to view the rest of the missionary biographies

Armitage, Carolyn. Reaching for the Goal. (Harold Shaw Publishers: 1993, 246 pages)
The restless millions wait in the light whose dawning maketh all things new. Christ also waits, but men are slow and few. Have
we done all we could? Have I? Have you?
This book contains a very good analysis of the current state and trends found in the People's Republic of China.
Wooding, Dan. Brother Andrew. (Bethany House Publishers: 1983, 144 pages)
We don't know where the road lead, do we?...But...let's go there together.
Brother Andrew lived a life of obedience to God. This life of faith and service was one that God used to reach out beyond
oceans and behind the Iron Curtain of communism to build His kingdom. In an interview with a Christian magazine
Brother Andrew put it clearly when he said "Be there. Only when you are there can God tell you what you should do."
Upon looking at this obedient heart, one must wonder how much more God would use us if we gave Him our hearts
in a similar manner.
Andrianoff, Jean L. Chosen For A Special Joy. Camp Hill, Pennsylvania; Christian Publications. 201 pages. Ted Andrianoff
lived from 1920-1969, Ruth Andrianoff lived from ?-present.
The Andrianoffs obedience to God's calling resulted in thousands and thousands of Hmong people coming to know
Christ. Their willingness to go anywhere God leads them and do whatever He asks of them is a very inspiring story to all.
Swift, Catherine. Gladys Aylward. (Marshall, Morgan & Scott: 1984, 127 pages)
I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. (Phil 4:13)
Gladys Aylward shows that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Her legacy lives today in the
hearts of many whom she set the stage for. One of the many things that I took out of this book was that with a little faith
we can accomplish many things.
Gladys Aylward, Ai-weh-deh, the Virtuous One. Known by
many names to many people, the one thing that will always be remembered is
her love for God and the Chinese people of Shansi. Her tenacious spirit and
enthusiasm for sharing the gospel carried her through difficult obstacles
and touched countless lives, bringing many to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus.
Burgess, Alan. The Small Woman. (E.P. Dutton & Co.: 256 pages)
These are my people, God has given them to me, and I will live or die with them for Him and His glory.