Summer Term 6 Newsletter - Holy Family Catholic Primary School




Our learning in Literacy this term will be focused around our topic of ‘Castles’. We will be writing explanation texts about different aspects of castles, including weaponry and defences. We will also look at a range of stories set in castles including The Princess and the Pea . We will consider the castles in these stories to write our own exciting descriptions which can then be used in our own stories. Finally we will be having a go at writing our own newspaper articles.


In Maths this term we will be looking at place value. We will be practising partitioning numbers into tens and units. We will also be practising sharing objects and writing division number sentences. Throughout this term the children will also look at capacity and weight.


Our topics in R.E. this term are Reconciliation and Universal Church. We will be considering the consequences of our choices and how we feel when we make a bad choice. We will also be thinking about how everybody is our neighbour no matter where they live in the world.


Our topic this term is ‘Castles’. As part of our Inspiration Day we will be holding a

Ball where we will have a banquet and learn some traditional dances. In Geography we will be researching local castles including Dover castle and Leeds Castle. We will consider what it would have been like living in a castle at different times and what defences would have been used. Finally we will be designing and making our own shields.


If you have any time free and would like to come in and help within the class please let me know. You can come in and listen to children read or help with little jobs around the classroom. We would be very grateful for your help.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to me at any time. This can be done after school, when I bring the children out, in their contact book or talk to the office to make an appointment.

Contact books are looked at by classroom assistants at the beginning of each day.

Please label ALL your child’s clothes, especially jumpers, ties and PE kit . PE kits should be kept in school at all times.


In Year 1 we encourage children to read every day at home. If your child has read to you, please note this in their contact book. If your child has read three or more times at home then they will receive a sweet at the end of the week.
