Integration Checklist

Getting Started with Integration
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Person Responsible Person Responsible
Have you conducted a needs assessment in the
community that encompasses more than one
intervention area and their interrelationships?
Have the community leaders and members of the
community been engaged yet to participate in
assessing the wide variety of needs and priorities of
the community?
Are there community members who are willing to
assist with the design, implementation, and evaluation
of integrated programming or services?
Has a focus group or open discussion forum been
created to gather community input about their needs
and desires regarding integration?
Has the ‘readiness’ of the community for integration
been determined and has it been stressed the
importance of community involvement during the
Have you determined what services and/or
interventions will be integrated, why and how they will
be integrated?
Have you reviewed in depth, other examples of
integrated implementation and discussed the results
with your team?
Getting Started with Integration
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Complete by
Person Responsible Person Responsible
Have key managers and providers been informed of
the purposes and plans for integration?
Have you considered what populations are the target
of the services and/or interventions and the level of
the programs (national, district, community, etc.)
meant to be integrated?
Have you taken into account the priority, context, and
flexibility of the programs?
Have you produced an inventory of related to the
readiness of the community’s abilities to provide
integrated service programming?
Has a team been formed to prepare any documents
and/or plans regarding integration for the organization
and who to share these documents with during the
process of integration?
Is there a document that demonstrates how integrating
the particular services and/or interventions will
provide benefits to the community?
Has a time frame been developed to ensure efficiencies
in carrying out integrated programming/services?
Planning, Budgeting, and Funding
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Person Responsible Person Responsible
Has a plan been created for how to deal with
challenges and threats to integration?
Have staff been trained and prepared for their new
roles within the integration environment?
Have clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations
among staff been established early enough in the
Has a clear understanding of how staff will work
together to achieve outcomes through integrated
approaches been decided?
Has a clear understanding of how staff will build on
local expertise through integrated approaches been
Has a clear understanding of how staff will utilize crosstraining resources been determined?
Is there a mechanism to provide sensitization and
training on integrated approaches to new staff
members very soon after they arrive?
Is there a mechanism to identify the need for
additional/ongoing training concerning specific issues
related to the integration?
Are there any new materials or resources that will be
needed in order for the transition into integration to be
as smooth as possible?
Has a clear line of delineation (clarity of roles and
expectations) been established with the partners in
which collaboration is being done within a consortium?
Are there documents that demonstrate the exceeding
costs it will take to integrate services and/or
interventions? Including technical, financial, staffing,
Service Delivery
Date to
Complete by
Person Responsible Person Responsible
Has a plan been developed on how integration of
services will be promoted to the community?
Has public support for your integrated approach been
received from local governmental leaders?
Has a mechanism that will promote and help facilitate
coordination and communication among different
sectors been created?
Is there a system in place to document usage and
acceptance of the new integration program?
Monitoring and Evaluation
Date to
Complete by
Person Responsible Person Responsible
Has a logic model of what you expect to achieve with
integration and to measure progress been created?
Has progress of integrated interventions been defined
and has it been determined how success will be
Has a plan on how to effectively measure the
integrated nature of services or programming been
Have you taken measures to assure the sustainability
of the integrated services and/or interventions like
cost-benefit analysis, cross-subsidization, and costrecovery?
Have a number of ‘indicators’ ben defined to track
Is a plan in place for how lessons learned,
achievements, and recommendations will be
documented and shared?
Has it been decided how to ensure learning from
monitoring and evaluation will be incorporated into
the programming?