THOMAS HERBERT WAKEMAN III - Stevens Institute of Technology

Eng.Sc.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY
MS, Civil Engineering w/ minor in Environmental Management, Univ. California, Berkeley/Davis
MA, Marine Biology w/ minor in Geology, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
BS, Marine Biology, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
9/07 to present – Deputy Director, Center for Maritime Systems, and Research Professor, Civil,
Environmental, and Ocean Engineering Department, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.
9/05 to 8/07 – Program Manager, Regional Port Programs, Port Commerce Department, Port Authority
of New York & New Jersey, overall responsible for planning and development of a regional port-related
freight strategy, evaluating regional impacts, particularly with respect to freight mobility, and
identification of new off-port infrastructure development demands within the metropolitan region.
3/04 to 9/04 – Principal Maritime Advisor, Coalition Provisional Authority, responsible for advising
the Iraqi Minister of Transportation and Director General of the Iraqi Port Authority on port
infrastructure and maritime commerce and leading a multi-national team to rebuilding of ports of Iraq.
1/01 to 9/05 – General Manager, Waterways Development, Port Commerce Department, Port
Authority of New York & New Jersey, responsible for strategic planning and development of Port
waterways and capital construction program for $2 billion navigation facilities investments in the Port
complex in cooperation with federal agencies, States of New York and New Jersey, and New York City.
9/94 to 12/00 - Dredging Program Manager, Port Commerce, Port Authority of New York & New
Jersey, responsible for planning, development and management of operating and capital dredging
program and for navigation aspects of comprehensive Port Business Investment Plan for the expansion
of Port berth and channel facilities.
2/90 to 8/94 - Special Projects Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District,
responsible for project management and coordination of regional $17 million federal/state plan for
dredging and disposal management, annual $25 million federal maintenance dredging program, and
planning for $130 million John Baldwin navigation channel deepening project.
8/85 to 1/90 - Model Director, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bay-Delta Physical Model, Sausalito,
California, responsible for managing and operating hydraulic laboratory and physical model of San
Francisco Bay and Delta used for investigating water resource management and navigation projects.
2/83 to 7/85 - President, Earth Doctors, Davis, California, responsible for administration, business
development and consulting activities in water quality, sewage treatment, and coastal engineering.
1/82 to 1/83 - Research Hydraulic Engineer, Hydraulic Engineering Center, Davis, California,
responsible for field investigations and numerical simulations of water quality changes and sediment
transport in riverine and estuarine systems.
Academic Associations:
2007, Visiting Professor, Civil, Envir. and Ocean Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology,
Hoboken, NJ, teaching Port Planning and Development, Spring semester.
2006, Visiting Scholar, Wagner Rudin Center for Transportation and Policy, New York University
2006, Visiting Professor, lectures in Earth Systems Engineering & Environmental Asset
Management, Civil and Envir. Engineering Department, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
2001, Adjunct Professor, Transportation Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, Columbia
University, New York, NY
1999, Visiting Lecturer, Sustainable Port Development and Management, World Trade Institute,
Pace University, New York, NY
1996, 1997 and 1999, Visiting Lecturer, Infrastructure & Environment Module, Graduate Student
Summer Program, Maine Marine Academy, Castine, Maine
1982, Teaching Assistant, Water Quality Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA
Professional Affiliations:
2006- present, USDOT, Marine Transportation System National Advisory Council, Washington DC
2005- present, Maritime Infrastructure Engineering and Management Program Advisory Board and
Industry Advisory Board, Civil Engineering Department, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
2005- present, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Task Committee on Navigation
Engineering, Coastal, Oceans, Rivers and Ports Institute, Reston, VA
2003-present, International Vice-president, PIANC International, Brussels, Belgium
2003-present, Chairman, Marine Environmental Committee, Transportation Research Board,
National Research Council, National Academies, Washington D.C.
2002- present, Maritime Systems Advisory Board, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
2002-present, Sea Grant Advisory Board, New Jersey Sea Grant College Program, New Jersey
Marine Sciences Consortium, Sandy Hook, NJ
2000-2001, Steering Committee, Workshop on Environmental Windows for Dredging Projects,
Marine Board, National Research Council, March 19-20, 2001, Washington, D.C.
2000-2004, Co-chair, Dredged Material Management Integration Work Group, New York/New
Jersey Harbor Estuary Program, USEPA/States of New York & New Jersey
2000-2004, Editorial Board, Journal of Dredging Engineering, Western Dredging Association
2000-2004, Board of Directors, North Broadway Community Association, White Plains, NY
1999-present, Eastern Region Vice-president, PIANC, U.S.A. Section, Washington, DC
1999, Co-chair, Symposium on Application of Risk Management in the Marine Transportation
System, National Research Council, March 29-30, 1999, Beckman Center, Irvine, CA
1998-2003, U.S. Section Representative to Maritime Commission, Deep Draft Navigation, PIANC
International, Brussels, Belgium
1997-2005, Board of Industry Advisors, World Dredging, Mining & Construction, Irvine, CA
1997-2000, Board of Directors, Western Dredging Association
1996-1998, Corresponding Member, Amer. Soc. Civil Engr. Task Committee on Engineering
Management at the Organizational Level, Management Division
1995-1998, Member, Technical Committee on Environment, U.S. Section, International Navigation
Association (PIANC), Washington, D.C.
1994-1997, Chair, National Dredging Conference, sponsored by the Maritime Association of the
Port of New York, New York, NY
1994-1996, Co-chair, Dredging, Transport and Disposal Work Group, Regional Forum, NY
1993-1994, Treasurer, International Urban Estuary Network, Inc., San Francisco, CA
1990-1993, Co-chairman, Technical Advisory Committee, San Francisco Estuary Project (SFEP)
1992-1993, Treasurer, Friends of the Estuary, Inc., San Francisco, CA
1987-1992, Co-chairman, Dredging and Waterway Sub-committee, SFEP, San Francisco, CA
1985, Engineer-In-Training, California Department of Consumer Affairs, Sacramento
1985-1989, Control Member, ASCE, Task Committee on Aquatic Habitat and Sediment Transport
1976, Civil Works Fellowship for Long Term Training, US Army, Office of Chief of Engineers
1976, Calif. Community College Instructor’s Cert. No. 90083, Zoology, Sacramento, CA
2006, James G. Hellmuth Unit Citation/Metal Award, Port Authority of New York & New Jersey,
New York (Recognition of Kill van Kull-Newark Bay Channel 45-foot Dredging Project)
2006-present, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (Marquis biographee)
2005-present, Who’s Who in Finance and Business (Marquis biographee)
2004, Civilian Service Achievement Medal, Coalition Provisional Authority, Washington DC
2004, Public Service Award, ASCE, Lower Hudson Valley Branch, New York, NY
2003, Team Project Award, Port Commerce Department, Port Authority of New York & New
Jersey, New York (Recognition for coordination and participation in public outreach)
2002, Director’s Award of Excellence, Port Commerce Department, Port Authority of New York &
New Jersey, New York (Recognition for exceptional job performance)
1999-present, Who’s Who in America (Marquis biographee 54 through 60th editions)
1999, Director’s Team Project Award, Port Commerce Department, Port Authority of New York &
New Jersey, New York (activities in support of WRDA passage)
1998, Director’s Team Project Award, Port Commerce Department, Port Authority of New York &
New Jersey, New York (construction of Newark Bay confined disposal facility)
1995, State of New Jersey Assembly Commendation, Contributions to the Governor’s Dredged
Material Management Team, 11th Legislative District, Rep. S. Corodemus
1995, Distinguished Service Award, Seamen’s Church Institute, New York
1994, Award for Outstanding Performance, Government & Community Affairs Department, Port
Authority of New York & New Jersey, New York
1992, Certificate of Appreciation, San Francisco Estuary Project, US EPA, San Francisco, CA
1990, Who’s Who Among Young Americans, biographee
1989, Special Act Award, Loma-Prieta Earthquake, USACE, San Francisco District, CA
1986, Special Act Award, Coastal Engineering Research Board, USACE, Washington, D.C.
1984-1985, Who’s Who in the West, biographee
1982, Special Service Award, Regulatory Activities for Coastal Zone of California, USACE
1982-1983, Who’s Who in the West, biographee
1979, Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Society, Davis Chapter, CA
1973, Army Commendation Medal, US Army, Washington D.C.
Professional Affiliations:
PIANC International
American Society of Civil Engineers
Transportation Research Board
New York Academy of Sciences