Aluminum Foil Tower (Revised 11/18/2008)


Aluminum Foil Tower

(Revised 11/18/2008)


Build the tallest free-standing tower composed only of one sheet of aluminum foil that supports a standard ping pong ball.


: 4 students per group, 4 groups max plus captain.

Materials provided per group:

- One sheet of 61 cm (2 feet) long, of 12 inch (30.5 cm) wide regular Reynolds Wrap brand

Aluminum foil only.

- One standard ping pong ball

Allowable materials that each group may bring:

meter sticks or rulers,

scissors and hobby knives with cutting boards.

pencils, pens, and markers

You may not bring plans, stencils, photos or any other items



The tower must be built on the floor


The tower must stand stationary for five seconds and unassisted before a measurement is made by the judges.


The official height of the tower will be measured by the judges to the nearest 0.5 cm from the top of the ping pong ball to the base of the tower. It is the job of the captain to let the judges know when a measurement is to be taken.


The tower may be measured an unlimited number of times.


The ping pong ball may not be altered (cut, carved, squeezed, etc) in any fashion whatsoever!
