Coach Erin Williams

Office phone # 689-1325
2013 - 2014 Goddard Junior High School
P.E. Rules, Regulations and Grading Policies
Class Description:
This class will focus on lifetime fitness. We will do a variety of activities including, but not limited to
football, basketball, and other team sports; aerobic exercises such as walking and jogging; and strength
training such as circuit training with light hand weights.
I. Proper Dress for Class: a complete change of athletic clothing must be worn.
1. Athletic shorts or sweats – (NO pajama bottoms)
2. Solid color t-shirt - (school appropriate) must have sleeves, no tank tops
3. Tennis Shoes – must be tennis shoes that tie and can be worn to run in (NO flip flops, boots, etc.)
4. Sweatpants/Sweatshirts may be worn on cold days (no hoodies)
5. All jackets and hoods must be left in your hall locker.
II. Lockers and Locker Rooms:
1. A locker in the P.E. locker room will be assigned to each student. COMBINATION locks must be
provided by the student and the combination must be turned in. During class, each student is
responsible for putting the lock on their assigned locker with all belongings locked inside. After class,
physical education clothes must be locked in the assigned locker.
2. The combination to the assigned lock should never be given to another student.
3. No sharing of lockers will be permitted.
4. Once class begins and everyone is in the gym, no student will be allowed back into the locker room.
5. Valuables (purses, wallets, jewelry, etc.) need to be locked in a locker during class. Leaving valuables
lying around is only inviting theft. The P.E. staff will NOT be responsible for lost or stolen articles.
6. Cell phones, mp3 players, Ipods, cameras, etc. will NOT be allowed in class. They will be taken up
and taken to the office.
7. No food or drink is allowed in the gym.
III. Class Expectations:
1. Students are to be in the locker room when the tardy bell rings. The door will be shut and locked
when the tardy bell rings. If the locker room door is locked, then YOU ARE LATE. Go to the office
and get a tardy pass from the clerk and return to class immediately.
2. Students will be given five minutes after the tardy bell rings and five minutes at the end of class to
change clothes.
3. All students will remain in the gym or locker room until the bell rings and they are dismissed.
4. No student is to leave class, gym, or locker room without permission from his/her coach.
5. Directions need to be followed the first time they are given. Be respectful.
6. Abuse, destruction, or misuse of P.E. equipment will not be tolerated.
7. Obscene language, gestures, harassment, or disrespect will not be tolerated.
IV. Participation Excuse:
1. A student who is well enough to be in school is generally well enough to be dressed and
participating in class. Any exception to this will be handled on an individual basis.
2. A student will ONLY be excused from class participation with a doctor’s note.
3. A student who has become ill at school should discuss the problem with Coach before the start of
class and a decision will be made at that time.
V. Grading Requirements:
1. The points earned for each six weeks will determine a student’s final grade. Points will be
given each day for proper dress and class participation. There will also be written and/or skills tests.
2. Students will begin each week with a 100 in class for dressing out. Students will have 5 days each
week to keep the full 100 points; each day is worth 20 points.
3. Dress-out points will be determined as follows:
0 days missed for dress = keep the full 100 points
1 day not dressed out = 80 points
2 days not dressed out =60 points
3 days not dressed out = 40 points
4 days not dressed out = 20 points
5 days not dressed out = 0 points, Office Referral
4. Participation: Each day, each student will receive a 100, 50, or 0 for their participation.
The students’ daily participation grade is based solely on their effort in class. Each week the
five participation grades are averaged to determine that week’s participation grade.
Points will be kept each day if a student…
 Participates to the best of his/her ability.
 Shows good sportsmanship.
 Follows direction and class rules.
 Treats equipment with care and in the proper manner.
Points will lost each day if a student…
 Is being uncooperative, uses profanity or argues with others.
 Is not participating in class.
 Shows poor sportsmanship, puts others down or performs unsafe acts.
 Intentionally breaks game rules or expectations.
Major Grades include: 60% of grade
Dressing Out
Fitness Testing
Minor Grades include: 40% of grade
Written Assignments
Skills Tests
VI. Fitnessgram Testing:
The state of Texas mandates that all PE students be tested over a Physical Fitness Test. All P.E. students at
Goddard will be tested by his/her coach. Students will receive grades for these tests so it is important that he/she
does their best.
All students will be given equal opportunity to achieve success in class and I look forward to watching each of
them progress throughout the year. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by email or by telephone. Go Raiders!