1044 Lancaster Drive
Kingston, Ontario
Principal: Susan Conway Williamson
K7P 2L6
Tel: (613) 384-8644
Fax: (613) 384-0183
Mid - NOVEMBER 2011
Be the living expression of God’s kindness;
Kindness in your eyes,
Kindness in your face,
Kindness in your smile,
Kindness in your warm greeting.
Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.
…Mother Teresa
Principal’s Message
During this month of Remembrance, Mother
Teresa reminds us that “if there is no peace, then
it means that we have forgotten that we belong to
each other.” During November, let our Faith,
Hope and Love shine through so that we can
proudly all say, “Let there be Peace on Earth and
let it begin with ME!”
It was wonderful to see so many students and
parents/guardians at the student progress
conferences last week. It is through good
collaboration between home and school and
church, that we can together support our students’
growing, spiritually, socially and academically.
As we begin Term 2, let us continue to work
together to support our children’s faith and
learning goals.
Susan Conway Williamson
Farewell …
Thank you to Yvonne Christie who served as an
outstanding education assistant at Mother Teresa
Catholic School. Mrs. Christie has now accepted
a position at the Board Office, supporting students
learning to use specialized technology. Thanks to
Mrs. Christie for all of her support and care of our
Welcome to….
Welcome to Katelyn Kurpieweit. Ms. Kurpieweit
has joined Mother Teresa Catholic School staff as
an Educational Assistant. Ms. Kurpieweit brings
her energy, smiles and helping hands to support
learners at Mother Teresa Catholic School.
Welcome also to Leslie Yateman and Madeleine
Newell who are students from St. Lawrence
College who are doing placements at Mother
Teresa Catholic School until December 16th, 2011.
It is great to have Leslie and Madeleine’s support
in the classrooms.
Welcome back to student teacher candidates from
Queen’s University. Ms. Gibson, Ms. Morrison,
Ms. Daines and Ms. Palcich begin their second
placements on November 21, 2011.
November School Mass
Students, staff, parents and parishioners gathered
for our November School Mass on Wednesday,
November 16, 2011. Students continue to make
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board
151 Dairy Avenue, Napanee, Ontario K7R 4B2
(613) 354-2255 / 1-800-581-1116 Fax: (613) 354-4772
Trustee: K. Turkington, C. Summer, W. Garrah and T. Shea Superintendent of School Effectiveness: Dr. M. Bullock
us proud as they respectfully pray and sing at
mass, in a manner fitting for a celebration in the
House of the Lord. It was good to have Father
Byrne back with us, following his 40 day retreat.
Reflective Thinker
This school year the Catholic Graduate
Expectation: “Be a Creative and Reflective
Thinker” is our focus. At the mass on November
16th, Father Byrne and teachers presented our
Reflective Thinker Awards. Congratulations to the
following students who were recognized for their
ideas and ability to make good choices:
J1 Kailee Matthey
JSK1 Alexander Murphy
JSK2 Jacob Rudd
1A Mary Coulter
2A Ethan Tran
3A Ryan Mallen
3/4 John Paul Owuemeodo
4/5 Brielle Murphy
5/6 David Chase
6A Allie Robertson
7/8A Karlee Donovan
7/8B Mary Elizabeth Besselink
7/8C Adam Anderson
Mme Gillis - Kaliah Barker
M Fraser - Charlotte Coffey
Mme MacGregor - Nathan Cordeiro
November … A Month to Remember
On November 11, 2011 Mother Teresa Catholic
School joined together to remember and respect
the men and women of the military who fought in
world wars and conflicts, so that we, in Canada,
could enjoy Peace and Freedom. The theme of
our ceremony was, Living in Peace by Respecting
Each Other, Our World and Our God. Trustee
Catharina. Summers, who attended, reflected how
impressed she was with how “Jesus” was so well
integrated into the ceremony and how nice it was
to have all the students involved in a meaningful
way. Thanks to parents who celebrated with us,
especially our parents and grandparents who
dressed in uniform and participated in the Colour
Parade. A special thank you goes out to Trustee
Kathy Turkington who addressed the audience
about our personal responsibility by focusing on,
Let There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin with
ME.” Thanks also to families who have sent in
photos and memorabilia that are proudly on
display in our Hall of Remembrance for the month
of November.
Sacrament of Confirmation
On Friday, November 11th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. our
Grade 8 students received the gifts of the Holy
Spirit in a very meaningful Confirmation liturgy and
ceremony. Archbishop O’Brien confirmed each of
the students. In his address he reminded students
and families of the importance of the gifts
bestowed such as:
Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge,
Wonder and Awe, Reverence and Wisdom.
Thank you to the Mother Teresa Catholic School
Council for presenting each student with a
beautiful medallion of the Holy Spirit.
Food Drives Support Others
Thanks to all families who donated so generously
to our Thanksgiving Food Drive. Our student
Leadership Council Executive boxed up 500 food
items which were donated to Partners in Mission
Food Bank. Watch for our Advent Food Drive
coming up at the end of November.
United Way … Serving our Community by
Volunteering, Giving and Acting
On Tuesday, November 18th the students and staff
completed a very successful United Way
Campaign for 2011. We are excited to report that
as a school community we raised $2,529.00 to
support the needs in our local community. We
showed that we could be Everyday Heroes!
Thanks to staff for payroll deductions, soup
lunches and breakfast that raised over $2100.00
and to students for supporting our Principal for the
Day Draw, Spirit Day and Student VS Teacher
Volleyball Game that raised over $400.00. Great
Congratulations to Principal for a Day winners –
Jacob Jefferies - Grade 7 and Emma Saganowich
– Grade 3 whose names were drawn by Peter
Iliescu, Student Council Athletic Representative.
Jacob and Emma will each share Principal duties
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board
151 Dairy Avenue, Napanee, Ontario K7R 4B2
(613) 354-2255 / 1-800-581-1116 Fax: (613) 354-4772
Trustee: K. Turkington, C. Summer, W. Garrah and T. Shea Superintendent of School Effectiveness: Dr. M. Bullock
with Mrs. Conway Williamson for a day in the near
Liturgical Season of Advent … Light for the
The season of Advent will begin on Sunday,
November 28th.
During this season we will once again “give
because we can” by way of our Giving Trees.
More information will follow.
Mother Teresa Catholic School Family Advent
Our Family Advent Mass and Community
Gathering will occur on Wednesday, December
14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Paul the Apostle
Catholic Church. This special family event is a
perfect way to participate in a liturgical celebration
that will prepare us for Jesus’ birth. Please mark
this important date on your calendar.
Safe and Caring School Community
 Please continue to call the school to inform
us of any lates or absents (613-384-8644).
All students should be in the yard to line up
at 9:05 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. We are still
signing in many students late each day.
 Does your Criminal Background Check
need to be updated so you can continue
your great job volunteering in the school?
The CBC needs to be renewed every three
 Thank you for meeting your children
outside the school at the end of the day
and signing in at the office when you are
meeting a teacher. Your co-operation is
really appreciated.
 Please use our hand sanitizer upon
entering the school. Thank you for
stressing with your children the importance
of hand washing and coughing etiquette.
We are giving your children similar
 Please continue to keep your children
home if they are sick. Thank you for
picking up sick children so promptly.
 Please continue to check your children’s
heads regularly for head lice.
 Please remember to park only on the south
side of Lancaster Drive.
Progress Reports and Student/Teacher/Parent
Progress Reports have gone home and most
students and parents/guardians have already
attended their conferences with teachers. Now is
the time to re-focus, adjust learning goals and
move forward into Term 2. Term 2, with 2 weeks
of Christmas holidays in the middle, will move very
quickly, so it is important for all of us, staff and
students to focus on our best practices in teaching
and learning during the next 3 months. The first
provincial report card will be shared with students
and sent home to parents and guardians on
Tuesday, February 21st, 2012. Let’s all work to
increase knowledge and understanding to produce
“quality work” every day!!
Scholastic Book Fair
Our recent Book Fair was another big success!!
Thanks to Mrs. Stewart, and her team of parent
volunteers Angie Bauder, Rose Bertoia, Ruth
Bradshaw, Lorraine Cameron, Sonya Crook, Kim
Donaldson, Kathy Doyle, Lisa Drewiniak, Rose
Guigovaz, Debbie Jefferies, Erin Kehoe, Renee
Kemp, Soon ae Kim, Liseanne MacDonald, Sheri
Mallen, Anselmina Matos, Madeleine Newell,
Cathy O’Brien, Nicole Pilgrim, Christine
Robertson, Dawn Robertson, Lara Saganowich,
Shery Shoniker, Janice Stewart, Rebecca MartinTulk, and Nancy White, headed by Michelle
Iliescu, who did a great job organizing and running
the Book Fair last week. Congratulations to
Shayne Day our $25.00 certificate winner!
Reading is alive and well at Mother Teresa
Catholic School!! Thanks for everyone’s support.
Students, watch for the new reading basket(s) that
will be located in the office. There will be fiction
and non-fiction texts for you to enjoy reading while
in the office waiting to be picked up or to see a
staff member!
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board
151 Dairy Avenue, Napanee, Ontario K7R 4B2
(613) 354-2255 / 1-800-581-1116 Fax: (613) 354-4772
Trustee: K. Turkington, C. Summer, W. Garrah and T. Shea Superintendent of School Effectiveness: Dr. M. Bullock
Catholic School Council News
Spook-a-thon Dance-a-thon – October 31, 2011
A great big thank you goes out to all families
supporting the Mother Teresa Catholic School
Spook-a-thon Dance-a-thon Fundraiser. The
students came out in black, orange and white and
had a wonderful time boogying to spooky, groovy
music! The final amount raised in pledges and
donations was $7831.65. Fantastic!
Special thanks to Michelle Skolnick for all of her
organization and behind the scene work. Mrs.
Skolnick was supported by a great team of
parent/guardian volunteers who arranged for
prizes, counted money, awarded prizes, decorated
and cleaned the gym and danced with the
students. Thanks also to Paul Brioux who is
learning all about organizing the Spook-a-thon.
Congratulations to the following winners:
Highest Kindergarten Pledge: Jacob Van Ness
Highest Primary Pledge: Archer Brioux
Highest Junior Pledge: Shaughnessy Flynn
Highest Intermediate Pledge: Gerry Lyons
Highest Pledges, Class Winner of Pizza Party is:
Ms. Steele’s Grade one class. This truly was a
“spooktacular event”. Thank you to all!!
Catholic School Council Meeting - Dec. 13th
The next Catholic School Council Meeting will be
held on Tuesday, December 13th at 7:00 p.m. in
the school library. Welcome to all
parents/guardians. Thanks to parents who joined
the Council for their November Meet and Greet
and meeting.
Volunteer Program
Please sign up to volunteer in the school. Our
Volunteer Co-ordinator, Debbie Jefferies, has
forwarded to you a sign-up sheet under separate
Christmas Shoppe
Mother Teresa Christmas Shoppe, an exciting
shopping event for students, will occur on
Monday, December 17th. More details will follow
Christmas Babysitting Service
Watch for upcoming flyers and sign up if you
would like your school aged children cared for,
while you get some of your Christmas shopping
completed. Dates: November 30th and December
Athletic Program
Volleyball Tournaments
Volleyball teams have been selected and students
and coaches are practicing regularly in
preparation for upcoming exhibitions and
tournaments. Tournaments Schedule for “A”
schools is as follows:
Dec 1 - Jr. Boys’ A
Dec 7 - Sr. Boys’ A
Dec 8 - Sr. Girls’ A
Dec 9 - Jr. Girls’ A
ECO School News
Thank you to students and parents for supporting
our Boomerang Lunch Program. Here are more
helpful suggestions.
Some Litterless Lunch Suggestions …
Instead of …
Juice boxes
Individual pudding,
yogurt, applesauce
Packaged cheese and
Wrapping sandwiches
in plastic wrap,
aluminum foil
Put in your child’s
lunch …
A reusable container
with juice, water, etc.
A reusable container
filled with pudding,
yogurt, applesauce, etc.
from a larger bulk
Crackers and cheese
purchased in bulk and
put into a reusable
A sandwich inside a
reusable container.
Encourage your child to put any leftover material
into a container from his/her lunch. Encourage
your child to be responsible for his/her lunch pail
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board
151 Dairy Avenue, Napanee, Ontario K7R 4B2
(613) 354-2255 / 1-800-581-1116 Fax: (613) 354-4772
Trustee: K. Turkington, C. Summer, W. Garrah and T. Shea Superintendent of School Effectiveness: Dr. M. Bullock
when she/he gets home. Help him/her sort the
garbage/green bin/recycling items and help to
come up with some suggestions for how he/she
could have a “totally litter-free lunch”.
CD Release Party in memory of Lori
Saturday, November 26th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the
Salvation Army Kingston Citadel , 816 Centennial
Drive – Live Performance & Refreshments – CDs
are $20 with all proceeds going to Lori’s Fund.
CDs available after November 26th at Clermont
Group, Salvation Army Kingston Citadel and
Canadian Tire, Cataraqui.
The next P.A. day is:
Friday, November 25th, 2011
Upcoming Dates to Remember
November 2011
24th Ms. Kelly and Mrs. Oreicuia swimming and library - p.m.
Ms. Steele – Agnes Etherington Art Centre 9:30 – 12 noon
25th P.A. Day
27th First Sunday of Advent
28th Hep B and HPV in the morning for
Grade 7 and 8 students
29th Grade 7 and 8 students participate in
A Day for the Arts at Holy Cross
December 2011
Second Sunday of Advent
Junior Boys’ Volleyball Tournament at Queen’s
Ms. Kelly and Mrs. Oreicuia swimming and library - p.m.
Senior Boys’ Volleyball Tournament at Queen’s
Senior Girls’ Volleyball Tournament at Queen’s
Ms. Kelly and Mrs. Oreicuia swimming and library - p.m.
Junior Girls’ Volleyball Tournament at Queen’s
Third Sunday of Advent
13th Catholic School Council meeting 7 p.m. in the library
14th Advent Family Mass at 7 p.m. at St. Paul the Apostle church
18th Fourth Sunday of Advent
19th. Christmas Shoppe
23rd Last day of School before Christmas
25th Christmas Day
December 26th – January 9th
Christmas Break
January 2012
School resumes for students and staff
School Mass at St. Paul the Apostle Church
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board
151 Dairy Avenue, Napanee, Ontario K7R 4B2
(613) 354-2255 / 1-800-581-1116 Fax: (613) 354-4772
Trustee: K. Turkington, C. Summer, W. Garrah and T. Shea Superintendent of School Effectiveness: Dr. M. Bullock