Oral Rating Scale - the United Nations

United Nations English Language Proficiency Exam (LPE)
Oral Rating Scale
Bilingual. Speech is fluent and idiomatic. Pronunciation is native or very clear. It
is evident that the candidate had had long and intensive exposure to the spoken
language and probably uses it as a primary language.
Working knowledge. Speech is fluent but definitely non-native. The candidate
can sustain conversation, i.e. the candidate can bring up new topics, move freely
over a wide variety of topics and provide detailed information easily. Overall, the
candidate interacts comfortably with the interviewer, and has probably had
intensive experience with the language in a native language environment. Any
mistakes in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation do not impede the flow of
Superior candidate with limited experience in a native-speaking environment.
Candidate has enough control over the language to discuss a variety of topics
and is capable of sustaining the conversation in some of them. However, fluency,
range of expression, and vocabulary usage are not fully developed.
Candidate is willing to discuss many topics; however, speech is not smooth and
may become laboured if a topic is too complex or needs expansion. The
candidate can definitely discuss a variety of topics and engage in a general
conversation; however, fluency is uneven or rate of speech is very deliberate.
Minimal pass. The candidate is able to express him/herself coherently in
complete sentences over a variety of topics; however, there is great hesitancy
and effort evident in the performance. Vocabulary and range of expression are
Communication breaks down. Candidate is either very hesitant to speak or
cannot find adequate vocabulary to express his or her ideas. Responses are
often very short and do not consist of complete sentences. The candidate
depends heavily on the interviewer for prompts and show persistent
comprehension problems. The interviewer is restricted in the types of topics