scripture readings for the week of the trinity

SEPTEMBER 26, 2011
No Mass
SEPTEMBER 27, 2011
No Mass
SEPTEMBER 28, 2011
12:00 NOON @Mercy Memorial Hospital Chapel
Raymond Watson – Charlie Tanner
6:00 PM
@St. Mary Church
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
9:00 AM
SEPTEMBER 29, 2011
Nancy Wright – Biddick family
12:00 NOON
SEPTEMBER 30, 2011
Intention for Mary Wood
5:30 PM
OCTOBER 1, 2011
Tommy Trantham – Nina Trantham
8:00 AM
OCTOBER 2, 2011
For the people of the parish
10:45 AM
For the people of the parish
Ministry Schedule
C. Ministers:
C. Ministers:
Cross Bearer:
OCTOBER 1, 2011
5:30 P.M.
Wendy Craddock (B), Jim DeLano (A)
Anne Beard, R.C. & Evelyn Sandvick,
Mary Liz Reavis, Charlie Tanner
Riley Beard, Patrick Clowe
Bill Swatzel, Portia Fuego, Tim Vandagriff
OCTOBER 2, 2011
10:45 A.M.
Paul Dameron (B) Krys Smith (A)
Jim & Maureen Schumacher, Nancy Porter,
Scott & Dana Dempewolf
Ethan Floyd
Rebecca Dempewolf, Payton Brewster
Tom Betzen, James & Mary Read
SEPTEMBER 25, 2011
Dick Zumwalt. Continue to pray for Stevy Cellum,
Gayle Denney, George Guiles, Gordon “Butch”
Gunter, Loretta Martin, Robert McDonald, Kellie
Merrick, Cookie Mulcahy, Debbie Mulcahy and those
on the September prayer sheet. Additional copies are
in the vestibule.
RCIA class is held every Sunday from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Located in classroom #6 (across from the water fountain) in
the east/west hallway of the school building.
Readings for next weekend October 1-2
First Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7 (139A)
Second Reading: Philippians4:6-9
Gospel: Matthew 21:33-43
Thank you for your generous donation last week!
Ron Deyalsingh, Loaves & Fishes Coordinator
Youth Group Meeting will be held this Sunday,
September 25th, for youth 7th – 12th grade. Come to
the youth room in the basement.
Tom & Jeanetta
Catholic Charities 2011 Appeal
100 Years of Faith, Hope and Charity
“Life can be challenging and the staff at Catholic Charities’ St.
Joseph Family Counseling Center has been a support to me and
my family. My 10-year-old son and I have received counseling
from the Center due to parenting struggles. My son has always
looked forward to his sessions and his anxiety has been greatly
reduced due to the sessions. He has learned new ways of coping
with everyday stressors. Our relationship has strengthened and
deepened, thanks to Catholic Charities.”-- B.W.
Enclosed is a letter to our parish from Archbishop Coakley,
please support Catholic Charities’ Annual Appeal.
St. Mary in Gainesville, TX @ 931 N. Weaver St. has a Fall
Festival starting this Sunday at 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. For more
information see the flyer on the bulletin board in the vestibule.
Pick up your Ministry schedule for October located in
the wooden box on the black table in the vestibule.
Bring EMPTY INK CARTRIDGES to the parish office! The
church receives money back reducing church cost for supplies.
If a family member or a parishioner would like
Father Tom to administer the Sacrament of Anointing
of the Sick or visit someone in the hospital please
call the church office (223-0231) and let us know.
Reading glasses were found in the west hallway of the school
along with glasses found in the vestibule. Both have been left
on the table next to the cryroom for you to claim.
Hispanic Meal & Food Sale
Sunday, October 2nd
In the parish hall
Tickets: $8.00 per plate
Come join us for a plate of enchiladas, rice, beans, sopes,
along with dessert and a beverage. We will also have
tamales for sale at $12.00 per dozen. Advance orders on
tamales are available through Celsa Thomas @ 2262625. All proceeds will go toward the Fiesta of Our Lady
of Guadalupe celebration in December.
Confirmation Class meets this Wednesday, September 28th,
in room #6 across from the water fountain in the east/west
hallway of the school building.
Nancy Etheredge & Patty Lee
First Communion Parents:
If you missed the First
Communion meeting last Sunday, please call me so books
can be ordered by Monday. (465-0639)
Julie Hunnicutt, DRE
October 8th Communion Minister Training/Class
will be held at 10:30 a.m. in church.
“Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion”
(Communion Ministers)
September is the month to submit names to the Archbishop for
newly appointed and reappointment of Communion Ministers. If
you are interested in this ministry that entails assisting the priest
at Mass and bringing Communion to the sick of our parish, call
Joan at 223-0231. Newly appointed and those being renewed
will be commissioned in the parish on the Solemnity of Christ the
King, November 19th–20th.
The “Women of St Mary” are seeking a chair and vice-chair
for the December committee (there are several talented
AND experienced members on this committee). If you or
someone you know MIGHT be interested, please contact
Kathleen Maher or Krys Smith.
Archbishop Paul Coakley will address the Kick off Rally for this year’s
40 Days for Life at Christ the King Catholic Church, 8005 Dorset Dr.,
OKC. Rally begins at 3:00 p.m. this Sunday. Join them as they
prepare for 40 days of fast and prayer to put an end to abortion. A
reception will follow and you will have a chance to sign up for your
hours of prayer in front of the clinic.
Fun Fall Festival will be held in our parish on the second
Saturday in November, free games and food for the whole
family. Call Sandy Harbaugh @ 504-6992 if you have a
portable pop-up canopy to be used on 11/11-12/11.
HANDY HELPERS OF ST. MARY’S is a group of Men’s Club
members who have agreed to assist the elderly/needy
parishioners with “minor” repairs or chores at their
residences. These men have a wide range of skills and
should be able to handle most repair needs. Call the church
office to request repair work.
Life Matters! Urgent Action Needed. A new rule by
the federal agency HHS under the Federal Healthcare Act
requires almost all private health plans to cover contraception
and sterilization as “preventive services” for women. It forces
individuals and groups with religious or moral objections to
purchase and provide such coverage. This poses an
unprecedented threat to individual and institutional religious
freedom, including the Catholic Church. Tell the government
that (1) Pregnancy is not a disease, and drugs and surgeries to
prevent it are not basic health care; (2) To remove sterilization
and prescription contraceptives from the list of ‘preventive
services’ the federal government is mandating; (iii) To exclude
any drug that may cause an early abortion, and (4) To fully
respect religious freedom as other federal laws do. Please send
an e-mail message voicing your concerns by September 30 to
HHS by visiting
Next Saturday, October 1st from 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at 401 N
Dixon, Gainesville, TX, three Catholic churches are sponsoring
an event featuring internationally known author and speaker,
Matthew Kelly and musician, Elliot Morris. For tickets ($39)
call Michelle at 940-902-3939 or Rachael at 940-736-0361.
David & Cindy Mannas will be attending if you need a ride.
St. Mary’s Book of Life will be updated with additions or
corrections for “The Faithful Departed”.
The book
remembers those parishioners, relatives, and friends who
have passed away. Deceased parishioners whose funeral
Mass was at St. Mary, have already been placed in the
“Book of Life”.
Forms are located in the vestibule by the cry room
door or on the website at
Completed forms may be returned and placed in the lower
tray. All forms must be returned by October 21, 2011.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2011