

Professional Studies

EDG 3216

Occasional Topic – Time Management

The Habit of Renewal

Adapted from The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen Covey

Physical Renewal

The physical dimension involves caring effectively for your physical body – eating the right kinds of food, getting sufficient rest and relaxation, and exercising on a regular basis. With proper attention to diet, stress level, and exercise, your self-esteem, self-confidence, and integrity will grow. To renew yourself physically, consider the items on the following list:

 Stay on top of current health information.

 Exercise on a regular basis.

 Include flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular-endurance exercises in your fitness program.

 Build physical skills on a regular basis.

 Build your diet on vegetables, fruits, breads, cereals, and grains.

 Use positive ways to deal with stress.

 Get the proper amount of sleep/rest.

 Make sure your habits and lifestyle contribute to long-term physical health.

Mental Renewal

The mind grows stronger when we challenge it. When daily activities become mundane and lack challenge, we become mentally dull. Stimulating the mind by learning new things makes us more alert and responsive. By continually challenging the mind, we will find ourselves better able to solve problems and meet challenges. Mental renewal activities may include the following:

 Read books. Books open and expand the mind.

 Keep a journal. A journal can become a place to meet issues and work out problems.

 Write creatively. Writing is both therapeutic and rewarding.

 Solve puzzles. Not only are puzzles enjoyable, but they often teach problem-solving skills.

 Have a hobby. Many hobbies stimulate the brain and can be relaxing and personally fulfilling.

 Write poetry. Poetry can express our inner most self in a unique, often inspirational fashion.

 Collect quotations. The sentiments of great people stimulate the mind.

 Study independently. This is the ultimate in mental saw sharpening. Many well-known scholars have begun without degrees or academic connections.

 Listen to uplifting music. The works of many composers are timeless and edifying.

 Continue your education. Exposing ourselves to new things hones and expands the mind.

Professional Studies- Habits of Renewal – SPR 2001 – Dr. L. Christensen

Spiritual Renewal

The spiritual dimension is our source of meaning and purpose. Spiritual activities uplift and inspire us, and they help us discover and understand our mission and purpose. They reinforce our commitment to our mission and values. Here are some suggestions to Sharpen the Saw spiritually:

 Create, review, and refine your mission statement.

 Watch, listen, and observe the world of nature.

 Study great literature. Literature is great when the author uniquely illustrates timeless themes.

 Read biographies. Those who have become great can be examples of spiritual values in action.

 Appreciate music and art. Great music and art are pure expressions of spiritual value.

 Build integrity. Commit to a life of total integrity.

 Practice religious worship that uplifts and edifies.

 Cultivate a rich private life.

Although we share a common spiritual context, our path to it may not be the same. Choose activities that suit your interests and inclinations.

Social/Emotional Renewal

Making deposits in the Emotional Bank Account of others develops the social/emotional dimension.

Meeting new people and deepening existing relationships allows us to Sharpen the Saw socially. We grow in this dimension every time we encounter a new social or emotional challenge. In this way, even social experiences we might consider unpleasant can enrich us.

Following are suggestions to Sharpen the Saw socially:

 Cultivate family relations. Family includes immediate and extended family – brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, cousins, in-laws, etc.

 Keep your relationships in constant repair. Attend to the courtesies, listen to understand, keep commitments, and sincerely apologize when you make a withdrawal.

 Build new friendships. Be open to widening your circle of friends.

 Engage in creative work and service. Acts of service, particularly anonymous acts, transform people by increasing their awareness of and sensitivity to others.

 Value the difference in others and look for opportunities to synergize.

Professional Studies- Habits of Renewal – SPR 2001 – Dr. L. Christensen
