PCL 1006H - Cardiovascular Pharmacology

LMP 1404H - Molecular & cellular mechanisms of disease
Official Course Description
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Course details, Evaluation & Contacts
LMP 1404H is a course that is given by the department of Laboratory Medicine and
Pathobiology and is offered in the spring session as a half course. This course is taught by
various faculty and is co-ordinated by Dr. Hamel and Dr. Cybulsky. Evaluation is in the from of
two examinations (40% each) and a 2-page research proposal (20%).
For further course details including course schedule go to:
Contacts for more course information:
Course Co-ordinator: Dr. Hamel/ Dr. Cybulsky
Department of Laboratotry Medicine and Pathobiology
Contact Person:
THE SCOOP: What did the students think?*
LMP 1404H is a course that is considered to be very rewarding yet somewhat
uninteresting. Trainees found the information covered in this course to be quite ease with little
backgroung required. Although the workload was light and level of difficulty easy, the grading
was unfair.
* Disclaimer - The views expressed in this section are those of the trainees enrolled in The Cardiovascular Sciences
Collaborative Program (CSCP). These views were compiled from surveys filled out by trainees in the program and do not
reflect the views or opinions of The CSCP or any department at The University of Toronto.