2014-15 Tennessee School Improvement Planning Template The

2014-15 Tennessee School Improvement Planning Template
The final plan should be no longer than four pages.
School Name:
Analysis of last
year’s final
Winchester Elementary
Reward, Focus, or Priority if applicable.
Areas of Greatest Progress:
Areas of Greatest Challenge:
Reading 3rd -5th:
Math 3rd-5th :
Previous year 21.9%
Current year 33.9%
Increase of 12.0%
Previous Year 45.2% was the target
Actual Performance was 42.2%
Deficient by 3%
Reading 3rd Grade:
Math 3rd :
Previous Year 17.2%
Current Year 30.0%
Increase of 12.8%
Previous Year 45.8% was the target
Actual Performance was 38.7%
Deficient by: 7.1%
Reading -Student With Disabilities
Reading 3rd Grade ELL:
Previous Year 16.6%
Current Year 52.9%
Increase of 36.3%.
Previous Year 22.4% was the target
Actual Performance 8.3%
Deficient by: 14.1%
Underlying Reasons for Progress:
The teachers used their knowledge of
federal, state, and local services
programs in order to enhance
instruction for students. Students in 3rd,
4th, 5th and also students with disabilities
made great gains in reading. Gains for
these grade levels are attributed to the
following: 1) Teachers from all grade
levels engaged in content focused
professional development workshops, a
selection of those teachers attended
professional development for I-Station.
We had district support professional to
conduct on-site professional
development Training. Reading Plus
Intervention was used with fidelity.
Students were motivated with various
rewards and recognitions. Students
attended before school tutoring and
Saturday Academy funded by extended
contract which was created for
Underlying Reasons for Challenge:
Teachers focused over 80% of their
instructional time on teaching reading;
therefore, instruction was unbalanced in
reading and math. Teachers also
struggled to balance district mandated
Common Core instruction with SPI’s in
mathematics. Teachers in all grades
struggled to instill the necessary prerequisites required to ensure student
proficiency in math. Teachers relied
heavily on Formative Assessment Data
(Discovery Education) as their resources
to drive instruction in math. The
progress of the students from the
discovery data was not aligned with
students’ actual performance abilities.
Most students who were identified as
proficient/advanced on Discovery
Education data scored basic/below basic
on the TCAP. Teachers struggled with
differentiating lessons to accommodate
Goals for 201415 school year:
Plan for this
school year:
struggling readers. The students were
all learners. Collaboration between both
able to use the computer lab to
ELL and classroom teachers was
complete their required interventions of insufficient. ELL curriculum was not
I-Station and Reading Plus. In addition,
aligned with core reading instruction
teachers were involved in school level,
materials. Instruction must be highly
high quality, and ongoing professional
explicit for ALL students, to ensure
development activities. 2) 3 , 4 and 5
progress, especially 3rd grade, due to the
grade teachers had common planning
extreme curriculum changes from 2nd to
time and met weekly to discuss/refine
3rd grade. More emphasis must be
lesson plans for the upcoming week, as
placed on assuring that all teachers are
well as what content needed to be reutilizing the materials and technology
taught using their common, formative
that allow them to improve student
and weekly assessments. Teachers also
tracked data using their monthly data
tracking forms and classroom data
boards. Winchester utilized support staff
to provide struggling students with
additional intervention such as small
group instruction. Kindergarten teachers
provided tutoring for 3rd grade students
during their planning time. 3) The 3rd,
4th, and 5th grade teachers worked in
vertical team planning sessions with the
SPED (SWD) teachers to find and/or
modify curriculum materials that were
related to Common Core Standards. 4).
Teachers in all grades (KK-5th ) delivered
explicit/direct instruction; differentiated
instruction to accommodate all learners;
engaged learners in collaborative teams
and incorporated independent reading
into daily schedule.
* Please consult with your district regarding goals and AMO targets for
Achievement and Gap Closure.
1. Goal 1 - Winchester Elementary students in grade 3 will increase their
mathematics scores from 38.7.2% in 2013-2014 to the targeted AMO of
42.5.4% in 2014-2015.
2. Goal 2- Winchester Elementary students in grades 3-5 (All Subgroups) will
increase their RLA scores from 33.9% in 2013-2014 to the targeted AMO of
38% in 2014-2015.
3. Goal 3- Winchester Elementary students in grades 3-5 (All Subgroups) will
increase their mathematics scores from 42.2% in 2013-2014 to the targeted
AMO of 45.8% in 2014-2015.
Key strategies to achieve goals:
1. Strategy: Increase Parental Involvement
Implementation Plan: Offer opportunities for parents to actively participate
in their child’s learning process by providing Family Reading/Math/Science
Night, Provide Parent Literature on reading and math strategies, send home
monthly grade level newsletters highlighting parents of the month, utilizing
community partners to motivate parents and offer information about
literacy and math, parenting skills, work, and education.
Desired outcomes: Increase proficiency in reading and math grades 3-5 and
math in grade 3 in order to meet our Annual Measurable Objectives.
Projected costs and funding sources: $1,000 Title I
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 201415 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:
Parental involvement is consistently associated with higher levels of achievement,
and the magnitude of the effect of parental effort is substantial. Parental
involvement will help increase teacher morale and the ability of teachers to address
the needs of individual students. Parental presence will also increase student
2. Strategy: Use district mandated interventions and best practices in the
classroom with fidelity.
Implementation Plan:
Winchester will implement the district mandated interventions i-Ready and
I-station with fidelity. This will be conducted with school leadership team,
establishing a team that will meet regularly to ensure the fidelity of the
instruction and interventions, as well as make data-based decisions
regarding appropriate student placement in interventions. The school
teams will ensure that interventions are implemented with integrity.
Interventions will be matched to specific area (s) of deficit for each student.
Students will also create and utilize data folders to help track and monitor
their progress. The school will also purchase and utilize Mountain Math to
help increase proficiency in math. Teachers will implement best practices
such interactive notebooks, the use of manipulatives, Curriculum Based
Measures, technology such as teacher/student Mobi’s and classroom
Desired outcomes:
Increase proficiency in reading and math in grades 3-5 and math in 3rd grade
in order to meet our Annual Measurable Objectives.
Projected costs and funding sources: $2,500.00
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the
2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:
Utilizing school level and district mandated interventions will help provide
differentiated instruction and accommodate all learning styles. It will also
integrate technology into the instruction and provide teachers with precise
feedback and data that can be utilized for corrective teaching.
3. Strategy: Increase the use of classroom technology, web-based resources
and analyze TCAP/SAT 10 data on assigned days.
Implementation Plan: Provide professional development from district level
personnel and building level professional development. In addition, provide
necessary instructional materials/resources, classroom technology, webbased resources. Also, assign data days so that teachers may analyze
TCAP/SAT 10 data. We will also Implement vertical team meetings; utilize
strategies obtained from district level and outside resources such as Larry
Bell’s 12 powerful words and UNRAAVEL strategies.
Desired outcomes: Increase proficiency in reading and math in grades 3-5
and math in 3rd grade in order to meet our Annual Measurable Objectives.
Projected costs and funding sources: $5,000.00 Title I
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the
2013-14 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:
This strategy will equip the teachers with the knowledge and skills to
enhance their teaching strategies, while addressing areas of refinement. It
will also motivate teachers to use different materials and technology to
present new content strategies and skills to the students in an innovative
Key benchmarks
for progress on
Walkthroughs, feedback, and evaluations by
school administration; Pit Crew Members
observations; Master Teacher mentoring, Learning
Coach mentoring, PLC Coaching strategies and
Professional Development; District Personnel
observations; I-Station, and i-Ready; Common
Assessment Benchmarks.
Walkthroughs, feedback, and evaluations by
school administration; Pit Crew Members
observations; Master Teacher mentoring, Learning
Coach mentoring, PLC Coaching strategies and
Professional Development; District Personnel
observations; I-Station, and i-Ready; Common
Assessment Benchmarks.
Walkthroughs, feedback, and evaluations by
school administration; Pit Crew Members
observations; Master Teacher mentoring, Learning
Coach mentoring, PLC Coaching strategies and
Professional Development; District Personnel
observations; I-Station, and i-Ready; Common
Assessment Benchmarks.
End of 1st 9 weeks
End of 1st Semester
End of 3rd nine weeks