Anaconda-Deer Lodge County Commission Work Session 6 p.m.

Anaconda-Deer Lodge County
Commission Work Session
6 p.m. March 13, 2012
Courthouse Courtroom
Present: Commission Chair Sweeney, Commissioner Lux-Burt, Commissioner Nyman, Commissioner Pierce, Commissioner Warner, CEO Guay
Discussion: Agreement between Anaconda-Deer Lodge County and Local No. 436 International Association of Firefighters
CEO Guay stated this agreement is the last labor agreement pending for this fiscal year.
It’s a bit different from the other agreements.
The parties agreed on all language issues, but there was a need to change some of the
language due to the sleep cycles and shift hours. The FLSA requires that firefighters be compensated above the 216 hour work cycle. Technically, they are not receiving a raise this year. The
base pay remains the same. However, we are modifying the agreement and the hours worked to
meet the FLSA requirements. Longevity will increase to $21.50 from $21.00. The base pay for
EMT’s will increase to $115.00 and for instructors, to $125.00. We are adding holiday pay. The
agreement is for one year to June 30, 2012.
Commissioner Nyman stated she discussed this with the firefighters, and they seem satisfied.
Item placed on the agenda.
Discussion: Addendum to SMA contract regarding the Courthouse Master Plan
John McKittrick, SMA Architects, discussed the ongoing master plan for the courthouse
campus. They are required to do the stone mason and interior evaluations. They have finished
with programming and met with staff. They have completed inventory of exterior and interior.
The old jail might become an integral part of the master plan due to the historical significance of
the building. The addendum is the result of that discussion. Stahly Engineering has done a structural analysis of the old jail. There is no asbestos report on either the courthouse or the jail. We
need to do a report on asbestos and lead paint.
CEO Guay asked if they have done anything to address the boiler situation.
Mr. McKittrick said there is a serious boiler issue. They thought about placing a boiler in
the old jail which would serve the courthouse through the existing tunnel system. That was an
expensive idea. The more economical way is one steam boiler at the location of the existing
steam boiler, but it would run all the time. Now they are considering a ‘serious boiler room’ and
making it part of the project. One way would be to have a steam boiler at the jail and later marry
it with another one in the courthouse and adapt the switches at that time.
Commissioner Sweeney asked what happened to the bio-mass discussion we had in the
Mr. McKittrick said they did discuss that study with his mechanical engineer; in the long
run it would have been very expensive and required a lot of networking in the city to make it feasible.
Commission Work Session
March 13, 2012/page two
Commissioner Warner asked what about doing bio-mas on a smaller scale?
Mr. McKittrick said we can look at that alternative, but it’s more complicated, but it’s
worth a look. It could take more time than we have. This is an urgent issue.
CEO Guay said we would need a budget authorization to allow for the study.
Mr. McKittrick said that all information is shared with the team. Previously, we did not
have plans for the courthouse. We now have plans for this building.
Planning Director Connie Ternes Daniels said the addendum agreement with Northern
Environmental/SMA has been reviewed by the County Attorney and she has made some revisions to the contract.
Item placed on the agenda.
Discussion: Architectural Services for the Boys and Girls Club
Planning Director Connie Ternes Daniels stated the County submitted the grant application on behalf of the Boys and Girls Club. This is a sub-recipient agreement. Since we hold the
grant, we must approve the agreement. It is a standard contract from CDBG; the County Attorney has reviewed it.
Adam Vauthier, Chair of the Boys and Girls Club, stated they are planning a trip to Bozeman and Billings to visit other centers to study and review other buildings. When they return
to Anaconda, they will also tour buildings available in town. He thanked Connie and Becky for
their work.
Item placed on the agenda.
Discussion: Special Event Permit – First Montana Easter Egg Hunt
Heather Edwards presented the request for the Ninth Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Benny
Goodman Park on April 6. The insurance rider has been received, and all departments have
signed off.
Item placed on the agenda.
Discussion: Special Event Permit – Knights of Columbus Easter Egg Hunt
Heather Edwards presented the request by the Knights of Columbus for their annual
Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 7.The certificate of insurance is attached, and all departments have signed off.
Commissioner Nyman would like the item placed on the agenda with verification that
ADLC is named as additional insured.
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Discussion: Resignation of Steve Jorgensen, Fire Chief, and appointment of Interim Fire
CEO Guay stated that three fire captains are interested in the interim and/or chief position. She recommends appointing within the department and filling the vacancy with a probationary firefighter. She would set up interviews as expeditiously as possible and make a selection.
If the Commission chooses to appoint an interim and go through a search process, we
would also proceed quickly.
Commissioner Lux-Burt stated that if we have three good candidates, we should promote
Item placed on the agenda.
Commissioners Lux-Burt and Warner will participate in the interviews.
Discussion: Resolution No. 12-16 Amending the Budget for the Anaconda-Deer Lodge
County Library Fund for Fiscal Year 2011/2012
CEO Guay explained that former library director Natalie Sliepcevich has left $30,000 to
the library for maintenance of the building and this is the budget amendment to create a line item
for that bequest.
Mitchell Grady, Library Director, stated there is no specific plan for all the money. One
project would be the upstairs windows. The board would also like to look at the possibility of
redoing the basement into useable space.
Commissioner Lux-Burt asked why this is a partial distribution. Mr. Grady explained that
there are still some minor adjustments to be made before final distribution takes place. The additional amount would not be very large.
Carl Nyman, 19 Apple Rose Drive, stated that Ms. Sliepcevich reputation as a taskmaster
was well earned. He was thrown out of one place in his life, and it was from the library—for
Planning Director Connie Ternes Daniels said she always admired Natalie. The library
was one place she could study in a quiet atmosphere.
Item placed on the agenda.
Discussion: Resolution No. 12-17 Amending the Budget for the ADLC Fire Fund for Fiscal
Year 2011/2012
CEO Guay said this amendment is for a FEMA grant for equipment in the amount of
Item placed on the agenda.
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Discussion: Resignation of Kellie Sawyer from Housing Authority Board and authorization
to advertise vacancy
CEO Guay stated that we have received a letter from the Housing Authority Board that
Kellie Sawyer has resigned and there is now a vacancy on that board.
Item placed on the agenda.
TIFD Board finances
CEO Guay thanked Senator Vuckovich for his contact with the Department of Revenue
to expedite a meeting for the interfacing of software with Black Mountain. She will be scheduling that soon.
Memorandums of Understanding – Big Hole River Study
Planning Director Connie Ternes Daniels stated that she has two MOU’s regarding a Big
Hole River study. One relates to a DNRC grant to do some flow studies on the flood plain, and
the other is with DEQ and consulting firm Future West. Two MOU’s are being proposed. County
Attorney Joan Borneman has the documents for review and we would like to place on the agenda
for New Business. There would be a $5000 commitment on our part.
Items placed on the agenda.
Jury Room
Commissioner Nyman asked if it would be possible to remove the sofa from the jury
CEO Guay will discuss it with the judge.
Finance Committee
Commissioner Warner asked if the finance committee could meet—with Commissioner
Nyman replacing him on that committee—in order to place the outstanding claims that were denied on the agenda.
CEO Guay stated that she will place them on the agenda at next week’s meeting individually so they can be voted on by the Commission.
Superfund negotiations
Commission Work Session
March 13, 2012/page five
Commissioner Lux-Burt stated she had a conversation with Superfund Consultant to Carl
Nyman. Negotiations are going in a positive way. A term sheet has been drafted and is being refined. They will meet with ARCo again on March 19.
Commissioner Sweeney stated he will be absent on March 27, Commissioner Lux-Burt
will be gone on May 15, and Commissioner Warner will be gone on March 20.
Modesty Creek Road
Commissioner Sweeney advised that Mr. Letica filed suit on Modesty Creek Road. There
was to be an Order to Show Cause hearing on Friday, but it has been rescheduled for Monday at
9 a.m. before Judge Krueger at the ADLC Courthouse.
Fire Truck apparatus bid
Heather Edwards stated that the bid for the fire truck apparatus will be placed on the
agenda next week.
Beaverdam Park dedication
Planning Director Connie Ternes Daniels stated that she is discussing a date for the dedication of Beaverdam Park with Senator Baucus to see when he will be available.
St. Patrick’s Race
Commissioner Sweeney stated that the weather for the St.Pat’s race was phenomenal. We
had big crowds.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Sandra L. Wenger
Clerk of the Commission
Mark Sweeney, Commission Chair