on some days/evenings as i always have to wait several weeks to
book an appt <<
-->> more doctors available so the wait for appointments aren't so long. <<
-->> n/a <<
-->> n/a <<
-->> Never used another surgery <<
-->> no - helios my favourite so far <<
-->> no - your surgery is the best i've ever had <<
-->> No - you're the best! <<
-->> No <<
-->> no quite happy with service <<
-->> no thats why i am here <<
-->> no we only use helios <<
-->> no, apart from easier to get seen by a dr <<
-->> no, i find the service offered excellent <<
-->> no, this the best GP surgery i have ever been to. <<
-->> No, you're great! <<
-->> Not in England <<
-->> not known other practices <<
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-->> Not since 1977 - and long since forgotten <<
-->> not yet <<
-->> On line booking of apps <<
-->> on-line booking for appointments <<
-->> open surgery in a country practice but i don't know whether this would apply or work there.
-->> Paediatric specialist has spotted serious illness. <<
-->> possible and simple to have appts quickly, esp. in urgent situations <<
-->> receptionist reading your test results to you. able to make an appointment to see a doctor in
under 2 weeks . not being asked by a receptionist what the problem is (feels to personal) <<
-->> seeing the same GP <<
-->> surgery participating in a visitors/refugees/asylum seekers surgert having that available supports the health of the whole community <<
-->> the am therapy connection - marvellous teacher <<
-->> The option of booking appointments online was quite successful in our surgery in Italy. <<
-->> There Must be better admins systems - Helios seems to lose letters and messages. There
are surgeries locally which have voulunteer services to bring people to surgery or Hospital would
be good as Helios is not accessible by Bus from Westbury Park. <<
-->> This the best surgery I have been to. <<
-->> We are happy with service <<
-->> Weekend and Late Evening Surgeries after 6pm <<
-->> whiteladies health centre - open mornings, no booking <<
-->> whiteladies used to be pretty good but has gone down hill. southville surgery is good <<
-->> Yes - but several years ago. The only problem here is the long wait for an appointment. <<
-->> Yes <<
-->> Yes I feel I am approached as myself <<
-->> Yes many - doctors are great <<
-->> Yes walk in and wait appointments in the morning <<
-->> yes, but you're as good <<
-->> You are listened too - professionally <<
-->> You turn up and wait to see the doctor you say which list you want to be on, which doctor
and you wait your turn. Then you see a doctor when you need without having to wait one
month. The system worked brilliantly <<
Appendix B
>> 15 min appts, anthroposophical and homeopathic prescribing. light atmosphere, off street
parking. good range of services and clinics, in house movement therapist, art therapist and
physio therapist, good range of drs to choose from. <<
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>> A range of orthodox and alternative prescriptions <<
-->> all the doctors personable and friendly other surgeries are a lot lacking in personality or
care. <<
-->> all the extensive services and after under ones roof. <<
-->> All the members of Helios are very friendly <<
-->> Alternative therapies and holistic approach <<
-->> Alternative therapies Triage service works really well <<
-->> alternative treatment <<
-->> 'Alternative' treatments available. Not overcrowded or rushed <<
-->> anthroposophical medicine peaceful, soothing location adjust therapies available on site i
miss the shop. <<
-->> anthroposphical services <<
-->> antroposophy <<
-->> appropriate time taken per appointment <<
-->> Attitude good - anthroposophical - homeopathy <<
-->> Being able to see a doctor for an urgent appointment rather then have to wait 2 weeks or so
for one <<
-->> calm atmosphere, beautiful building+ gardens very helpful receptionist, understanding GPs
holistic attitude. <<
-->> Can I recommend someone out of the area? If so I would. Are you taking new patients on?
-->> Caring attitude which runs through the whole practice - all working as a team. Always
efficient in responding to requests and flexible experience for me (as a carer) and my husband
(a patient) always positive and helpful <<
-->> Caring attitude. Good listening. Availability of homeopathic/anthroposophical approach <<
-->> close to my home and parking facilities <<
-->> complementary medicines <<
-->> Difficulty obtaining appointments for nurse attention <<
-->> Doctor call back to ask need for appointment Anthroposophical doctor Beautiful space (well
kept) Love the books and shop items <<
-->> Doctors listen! <<
-->> dr mclaughlin is an excellent dr and i would rercommend her highly- is very thorough <<
-->> Dr McLaughlin, lovely premises, helpful reception staff and friendly. phone consultations <<
-->> effiecient reception. can always get through on phone. dr calls back promptly. ambience of
waiting room very calming. drs very friendly and caring <<
-->> environment, building and gardens, atmosphere, dr's skills and manners <<
-->> environment, quality of team, all great <<
-->> Everyone I have dealt with CARES <<
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>> fantastic environment, professional staff, real focus on patient health. i have recommended
practice to others <<
-->> flexibility of treatment and diversity of treatment, e.g. homeopathy and regualr treatment
-->> friendliness and dedication of drs <<
-->> Friendly <<
-->> friendly accessible service. sound, sensible advice not pushed through the door as quickly as
possible write a prescription in your hand <<
-->> Friendly approach. Helpful. Pleasent surroundings.I sing your prasises regularly! <<
-->> go more natural with treatments diagnosis and anthroposophy organise a patient's interests
group - campaign to defend universal free healthcare <<
-->> good availability of appts <<
-->> good if you like natural remedies <<
-->> Good people <<
-->> Good service. Convenience. Flexibility. Triage <<
-->> Here you are treated with respect by all - not a number to be processed. <<
-->> Holistic and offer alternative approaches. Verypatient-orientated, and whole person <<
-->> Holistic approach Nice environment <<
-->> homeopathic advice and treatment <<
-->> homeopathic and natural approach <<
-->> homeopathic approach, alternative ideas on health, not just medication <<
-->> Homeopathic but would not recommend becauseit is so difficult to get to see a doctor. Your
appointment sysytem is very frustrating. I don't like having to wait so long to see a doctor. Its
ridiculous, 1 month when you're ill or have a condition that needs help. You should be fined for
poor service <<
-->> homeopathy and alternative therapies <<
-->> homeopathy/ anthroposophical medication, very congenial environment, helpful friendly
staff. <<
-->> I am aware of the therapy rooms and I have already recommended you to the family and
friends <<
-->> I appreciate the holistic focus of the practice (anthroposophy) <<
-->> I have always been given the time I need at an appointment and recieved good care over
the years <<
-->> i like that antibiotics are only prescribed if really necessary. <<
-->> i like that i never have to wait in waiting room for long. i would like to be seen soon as my
phone call was several days ago <<
-->> I never feel the doctor/nurse is in a hurry lovely surroundings and no rubbish Easy to make
appointments - reception always friendly Possibilities of anthrax medicine Doctors are friendly
and not looking down on me <<
-->> i the helios atmosphere. on most occasions healthcare is second to best. i would recommend
helios to family/friends if they want more insight and alternative/complementary therapy. <<
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-->> I was recommended the practice because of its support of homeopathic/holistic remedies
and have recommended to others. <<
-->> I would certainly recommend it to my friends who are interested in recieving homeopathic
treatment rather than going straight into medical drugs. It's a nice atmosphere as well, just
generally there is a nice feel anout the surgery. <<
-->> I would recommend you anyway <<
-->> Id recommend it on the basis that its holistic and i can get advice /prescriptions for herbal
remedies as well as usual medication if necessary. <<
-->> inclusion of alternative therapies, longer appts, very approachable drs and nurses <<
-->> it looks to the whole person, and not just the symptoms, i feel i am treated as an individual
and not just a problem to move on <<
-->> it's good to have the availability of alternative therapy <<
-->> Knowlegable and interested GP <<
-->> Less waiting time would help The link to buxton and grant is great <<
-->> like Dr Monica <<
-->> location, environment is warm and inviting, very friendly staff, holistic approach to medical
diagnosis <<
-->> Lovely premises Nice drs and staff who DO actually listen to you <<
-->> lovely quiet atmosphere, the choice between alternative therapies and conventional and i
loved the charity shop <<
-->> midwifes are excellent <<
-->> More individual service/ not one size fits all. more holistic (an awareness of the mind body
spirit connection in healthy disease) approach./ conventional and alternative treatments
considered. <<
-->> No I would not recommend it takes far to long to get an appointment and because i am a
young 'healthy' women you seem to place less importance on my health <<
-->> nothing <<
-->> on the main part have always had a friendly service from everyone <<
-->> over the 12 years i have been with the practice i feel the appointment system and general
approach has improved enormously <<
-->> personal care and attention ease of getting repeat prescription online informative websites
-->> philosophical approach <<
-->> pleasant waiting room <<
-->> proximity, now gererally easy to get an appt,. fell that most drs take my visits seriously.
repeat prescriptions service with buxton and grant works well <<
-->> Range of alternative therapies <<
-->> Range of services from complementary, homeopathic to traditional western medicine. Long
appointments, 20 mins good, nice surroundings, garden <<
-->> Relaxing environment, quiet and not too many people, friendly receptionist, Homeopathic
treatments, advice/talking not always drugs or phone backs <<
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-->> seems to be run very efficiently <<
-->> service <<
-->> Steiner approach. <<
-->> that drs can prescribe anthroposhical medicine, i feel i get unbiased advice rather than
merely pharaceutical industry recommended treatment <<
-->> that it is anthrosophical. This is the most important thing but also each doctor gives each
patient unhurried time. If we have to wait at the waiting room it doesn't matter because the
service is so good. The garden and the feel of the building is wonderful. <<
-->> the ability to talk to a dr same day by phone and get appt same day for urgent matters. top
quality drs. the fact that the waiting room never seems too crowded or hectic <<
-->> the alternative medicine/open mindedness of this what i approaciate. also, the caring nature
of most drs <<
-->> the alternative therapies on offer, especially for my children. antibiotics are not your first or
only option. unique time the staff spend listening to individuals is very positive. reception staff
are not condesending unlike many practices i have attended previously <<
-->> the amount of services offers <<
-->> the anthroposhic nature of the clinic is a significant season why i would recommend the
practice (proximity to where I live and car parking is a minor reason why i use the practice)
great female doctors is another reason why i would recommend <<
-->> the anthroposophical approach. no pressure immunise children/ babes. high quality care and
attention. <<
-->> the deep based philosophy on which this surgery, helios, is founded. an understanding of
and insight into the whole human being and his/her relationship to his/her inner being <<
-->> The exquisite telephone and face to face manners of the staff at the reception and the
relaxed yet efficient general atmosphere one experiences at the clinic. <<
-->> The fact that it is a little less regimented. Willing to consider alternative methods. <<
-->> the fact that it offers both orthodox and complimentary medicines, good system of booking
appts, pleasant waiting area longish time given for appts <<
-->> The front desk are nice and accomodating. I like the cleanliness and the nice vibe of office, it
feels less clinical <<
-->> The GPs and nurse take time and interest in the patient <<
-->> The Gp's who use anthroposophical medicine Lovely staff members including recptionists I
find it very frustratingthat that I have to wait weeks to get an appointment <<
-->> the high quality of drs and mainly efficient appointment system <<
-->> the holistic appraoch and care awareness and support of homeopathy, quality environment
and openness to research. lots of choice and support <<
-->> The Holistic approach and friendly staff <<
-->> The holistic approach. Friendly staff <<
-->> the opportunity of regualr or alternitive treatments. when a medical crisis going all out to
get tests and treatments <<
-->> The possibility of a longer appointment to deal with a problem in greater depth. <<
-->> the possibility to access anthroposphilcal medical treatments. an approach that treats causes
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and not just symptoms. holistic approach <<
-->> the professioanl yet friendly and empathetic attitude of all the staff <<
-->> The provision of anthroposophical therapies and the prescribing of complementary
medications. It is also a stunningly beautiful place to come to. <<
-->> The relaxed, unbureaucratic and friendly ambience. The garden. <<
-->> The staff keep an open mind on alternative medications and treatments to complement
those normally used in GP surgeries. If I or my family need advice on any health related subject
it is generally available and willingly given. You do not feel as if you are being rushed during an
appointment. These points are fundamental and vital to me and my family. <<
-->> The therapies a positivity <<
-->> the use / encouragement of herbal / homeopathic medicines if you want but now I'm on
chemotherapy i don't want <<
-->> The use of complanatory and Holistic medical practice, less reliance on commercial drugs <<
-->> There is an overall feeling that all of the staff really care about the patients they deal with,
from reception (who are exceptionally helpful compared to reception staff at other surgeries) to
doctors (who give each patient as much time and attention as they need, not bound by the
clock). In my opinion that alone makes the surgery unique and is more than enough to
recommend the surgery to possible patients. In addition they offer anthroposophical medicine
and therapies, which for those who value this kind of treatment is of particular interest and
should be widely publicised. <<
-->> Tidier and cleaner than other drs surgeries. Relaxing waiting room. Midwife visits very
useful. <<
-->> to have more patient involvement to enchance better practices <<
-->> usually very helpful and quick to respond to urgent appts needed. thank you <<
-->> Variety of doctors with experience with and availability of alternative therapies. <<
-->> very caring doctors which listen to you. receptionists are helpful. like the option of
homeopathy. <<
-->> Very cooperative staff, invariably willing to help <<
-->> Very thorough investigations by Doctors. Very good service. <<
-->> Yes, the fact that its alternative <<
-->> Yout holistic approach and open to all therapies <<
Appendix C
>> ? <<
-->> did not know about them <<
-->> did not know of the website <<
-->> Did not know that Helios had a website <<
-->> Did not know Website had useful info, also not very good at computers, also when I used
NHS111 its a serious Urgernt situation and I needed to talk to someone, would not have
considered website <<
-->> Didn't consider them/ unaware they existed. <<
-->> didn't know about helios website- will have a look! <<
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>> didn't know about haven't needed NHS 111 or to speak to a pharmacist. <<
-->> didn't know about them <<
-->> Didn't know I could <<
-->> didn't know it existed <<
-->> Didn't know it's for this purpose <<
-->> Didn't know of it - will investigate now <<
-->> didn't know of its existence <<
-->> didn't know of them <<
-->> didn't know you had a website <<
-->> didn't occur to me <<
-->> didn't realise useful information could be obtained from website. did not know about <<
-->> Don't know what it is <<
-->> don't know what is <<
-->> Either I haven't needed them or hadn't heard of them. <<
-->> Either never needed or never crossed my mind. <<
-->> Had no need <<
-->> had no reason to do so, i know quite a lot due to previous training <<
-->> Has not been relevant to my needs / situation. i do not reallymake use of the internet prefer personal/telephone contact. <<
-->> Have not needed to <<
-->> Haven't needed to <<
-->> i am not aware of the services <<
-->> i call if i need an appointment <<
-->> i didn't know about them <<
-->> I do not have a computer <<
-->> i dont have a computer <<
-->> i don't know anything about have not needed NHS 111 not sure how the
website would help. <<
-->> i get satisfaction from the helios <<
-->> I have a good friend wh is a gp <<
-->> i very rarely need a dr or their practice <<
-->> I was unaware of the Helios and of <<
-->> I wasn't really aware or rather didn't think about using it. <<
-->> it has never crossed my mind <<
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>> just not thought of them, use internet to search on symptoms <<
-->> My ailments are not normally ones any of above could answer. I do find i can access my
oncologist faster then having surgery appointment. <<
-->> myself not computer literate <<
-->> n/a <<
-->> Need not yet apparent <<
-->> Never had the need, Helios has been enough <<
-->> never heard of before <<
-->> never heard of them <<
-->> Never knew about website <<
-->> never needed <<
-->> Never needed to access website/online services <<
-->> never needed to. <<
-->> Never thought about checking website <<
-->> New to surgery, wasn't aware if, i thought nhs 111 was more for serious/a&e
situations <<
-->> nhs was useless, they didn't know anything at all <<
-->> nO CALL FOR <<
-->> no computer <<
-->> no need <<
-->> no requirement <<
-->> No trust in 111. No relationship with a pharmacist. <<
-->> Not aware of Helios website or <<
-->> Not aware of it <<
-->> not aware of before now <<
-->> Not aware of the service <<
-->> not aware of these services <<
-->> not been necessary. patient uk did not know what it was until receptionists told me <<
-->> not heard of it <<
-->> not heard of patient uk. not found relevant info on helios website. <<
-->> not heard of and don't understand what nhs 111 is for <<
-->> not needed <<
-->> not needed to <<
-->> not on my radar <<
-->> not requested to date <<
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-->> Not yet needed <<
-->> Not yet using internet for this particular reason <<
-->> poor at using computers nhs direct wanted too many irrelevant details. useless <<
-->> Rarely ill main reason for visit is contraception <<
-->> Think it can be dangerous to self-diagnose from info on internet - can be stressful! I work at
health food shop so have access to knowledgable and alternative approaches and treatments <<
-->> Unaware <<
-->> unaware of <<
-->> Unaware of Not comfortable speaking to pharmacists - too busy <<
-->> unaware of, pharmacist not always easily available, and always an after
thought <<
-->> unaware of them <<
-->> Used other sources and usually resolves issue <<
-->> usually unhelpful <<
-->> Was not aware <<
-->> Was not aware of Helios website and didn't look for it either <<
-->> Was not aware that they would be useful <<
-->> Wasn't aware of them. <<
-->> wasn't aware they existed or could help <<
-->> we try to keep fit and healthy and when ill speak to homeopathic helpline first. this normally
works <<
-->> would rather go to dr directly <<
A Description of the action which the Practice and /or the Local Area Team intend to take as a
consequence of discussions with the PPG in respect of the results, findings and proposals
arising out of the local Practice survey. If this is not the first year of the scheme, detail here any
changes and issues since the last local patient participation report was completed.
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From what we have found from the survey we intend on improving our awareness of additional services
that we offer. Including on the website and the waiting room. Even if a patient does not need them, at
least the patient is aware that they are available.
Suggestions include: Updating the website, having more posters and banners in the waiting room and
having a recorded message on the telephone for OOH services.
Looking back at last years surveys and comments, the reception team are now more confident about
asking the nature of the patients illness/ queries and this has led to a more efficient triage system. We also
put into place a more robust call and re-call system for our chronic disease clinics which has benefited
both patient and practice.
A description of the opening hours of the Practice premises and the method of obtaining
access to services through the core hours:
08:00 - 19:00
08:00 - 18:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
07:15 - 18:30
08:00 - 18:30
A description of any extended opening hours that the Practice has entered into and which
health care professional are accessible to registered patients.
The first Saturday of the month there is a GP clinic from 9:00 – 11:00
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