How Do Winter Water Animals Stay

How Do Winter Water Animals Stay Warm
Weatherguide Calendar Lesson
Created by Steve LaVigne, ISD #1, 1/2008
Grade: 2
Subjects: Science
Understand that organisms
live in different environments
Observe and describe some
features of plants and animals
that allow them to live in
specific environments
Time: One day, small groups, 15-20 minutes each
Objective: Explore how fat helps Minnesota water mammals stay warm in cold water.
Concept: To survive in icy waters, animals such as beaver, otter, and muskrat depend upon
thick waterproof fur and a layer of fat to keep them warm. The fat helps insulate their bodies
from the cold.
Materials: Can of vegetable shortening, container filled with water and ice, and Minnesota
Weatherguide Environment Calendar.
Key Words: Insulation, fat
Hold up a winter scene picture from the Minnesota Weatherguide Environment Calendar,
preferably showing open water. Discuss how different animals in Minnesota survive the cold
winter and document student thoughts on the chalkboard. Explain that students will participate
in an experiment about how some mammals stay warm in the water in winter.
Activity for small groups
1. Fill a container full of water and ice (ice should not be packed).
2. Have each student, one at a time, put their finger into the water and document their
reaction. Have them dry their finger.
3. Have each student put vegetable shortening around the same finger (make sure it is
completely covered).
4. Put the finger back into the water and document the reaction this time.
5. Another way to conduct this activity is to have each student put both thumbs in the ice
water at the same time, one thumb covered in shortening and the other bare. They can
then write a paragraph about the insulation that the shortening provided.
Template created by C. Rieckenberg, 1/2007
Questions for Discussion
1. What provides animals with the fat layer? Food.
2. How does the fat layer keep the animal warm? It acts as an insulator. The animal’s body
temperature heats the fat, which pairs with the fur to ward off the cold.
3. What are some ocean animals that depend upon a thick fat layer for survival? Seals,
whales and dolphins.
Taking it Further
1. Have students do research papers on mammals such as beaver, muskrat, and otter that
swim in cold water.
2. Compare two different kinds of fat such as lard and vegetable shortening to determine if
one better insulates.
3. Show examples of high fat and low fat foods that people eat.
4. Show examples of high fat foods that animals eat in winter; i.e., bird seed, wild nuts.
5. Discuss other strategies animals have for staying warm in winter: hibernation, a second
coat of fur, snuggling, and using snow as an insulator.
Template created by C. Rieckenberg, 1/2007