Gatton Faculty Meeting Minutes - Gatton College of Business and

Faculty Meeting Minutes
Friday, May 8, 2009
10:00 a.m. ~ Room 248
Dean Sudharshan welcomed everyone and began the meeting by showing the new Gatton
video. The minutes of the meeting held on December 5, 2008, were unanimously approved.
The Dean reported that Gatton College accounting students had performed exceptionally well
on the CPA exam. He reported on the probable budget cuts and the impact on the College for
2009-10. There will definitely be a budget cut of 2% which equates to $306,451. This will result
in the loss of one faculty line in the School of Management, one in the Department of
Economics and a decrease of $22,000 in operating budget items. The 2008-09 budget was
$20.6 million with a total of $20.6 million in income. The Executive Education Center (EEC)
generated $60,000 in revenue for the faculty.
The number of freshman for the 2009-10 academic year will be equivalent to the number
admitted in the fall of 2008, which was 575.
Dr. David Ziebart, Director of the Von Allmen School of Accountancy, announced that Robert
Ramsay has been promoted to full professor. Three new faculty members have been recruited
for fall. They are Hong Xie, associate professor and two assistant professors, Monika Causholli
and Brian Bratten. It was also announced that Professor Ziebart will serve as Director of the
Von Allmen School of Accountancy for another four years.
Dr. Scott Kelley, Director of the School of Management, announced that Brian Dineen has been
promoted to associate professor with tenure. The Sports Marketing Academy will be held the
week of May 11-14.
Dr. John Garen announced that he will be stepping down as Chair of the Department of
Economics and a search will be conducted for his replacement. Dr. Thomas Ahn has been
recruited for the Poverty Center.
Melissa Huffman, Director of Technology, announced that the University has purchased new
software which will replace Sedona. It is Digital Measures which will make more data available
at our fingertips. The pilot program will begin at the end of May. Several Gatton faculty
members have volunteered to use the new software. The software will be available to
everyone in the fall.
Melissa went on to explain The Vanguard Technology in Education Team. It will be active in the
application and implementation of new technologies in the learning environment within the
college. This includes technology which can be utilized by instructors in their classrooms as well
as learning tools that can be used by students outside the classroom in conjunction with their
courses. See the information below which outlines the details of the team. The team will help
the Director of Technology determine which technologies to pursue with respect to learning
and how to adequately implement those technologies with little inconvenience to the
Goals of Vanguard Tech Team:
1. Provide guidance for the college concerning what technologies will fit well into the
learning environment of Business courses. Also, provide guidance on the
pedagogical and implementation issues related to utilizing certain technologies in
the classroom and for learning outside the classroom. This will include periodically
reading information about new technologies being used and provide feedback
(Information will be gathered by the tech center).
2. Assist in formulating a plan for testing technologies the team deems promising and
assist in creating a plan for the implementation of those technologies that prove
doable and useful.
3. Serve as spokesmen/women in getting the word out about the new technologies
and help in recruiting faculty to implement the technologies.
Associate Dean Merl Hackbart announced that two faculty members will represent the Gatton
College on the Senate Council for three-year terms ending in 2012. They are David Hulse,
School of Accountancy, and Josh Ederington, Department of Economics.
Dr. Hackbart reported that progress has been made on the learning outcomes assessment
process to be implemented for the Gatton College.
Action Items
1. The MBA and Ph.D. programs receive frequent inquiries from prospective applicants as
to whether the GRE can be substituted for the GMAT. As both the GRE and GMAT are
aptitude screening tests, it seems that to require the GMAT when the GRE is available
may not be justified. This is especially the case when the extra cost involved in taking
the GMAT is taken into consideration. We have also acquired percentile translations of
GMAT and GRE scores so we have a reasonable assessment of comparability of
There are some indications that when students are nominated for Graduate School
Fellowships that the GMAT is not as well understood/appreciated as the GRE as a
measure of academic aptitude. Thus, the submission of GMAT scores may place our
nominees at a disadvantage. Also, many business schools and colleges now accept the
GRE as well as the GMAT
The MBA and Graduate Studies Committees recommend:
“The Gatton College accepts both the GMAT and GRE exam scores for admission
into the MBA and Ph.D. programs in Business Administration.”
The motion passed unanimously. A comparison table will be made
available for faculty.
2. Given the importance of research at the University of Kentucky and the Gatton College,
the following proposal to establish a Gatton College Research Committee is offered:
Gatton College Research Committee Role and Responsibilities:
The committee would have the following responsibilities: 1) provide advice to the Dean
and Operating Committee regarding competitive summer research grants, 2) review
research grant requests and make recommendations for research support from a new
Gatton College mini research grant initiative, 3) receive nominations for the Robertson
Faculty Leadership Research Award and 4) provide advice regarding other matters
related to enhancing the research mission of the Gatton College.
Note: The Gatton College mini research grant initiative is designed to provide small
grants to Gatton faculty during the year to support the acquisition of data bases,
specialized research support and the like. In the past, there have been situations where
our faculty needed financial support for such activities but we did not have funds set
aside for such purposes. The new Committee will review such requests and make
recommendations regarding the funding request. The priority for such College
supported research grants will be for faculty who do not have Professorships or Chairs.
The budgets for the above programs will depend of the College’s budget and
supplementary resources. The criteria for both research support programs will be
determined by the Faculty Research Committee in conjunction with the Operating
Dr. Hackbart made a motion that this committee be established in the Gatton College.
Professor John Garen seconded. Discussion took place on how many members the
committee would consist of. It was suggested that the same structure used for the P&T
Committee be used consisting of eight members. Dr. Krish Muralidhar asked if the
members would be appointed or elected. Dr. Joe Labianca if the committee would
advise subject to budgetary constraints. Dr. Joe Peek asked if the committee would
make choices or advise. He suggested the language be changed to indicate the
committee make choices rather than advise the Dean. Dr. Frank Scott moved to table
the motion and establish a committee and revisit it at the fall faculty meeting.
3. Gatton College Work Load Policy final draft sent to the faculty prior to the meeting was
presented for approval. Dr. Hackbart explained that faculty with outstanding research
may receive a reduced teaching load of one course as merit depending on financial
conditions. A chart with the equivalence of teaching in the daytime MBA program vs.
regular courses was presented. It has been recommended that the MBA Policy
Committee review the 11 Month Teaching Credit Equivalence every year and provide
updated information to the Operating Committee. The Operating Committee will
approve the document and give it to the unit heads.
Dr. Donald Mullineaux moved to accept the Gatton College Work Load Policy. After
some discussion the motion was passed.
Ms. Susan Krauss, Assistant Treasurer for Investments, was invited to give a presentation to the
faculty on the endowment investment and spending policies of the University of Kentucky.
After thanking Ms. Krauss for her presentation, Dean Sudharshan told the faculty that the
Provost’s Strategic Plan for 2009-10 will be discussed. The expectation is that in Fall 2009 each
college, department, and administrative unit will develop action items that are most
appropriate to that unit, determine the baseline measure for each action item, and set five-year
goals for achievement. Needless to say, at each successive level (e.g., dean to department
chair, Provost to dean), there would have to be negotiations about the expected level of
The Dean strongly encouraged the faculty to attend the graduation ceremonies in May to show
how much the Gatton students are valued.
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.