Italian Heritage and Culture Month Project – presentations begin

Italian Heritage and Culture Month Project (100 points)
Presentations begin week of 10/14
Students (G3) will research two famous Italians (one male and the other female).
Use at least three sources. The goal is to learn about Italians who have made noteworthy
contributions to society.
You may present in English. Written summary must accompany the presentation. Your format
for the written summary should include: (1) a title page with students’ names, school’s name,
course name, teacher’s name and date; (2) the body of the research paper should include the
name of the famous Italian, the question/s you answer is why they are famous, who did what in
the preparation of this presentation, how you did what you did, the result of your search, an
analysis of the information you were able to find on your topic, and your conclusions regarding
your topic. Your written portion should be a single paragraph double-spaced and between 150
and 250 words.
Cite your sources. Include a bibliography in APA format. Please let me know if you do not
understand this.
You will also be required to hand in some form of artwork or something that in your group’s
opinion best depicts the topic/person your group has been assigned.
Let’s Review:
1. You will be required to present to the class the topic/person I assign your group in English.
Discuss why this person (or persons) is important, what they accomplished, when they lived,
where they are from, and anything you think the rest of us will find very interesting. Keep this
portion of the presentation between three and five minutes. Each person in the group must speak
for at least one minute. Be creative in your presentation (a news report, a scene, a song, etc.) This
is worth 10 points.
2. Artwork that best depicts the topic/person. Be creative in the way it is presented, the best will
be hung up on the wall. 10 points
If you are clearly not one of the main speakers in any of the portions of the assignment, then you
are the person required to put together the artwork. If it is evident you are not doing your fair
share of work, you will be penalized with a deduction in points.
Rubric for presentation and for artwork:
4 = Exceptional. Evidence of thorough research...very creative presentation.
3 = Good. It’s clear you put time and effort into this but you could have been more creative.
2 = OK. You could have done better.
1 = Poor. Incomplete job.
0 = It is clear that little or no effort was expended.
Please let me know if you have someone else in mind that you believe has made a great
contribution to the world on behalf of Italians and Italian-Americans.