In Maths the children will be working on:

In Maths the children will be working on:-
Block A Counting, partitioning and calculating/reading and writing numbers
in figures and words/counting up to 100 objects by grouping in tens, fives
and twos.
Place value
Ordering numbers
Using the greater than (>) and Less than (<) signs.
Rounding numbers to the nearest 10.
Block B – Securing number facts, understanding shapes, solving problems
involving addition and subtraction.
Derive and recall of addition/subtraction facts for numbers up to 10/20.
Multiplication facts for the 2,5 and 10 times tables.
2D and 3D shapes – sorting and making and describing properties.
Doubling and halving.
Block C
Handling data and measures.
Collecting and recording data in lists, tables, block graphs or pictograms.
Estimating, comparing and measuring.
Reading numbered divisions on a scale.
To retell familiar stories using correct story structure.
To write increasingly detailed sentences using correct punctuation.
The Topic is Castles
We will be going to visit Tamworth Castle.
Finding out about castles - naming parts, the purpose of castles.
Life in a castle.
Planning a route on a map.
Use of symbols/key
Compare town/countryside
Improving the local environment
Art -
Making shields, designing a family crest
Making stained glass windows
Collage work – costumes
Using clay to make pots
looking at mechanisms – hinges
Making a working drawbridge
Our topic is ‘changing materials’
The children will work on:Naming materials
Sorting materials based on various properties
Finding out how the shape of materials can be changed by
squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
Changing materials by heating and cooling.
Music - The children will be working on identifying and making long and
short sounds and using them to create sequences of sound.
R.E. – Special people.
I.C.T. – Create a comic strip using 2 simple software.
PSHE – Responsibilities and problems.