thoracic/ endo/ urology

Week 9 - Thoracic Surgery/ Endocrinology/ Urology
1. 2005.2 Q3
A 38 year old woman presents in a post-ictal state. A venous blood gas on arrival reveals a
Sodium level of 110 mmol/L (Reference Range: 135-145 mmol/L).
a. List the possible causes of hyponatraemia in this patient.
b. Outline your management of this patient.
2. 2007.2 Q8
A 12 year old girl with cystic fibrosis presents unwell with a fever and acute
shortness of breath. Her observations are:
A Chest X-ray reveals bilateral patchy consolidation and a 20% left sided
Describe your management of this child.
3. 2010.1 Q4
Discuss the investigations for a suspected pulmonary embolus in a 24 year
old woman who is 10 weeks pregnant.
4. 2010.2 Q2
A 16 year old woman is brought to the emergency department by her parents who are
concerned about her recent loss of weight. She is known to have an eating disorder
and currently has a BMI of 15
What features on assessment would determine this woman’s disposition
5. 2011.2 Q4
A 72 year old man presents from a nursing home with 4 days of increasing confusion.
His GP letter notes that he has a history of dementia, hypertension and ischaemic
heart disease.
The following laboratory results were obtained on his arrival in the emergency
Describe your further assessment of this patient
6. 2012.1 Q6
A 4 month old infant presents with a reduced conscious state following a brief generalised
seizure at home. An initial blood sugar is 1.5mmol/L.
a. List your differential diagnosis (30%)
b. Describe your assessment (70%)
7. 2012.2 Q1
A 3 month old girl, born at term with no perinatal complications, presents to your
emergency department with her mother. Her mother reports that she has had 2 days of
breathing difficulty and poor feeding. Clinically you suspect she has bronchiolitis.
She is fully immunised.
On arrival her observations are:
HR 130 /min
BP 90/50 mmHg
RR 50 /min
O2 Saturation 92 % on room air
Temperature 37.5 oC rectal
a. List and justify investigations you may perform for this patient (30%)
b. Describe the factors that would affect your disposition (70%)
8. 2013.2 Q1
A 3 year old girl is referred to the Emergency Department by a GP with a rash. The GP had
phoned the Emergency Department prior to the child arriving with concerns about the
child's wellbeing.
Outline your assessment of the child in view of the GP's concerns. (100%)