Dear 5th Grade Parents:

Dear 5th Grade Parents:
We have volunteered to coordinate costumes for Fiddler on the Roof and we need your help to pull together some pieces for your child’s costume. There is a basic costume for each
of the sons, daughters, mamas and papas as well as additional costumes for specific characters and dancers and some extra items/accessories for special scenes. Every child needs
to have the basic costume for whatever part they are playing as well as any items needed for extra roles. We are asking you to help your child find the list of items and Bring them to
School by Thursday, January 19th. At this time, costume volunteers will look over and “approve” each costume, label it and put it in a safe place for the performances. If your child
is missing something, we should be able to find a suitable “loaner” item!
We are extremely lucky to have the support of the Newton South, Newton North and Oak Hill theatre departments all of whom have agreed to loan us certain items for each child as
well as whole costumes. Items marked with ** will be borrowed from these sources. Please look over the list of clothing pieces your child needs and let us know if you have any
questions. Please click here to see some photos from professional productions so you can see what kind of look we are hoping to achieve!
Your child will need to leave these items at school for approximately two weeks, so please make sure these are not items that are worn daily. Kohls, Target & Goodwill are places you
may find things. We are also able to provide some extra sets for those who are having trouble finding things. Please let us know soon!
Sons and Papas
light colored button down shirt
Dark Pants (brown, black, navy)
Dark Socks and Dark shoes
**Prayer Shawl
*Apron and kerchief
light colored blouse
Full, calve length dark skirt (blue, brown)
Dark Shoes
*Apron & Head Scarf
Light colored blouse
Full, long dark colored skirt (blue, black or brown)
Dark Shoes
Russians: White Button Shirt, Black Pants, **Black Vest – no caps
Bottle Dancers: Black leggings, *special hat, * special vest
Icons & Fiddler: Black or Blue Jeans, long sleeved Tie-dyed shirt, **black vest, **black cap
* To be made by Costume Committee
** To be acquired by NNHS or NSHS
If your child is an individual character, dancer in a scene (eg. Rabbi, Constable) or requires other items, the Committee will contact you and take care of it.
We will also be sending out a separate notice asking parents for special items like shawls, caps and various props that are needed.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email us.
The Costume Committee
Ruth Goldman, Rachel McLeod, Debby Carr, Kathe Bassett, Anna Vu, Pam Frorer & Enid Levangie