GWid: type your GWid here
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Annual Report for Fulltime Faculty Members
(Covers the period of May 1, 2011 – May 31, 2012)
Name ________________________________
Department ___________________________
Faculty Rank_______________________
Type of Appointment (tenured, tenure track, non-tenure accruing, special service) ______________
a. List published books (with publisher, month and year) and articles (with journal title, volume,
month, year, and page numbers) authored or coauthored during the period of May 1, 2011
through May 31, 2012.
1) Professional refereed publications (e.g., peer reviewed journal articles, peer
reviewed articles in conference proceedings)
2) Other professional publications (e.g., books, volumes you edited, chapters in edited
3) Shorter publications: (e.g., abstracts, encyclopedia entries, book reviews, nonrefereed articles)
4) Creative endeavors
b. List scholarly presentations for the last year and the date, sites, sponsors, or meetings.
c. List new academic prizes, major fellowships, awards, honors; include election as a fellow of a
national or international society; submission of an application to, nomination for, or receipt of
the following major fellowships and awards, or similarly prestigious ones; ACLS, Carnegie,
Dreyfus, Fulbright, Guggenheim, MacArthur, NEH, Sloan, Spencer, and Woodrow Wilson .
d. List new degrees, formal study, training, and new skills.
e. Describe research in progress submitted in manuscript form.
f. Describe proposals you submitted for research sponsorship, organizations to which they were
sent, and results (include amounts of grants received).
1) External – dates, those submitted and those awarded
2) Internal (GW) – dates, those submitted and those awarded
g. Briefly describe the impact of your recent research/scholarship/creative activity on: creation of
significant new knowledge, infrastructure for scholarship, teaching and learning in your
discipline, student research, underrepresented populations, policy, community and society. For
1) Student publications and presentations; undergraduate and graduate (including your
works with student co-authors)
2) Major media coverage and media appearances
3) Diversity on your research teams
h. Please provide 5 to 10 key words that describe your areas of scholarly interest.
GWid: type your GWid here
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a. List courses taught since your last report, with semester(s) offered and enrollments; indicate with
an asterisk any courses you designed or redesigned this year, or helped to design or redesign.
b. Describe any new teaching techniques you introduced, such as use of new technologies or new
learning pedagogies (include any use of service learning, collaborative learning, hybrid course
development, new student learning assessment methods).
c. Summarize student teaching evaluations (e.g. means, comparison with department means, number
of respondents, narrative comments).
d. Describe your contributions at the department, school or university level in teaching
improvement, curriculum development, assessment, program evaluation or other forms of
programmatic improvement.
e. Describe any professional development activities you engaged in related to enhancing your
teaching, such as workshops, webinars, faculty learning communities.
f. Provide any additional evidence of your contributions to teaching and learning (e.g. teaching
awards, reports of classroom observations, review of curricular materials, publications,
presentations, or workshops you led on teaching).
g. Name students whose dissertations and theses you directed – or for which you were a reader,
distinguishing the two – since your last report; include student’s name and program for each
h. List number of students for whom you were the principal academic advisor.
1) Undergraduate
2) Master’s
3) Doctoral
i. Describe supervision of students in internships, practicum experience, mentored research.
a. Describe service to the University for the period of May 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012.
1) List committee service: Department, School, Senate, and University.
2) Report administrative assignments: Department, School, and University.
3) If you serve as a mentor to a member of the faculty, report on your activities.
4) Report on any efforts you made to build a stronger GW community or enhance university
diversity (Report service to admissions, alumni development, student groups, faculty guide or
faculty in residence)
5) List your participation and attendance at School and University events, such as the
School and University commencement ceremonies.
b. List service to the greater D.C. community for the period of May 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012.
GWid: type your GWid here
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b. List national and international academic service for the period May 1, 2011 through May 31,
c. List leadership roles you have taken in professional societies since your last report (e.g. national
or international offices, committee assignments, journal editorships).
1) Describe other national service (e.g. reviewer of journal manuscripts, serving on a grant
review panel, reviewing tenure materials for another campus)
2) Describe other international service (e.g. hosting an international visitor, taking students
abroad, overseas research partnerships, establishing an MOU).
d. External Activities/Partnerships for the period of May 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012. List your
external professional activities and for each indicate
1) Name of the company, government agency, organization, or other entity involved.
2) Your role in relation to it (e.g., consultant, board member, president).
3) Your involvement in terms of number of days spent during the academic year (or your
involvement in terms of financial interest, if that is more appropriate).
Please indicate whether these activities and/or partnerships are remunerative or pro bono. Also
indicate how these activities relate to your responsibilities to the University and/or the University’s
responsibilities to society. If any of these activities may involve a perceived or actual conflict of
interest or conflict of commitment with your University responsibilities, please detail those issues
when completing your Faculty Member Financial Interest and Conflict of Interest Disclosure.
If under the “administrative assignments” category you report that you are serving as department
chair, program director, assistant or associate dean, or assistant or associate vice president, or
associate or vice provost, describe your goals (and the objectives to achieve these goals) for the past
academic year in this role, your accomplishments relative to the stated goals, and your planned goals
(and objectives to achieve these goals) for the next academic year. Be sure to emphasize activities
that were designed to enhance the university’s strategic priorities, the academic excellence of your
unit, and the diversity and success of other individuals within the GW community.
Note 1: Your chair and dean will evaluate your service to the University. If you wish, you may list
below the names of persons outside the University who may be asked to submit comments on
your professional activities.
Note 2: For faculty of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), the School of Nursing
(SoN) and the School of Public Health and Health Services (SPHHS): Use this section to
describe major clinical and practice activities, especially new programs, undertaken since
your last annual report.
Please use this section to describe any personal circumstances that may have had an impact on your
professional development and productivity.
Please include an MSWord file of your most recent CV as an attachment with this report.