Biology First Quarter Test Study Guide

Biology First Quarter Test Study Guide
Introduction to Biology
Unicellular vs. Multicelluar Organisms
Characteristics of Living Things (Cells, Homeostasis, Organization, Reproduction, Energy Use,
Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction
Autotrophs vs. Heterotrophs
Hypothesis vs. Observation vs. Inference
Control vs. Experimental Groups
Independent vs. Dependent Variables
Reading Graphs/Data Tables/Diagrams/Charts
Total Power of Magnification of a Microscope (Ocular X Objective)
Basic Chemistry
Atom Structure (Protons, Neutrons, Electrons)
Covalent vs. Ionic Bonding
Acids vs. Bases
Characteristics of Water (Polarity, Hydrogen Bonding, Cohesion, Adhesion, Temperature Moderation)
Organic Chemistry
Monomers vs. Polymers vs. Macromolecules
Examples of Carbohydrates
Monomers of Carbohydrates
Function of Carbohydrates
Examples of Proteins
Monomers of Proteins
Function of Proteins
Characteristics of Enzymes (Reusable, Catalysts, Lower Activation Energy, Specific Substrate, Specific
Structure, Lock and Key Model, Denaturing)
Examples of Lipids
Monomers of Lipids
Function of Lipids
Examples of Nucleic Acids
Monomers of Nucleic Acids
Function of Nucleic Acids
Benedict’s Solution
Biuret Reagent
Iodine (Lugol’s Solution)
Brown Paper Test
Global Warming/Climate Change/Greenhouse Effect
Ozone Depletion
Pesticide Use
Levels of Ecological Organization (Biosphere, Ecosystem, Community, Population, Organism)
Biotic vs. Abiotic Factors
Habitat vs. Niche
Human Population Growth
Exponential Growth
Ecology Continued
Logistic Growth
Carrying Capacity
Limiting Factors
Density-independent Factor
Density-dependent Factors
Symbiotic Relationships (Mutualism, Commensalism, Parasitism)
Trophic Level Pyramids
Food Chains
Food Webs
Primary (first order), Secondary (second order), Tertiary (third order), Quaternary (fourth order) Consumers
Rule of 10% = 1/10 = .1
Water Cycle (Transpiration especially)
Carbon Cycle (as related to Global Warming)
Cell Biology
Cell Theory
All cells have….
Prokaryotic Cells vs. Eukaryotic Cells
Plants Cells vs. Animal Cells
Cell Membrane Structure and Function
Mitochondria Structure and Function
Ribosome Structure and Function
Nucleus Structure and Function
Cell Wall Structure and Function
Vacuoles (especially in plant cells)
Chloroplast Structure and Function
Levels of Cellular Organization (Cells, Tissues, Organs, Organ Systems, Organisms)
Cell Diagrams
Attention Students:
After studying the topics listed on this study guide, you should study all of your
notes/worksheets/handouts/returned work and review the sections of your textbook that pertain to
these topics. It is a good idea to spend some time looking at the diagrams, graphs, charts, etc. in your
blue biology textbook to practice interpreting the information found there.