Pediatric Emergencies

Pediatric Emergencies
This session will overview common emergencies and should also help you to improve
your clinical thinking. For each case you will have a chief complaint listed. Based on
the chief complaint only, list 5 things on the differential. That list should include both
what is most common and what would be worrisome. Next you will get to ask 5
historical questions which the group will choose through discussion. After those
responses, prioritize your ddx and add to it if necessary. In each case the PMH is that the
child is well and has had normal well child care. The FH is noncontributory and the SH
is secure. You can then ask for a full PE, as long as you can outline what you are
looking for on each piece of PE. The group can then choose 5 laboratory tests or studies
to order. After those results you must name your answer and make an initial management
plan. The objectives for the session are to:
1. Improve clinical thinking skills through logical, directed practice
2. Recognize common pediatric emergencies
3. Generate differential diagnoses to common complaints
4. Outline initial management steps to common pediatric emergencies
A 9 yo boy presents with lethargy.
An 18 month old girl presents with seizure.
A 16 yo girl is found with Altered Mental Status.
A 2 yo boy presents with rash.
A 12 month old girl refuses to move her right arm.
A one month old is brought in after an ALTE.
A 4 yo presents with fatigue and rash.
A toddler with sickle cell disease and pallor.