FOCS Unit 2 Day 10

FOCS – Human Computer Interaction
Unit 2 Day 10
Journal Entry: Unit #2 Entry #9
Convert text to binary
Convert the message ‘Poly pride’
into binary. Explain the process.
Tower Building Activity
 Donald trump wants to build a 100 meter tall tower as quickly as
possible. He has unlimited resources, and an unlimited budget and is
willing to spend any amount of money to get the job done.
 He has blocks that are 100 meters wide, and 100 meters long, but only 1
meter high.
 Using special lifters putting one block on top of another block takes one
I n your groups answer the following question: (solutions due at the end of
class). One group will present their solution.
 What is the shortest amount of time he could build a 10 meter tower?
 What is the shortest amount of time he could build a 100 meter tower?