Four ideas: Agreement form

, understand that it is truly an honor to be in the National Honor
Society and I will strive to keep the four ideals in my school, community, and life.
The following are the by-laws of the Central Chapter of NHS.
Scholarship: I will keep my GPA at or above 3.4. If not, I will be given one quarter to raise it
to a 3.4. I will challenge myself to do excellent work in and out of the classroom.
Service: I am a role model in the community, and I agree to do 40 hours of individual service
work in the next year. This will be recorded, signed and turned in (with at least 2 photos) by
February 15 each year. I will also participate in group projects and fundraisers that are
sponsored by the NHS throughout the year.
Leadership: I will continue to be a leader and strive for my best, along with helping others to
be their best. I will not permit myself to skip classes. I will attend meetings on the first and third
Friday of each month at 7:35. If I cannot attend; I will inform the advisor as soon as possible
(within 2 days of returning to school), pick up an agenda and fill out an absentee form. I will
also be in charge of a leadership project for the chapter; I will turn in the planning form two
weeks before my project and turn in the concluding form with pictures within two weeks after
the project. This project will be done before the banquet except for extenuating circumstances.
 I understand that if I miss 1-3 meetings, it will result in 1 additional hour of individual
service for each meeting missed.
 I understand that if I miss 4 meetings I will be placed on probation and receive a formal
letter from Mrs. Ludford.
 I understand that if I miss 5 meetings, a meeting will be scheduled with Mrs. Ludford and
the faculty council to re-evaluate my membership in Central’s Chapter of NHS
Character: As a role model, I will not break the law or violate the Minnesota State High
School League Rules and CHS policies; this includes drinking, smoking, vandalism, possession,
cheating, etc. In the classroom, I will strive to be a positive role model, be trustworthy, and
respectful to both the teacher and to classmates.
I understand that I must keep the above ideals, or I risk forfeiting my membership. If I violate
any of the above items, a letter will be sent home as a warning, the next violation I realize I will
have to meet with the faculty council to determine my membership. However, in the case of a
flagrant violation of school rules or civil laws, the member may be dismissed without prior
I have also reviewed the constitution and will abide by it and the by-laws.
NHS member
I, as a parent/guardian, know the expectations of the NHS and will support my son/daughter.