No unfinished business was before the Board.

Pennsylvania Future Business Leaders of America
Board of Directors Meeting
May 20-21, 2005
Call to Order
The regular meeting of the PA FBLA Board of Directors at the Penn Stater Hotel, State
College, was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Renee Hughes, Board Chairman.
New Board members were introduced.
Voting Members in Attendance: Trudy Barefoot, Danielle Crumrine, Brenda DeWire,
Renee Hughes, Kayla Miller, Melissa McDonald, Laura Barrett, Pam Scott, Azeem
Khan, Kristi Ryland, Mary Thomas, Fran Vitovsky, Stephanie Zigner
Voting Members Absent: Mitch Hummel
Ex-officio Members in Attendance: Bruce Boncal, Jim DiIorio, Michele Hopple, Brady
Liechty, Pat Rufe, Janet Skiles,
Ex-officio Members Absent: None
Guests in Attendance: None
The March 2005 minutes were approved as corrected. Danielle Crumrine was absent
from the March meeting rather than present as indicated in the minutes.
Executive Director’s Report
Bruce Boncal reported on several items:
1. Budget Comparison Report, July 1-May 15, 2005. The report was given.
2. Trust Fund Performance. The report was given for the quarter ended March 31, 2005.
3. William Selden Scholarship Fund. The report was given for the period ending May 15,
2005. A list of scholarship recipients and schools was presented
4. Membership Report. The membership report was given for the period ending May 15,
2005. Bruce Boncal presented a list of schools that have requested new chapter packets.
Pennsylvania is the 5th largest state chapter in the Association.
5. Account Balances. The report identifying financial account balances was presented to
the Board for the period ending May 15, 2005.
6. Scholarship Program. A report on scholarships awarded through the PA FBLA
scholarship program was given. A list of scholarship recipients was distributed. Some
scholarships were not presented due to lack of interest.
7. NLC Travel Account. A report on the NLC travel account for the period ending May 15,
2005, was presented.
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May 20-21, 2005
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8. SLC Statistics Report. A report on the number of attendees at the 2005 SLC was given.
There were 3,049 attendees—2,469 students, 372 advisers, 44 exhibitors, and 164 judges.
a. Seven regions attended the SLC using the membership incentive.
b. Twelve students who were able to attend the SLC because of the incentive placed
in the Top 10.
Management Team Reports/Updates
Bruce Boncal, Executive Director, presented an overview of strategic issues facing the
organization. Topics included:
a. How to integrate cyberschools into the organization and the creation of a Virtual
Pennsylvania chapter for those students who want to be FBLA members but there is
no chapter at their school.
b. Regions with declining membership, including Region 1.
c. A request for a realignment of Region 13 due to the large number of chapters.
d. Online training sessions for advisers and students using LiveMeeting.
e. Online testing to be conducted at the NLC with the impact on Pennsylvania students.
f. Bylaws revisions related to the management team.
g. Web site updates and the need for revisions.
h. Non-Traditional Media proposal to partner with PA FBLA.
i. Competing organizations now offering traditional events offered by PA FBLA.
j. School district budget issues and the impact on PA FBLA.
Danielle Crumrine moved, seconded by Brenda DeWire, to recess at 11:30 p.m. Pam
Scott moved, seconded by Fran Vitovsky, to amend the motion to recess after completing all of
Item #4 on the agenda. The amendment was approved. The amended motion was approved.
Janet Skiles, Conference Coordinator, reported on the State Leadership Conference, the
National Leadership Conference travel package and plans, and the bidding process for
trophies/plaques for the 2006 State Leadership Conference.
Pam Scott, State Adviser, reported on the 2004-05 state project, the 2005-06 state project
finalists, and the proposed 2005-06 state officer application process.
Michele Hopple, Competitive Events Coordinator, reviewed the 2004-05 competitive
events process, her election to the National Awards Program Committee, and the 2005-06
proposed competitive events changes.
Bruce Boncal, Executive Director, reported that the CTSO Facilitator position continues
to remain vacant.
Jim DiIorio, PDE Business Education Adviser, presented a PDE update.
The Board recessed at 12:30 a.m.
Committee Reports
The Board reconvened at 8:06 a.m., broke into respective committees, and returned at
10:18 a.m.
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May 20-21, 2005
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Membership Committee
1. The membership committee moved to no longer print and publish the student
handbook, but rather include it online at the web site. Motion carried.
2. The membership committee moved that the PA FBLA Live CD be included in the
New Chapter Recruitment Packet requested by schools. Motion carried.
3. The membership committee moved to permit Region 13 to split after discussion with
region advisers and the Executive Director. Motion carried.
4. The membership committee moved to partner with Non-Traditional Media LLC, but
with the provision that the entrepreneurial activities and funds would benefit the
current year’s PA FBLA chosen state project. Motion carried.
5. Action on the state officer application packet will be postponed until next Board
6. Action on the Board of Directors applications will be postponed until the next Board
7. A marketing plan for inactive/new chapters will be included in the state officer plan
of work.
8. Further study needs to occur on the cyberschools/cyberregions concept.
Conferences and Workshops Committee
1. The committee moved to go out to bid for stand-up trophies for individuals and team
events and flat plaques for chapter events and provide companies the option of a
multi-year contract. Motion carried.
2. The committee moved that the following procedure apply to the RLC and the SLC: if
one team member of a desktop publishing team is not present, the other team member
may be allowed to take the written test alone; however, both team members must be
registered for the respective conference and have taken the performance test at the
respective conference. Motion carried.
3. The organization should continue to investigate the feasibility of conducting online
testing at future conferences, including a cost analysis.
Human Resources Committee
1. The committee moved to establish the following 2005-06 salaries: Executive
Director, $33,000; Conference Coordinator, $18,000; Competitive Events
Coordinator, $10,500; State Adviser, $6,750; and clerical, $9.75/hour. Motion
2. The committee moved that regions with less than 250 members receive a $100
stipend; regions with 250-499 members receive a $150 stipend; and regions with 500
members or more receive a $200 stipend. To receive the stipend, the adviser must
attend the region advisers summit and proctor a test at the SLC. The region adviser
determines how to distribute the funds. Motion defeated.
3. Stephanie Zigner moved that the $100 region stipend be split in two payments—one
after attending the region advisers summit and one after proctoring a test at the
SLC—and the stipend may be used by the region adviser as they see fit. Motion
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May 20-21, 2005
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Finance Committee
1. The committee moved to approve the 2005-06 budget as presented. Motion carried.
Ad-hoc Committee on Bylaws Revisions
1. The committee will begin work at the October Board meeting.
Unfinished Business
No unfinished business was before the Board.
New Business
Fran Vitovsky moved, seconded by Melissa McDonald, to enter the state officer election
results in the minutes. Motion carried. The results are:
Laura Barrett
Vote Total
Azeem Khan
Mike King
Benjamin Heiland
Jason Nubile
East Stroudsburg South
Timothy Biba
Susan Heisey
Sarah Shively
Joya Pieri
South Western
South Side
Sunny Saxena
Kelly Krause
Meghan Stubblebine
Alison Lubold
Abby Lefelhoc
North Penn
Bishop Canevin
Line Mountain
Joey Bischof
Chestnut Ridge
Vice Presidents at Large:
Emily Butler
Patrick Landers
Ryan Smiley
Luke Skerpon
Kara Marie Spittler
Western Wayne
Central Columbia
Pleasant Valley
Pine Grove
Chestnut Ridge
First Vice President:
Kat Lynerd
Future Meetings
Future Board meetings are: (1) September 30, 2005, in Hershey; (2) March 3-4, 2006, in
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May 20-21, 2005
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The meeting was adjourned on Saturday, May 21, at approximately 11:17 a.m.
Bruce E. Boncal, Secretary to the Board