August Meeting Minutes - North Unitarian Universalist Congregation

of North Unitarian Universalist Congregation's
Leaders Council, August 11, 2014, 6:30-8:30 pm
Facilitator Lauren Richards (Vice-President of the Board of Trustees) called the meeting to order at
6:45 pm after hors d'oeuvres.
In attendance: Lauren Richards, Rev. Dr. Susan Ritchie, Jeff Hill, Scot Hardin, Teri Cornell, Eileen
Watters, Bob Keith, Marty Keith, Sydney Schardt, John Rodeheffer, Jen Aultman, Becca Morse,
Nathan Morse
Minutes of the May 12 meeting were handed around for the benefit of anyone who had not received
them before; they were approved. Council wanted to ascertain that Winter Institute (February,
Presidents' Day weekend) is among the activities that are on NUUC's calendar (mentioned in May's
After an opening reading, reports ensued:
Board of Trustees (Jeff Hill, President)
The Board had no meeting in July, but in an executive session hired Jen Aultman as Director of
Religious Education. Board approval (at the executive session and by email) was unanimous. She
received a contract.
In other news Jeff said that the schedule of Bruce Gardner, architect of choice for North's
building expansion, is clearing up, so the Board might be moving forward with him soon to clarify
Minister's Update (Rev. Susan Ritchie)
Susan said she is “delighted to have a DRE [Director of Religious Education].” As it is with
many other UU churches, our DRE has come from the congregation. Now Susan can use the time that
she previously devoted to children/youth RE to other programming. She stated that she wants to be
involved in more adult RE classes and plan some spiritual retreats. Jen Aultman will be installed at Ingathering, and her installation will be celebrated with a pot-luck and party after the service.
Susan also has resigned her position at Starr King School for the Ministry. Although she thinks
that position was “energizing,” it is not “sustainable,” she said, with the work she wants to do at
NUUC. In late September, Rev. Joan Van Becelaere of the Ohio-Meadville District will meet with
members, our minister, the Board of Trustees, and the DRE, and lead a “Start-Up.” The last such StartUp for our congregation occurred 18 years ago. It will be “re-covenanting,” establishing mutual
accountability, expectations, and roles.
Children's/Youth R.E. (Jen Aultman, DRE)
Jen is in the process of getting children registered for the new church year. We do need more
RE teachers, she said. She has contacted RE Director Lane Campbell (First Unitarian Universalist
Church of Columbus) about a method for cycling teachers in and out of service, to provide breaks.
She would like the youth to have a moment during In-gathering to tell the congregation about
what they've done this past year.
Finally, she's exploring whether or not OWL and Coming of Age are enough programs for the
older children at this time.
Threshold Congregation Committee (TCC) (Sydney Schardt)
The Wishing Well ideas were sent to all committee chairs. Sydney asked committee chairs at
this Leaders Council meeting to mention during their reports any of those ideas/items that have been
accomplished, are underway, or have been planned.
Organization structure and communication are still focuses of the TCC.
Jeff Hill made a recommendation that committee chairs get their charges/goals in their charters
to the Board by the Board's next meeting.
Membership Committee (John Rodeheffer)
John reported that the Membership Committee met on July 28 and worked on their charter. He
brought up a question about committees' purposes: Should the Board of Trustees determine a
committee's purpose? If this is the case, then the committee would follow through. Or, is the
description itself of a particular committee that committee's purpose? At their July 28 meeting,
Membership listed their current responsibilities.
Furthermore, a question arose about if a program existed whereby people can indicate when
they can attend, or if they can attend, a meeting, like an on-line sign-up. Sydney suggested E-vite. The
ideal program would allow date changes. Susan suggested “Go to Meeting.”
Finance Committee (Scot Hardin)
Scot said this committee plans to meet tomorrow (August 12). He asked about funds for the
DRE position, saying they should be “transparent” in the budget. Would a dedicated amount be set
aside, and would a budget item line be needed? Susan responded that a separate line would be fine,
and the Finance Committee can decide how best to indicate it.
Buildings and Grounds Committee (B & G) (Bob Keith)
Chairperson Bob Keith remarked that the B & G Committee has had a “busy period.”
As for the termite damage in the garage behind Nielsen House, one-half of the south wall and
the door had to be replaced. Structurally, the work is almost done. The replaced section will be
In addition, the foyer window has had the glass pane and the frame replaced. Plaster work is
80% done.
The cause of the back porch's deterioration probably was water getting into the foundation and
freezing. The re-bar work is started. The foundation will be strong, and it will be sealed.
The B & G Committee hopes to have NUUC's parking lot restoned during next week.
The east side drainage project likewise is set to begin soon, in September, as well as work on
the Sanctuary's east windows. In the course of the drainage repair, the memorial trees probably will be
hurt; they already are fragile. They have memorial stones alongside them, and Susan said the stones
will be removed and kept until they have a better place of honor.
Scot asked about the cost of the repair work. Bob said that materials for the garage were under
$300, and those for the east windows will be $900-$2,000.
Stewardship (Rev. Susan Ritchie)
Susan reported that a committee is established: Eileen Watters, John Rodeheffer, Scot Hardin,
and Becca Morse. Susan is putting together materials about how the stewardship campaign can be
approached. She plans on having a meeting before August 30.
Ways and Means Committee (Bob Keith, Becca Morse, Marty Keith)
Rummage sale proceeds came to $3800. Bob said that after expenses we made around $2800.
Marty expressed concern that a rummage sale of the size undertaken is too much work for anyone,
particularly when heavy furniture must be moved. She said that Darlene Tschudy and Pam Patsch
suggested smaller collections of items for fund-raising instead on one huge sale. For example, one
particular Sunday people can bring in books to be taken to Half-Price Books; another time we can
collect little-used children's clothing to go to Once Upon a Child. Places also exist that pay money for
reusable electronics. Members of Leaders Council liked the suggestion.
Becca said plans for the Service Auction have begun, but the date may have to be changed to
allow for more time to prepare. A Service Auction meeting is forthcoming.
Social Action Committee (SAC) (Marty Keith)
Marty read from an update supplied by chairperson Pam Patsch. The Social Action Committee
has decided to discontinue holding a Red Cross blood drive at NUUC, at least for now.
NUUC will not participate (as a congregation) in Crop Walk this year (October), but we will
have the Empty Bowls lunch in November and sponsor a family for the holidays. [And Guest at Your
Table will happen, Marty added.]
Are there suggestions for September's Loose Change Offering?
A new development is SAC-Adult Enrichment Education—a 3-times-a-year presentation on a
social justice theme by a local organization or another UU congregation, hopefully with an action
people can take before they leave. One of the three programs would be family oriented/kid-friendly.
Besides Adult Enrichment, SAC could partner with Children's/Youth RE, the Worship Committee, the
Threshold Congregation Committee, the Social Committee, and also groups outside NUUC. Some
ideas include: Fall, possibly Oct. 12--“Dollarocracy: The Influence of Money on Our Democracy and
What We Can Do about It”; Winter--”Sustainability”; Spring—Local Foods and Farming (kid-friendly).
After Pam's update, the Council offered ideas for additional Youth social justice education.
John Rodeheffer shared that last fall the youth group went to Athens, Ohio, and was exposed to
poverty. He thought it was “a good program” for them. Also, the youth might join Scott Grimshaw in
delivering Meals on Wheels sometimes. Ulrike Martin may work with the youth this next year. She
does some projects for SAC, so if she does become involved with the youth as well, that would make a
natural connection between SAC and Youth RE.
Pastoral Care (Eileen Watters)
Eileen said that Pastoral Care seems to be running well, but she has heard concerns that
congregants who have been absent, sick, or have had other problems have been overlooked, not
contacted by a pastoral care associate. The Leaders Council discussed how to remedy this situation.
Confidentiality is sometimes an issue, so a person's difficulties cannot always simply be mentioned by
someone else during the Joys and Sorrows part of the service. Perhaps we can have an email address
for people to communicate their concerns, and they can ask for a pastoral care associate to share the
information during service OR request that it not be shared but help still offered. Such an email
address can be put in the Newsletter, along with a monthly reminder to let joys or concerns/sorrows be
known, if desired. John Rodeheffer remarked that we have some good ideas here for a process that
would insure no one “falls through the cracks.” Jeff Hill said he can set up the email communication.
In addition, perhaps one of the pastoral care associates or a Commissioned Lay Leader (Teri
volunteered) can give a lay-view to remind the congregation that concern and help are available but to
please make sure someone knows about a problem. In other words, no one can respond if no one
knows. The Casserole Brigade does step in when asked. Other suggestions were to have a “Card
Brigade” or to send random “feel good” cards. All are agreed: reaching out to each other is important.
Social Committee (Eileen Watters)
Eileen said that this committee continues to come together. Some people have signed up to be
of help for certain events. She said the ice cream social was a success.
Other ideas for fun were a yard games event (Becca Morse), and a movie night.
Eileen reported that a number of people have signed up to supply coffee and snacks after
services. Question: Is there a technical way to sign up?
Commissioned Lay Leaders (CLLs) (Teri Cornell)
Teri said that approximately 60 people came to Susan's book signing (Children of the Same
God: The History of Unitarianism in Relationship to Islam and Judaism). Teri and the other CLL,
Allison Fagan, hosted.
Worship Committee (Teri Cornell)
Most dates for lay-led services from the fall to Christmas have been filled.
The children's staying in the Sanctuary until after the musical interlude the first Sunday of each
month is working out well.
Adult Enrichment (Marty Keith)
Marty outlined a possible schedule for programs: “Mindful Writing I” is ending August 18;
“Mindful Writing II: Writing to Wake the Soul” is set to begin the 4th Monday of September and then
meet once a month after that for 10 months. Susan's comparative religions discussions will continue
for a while, and she will begin teaching a theology class based on Rev. Dr. Thandeka's curriculum,
What Moves Us. The beginning date will be determined later. A The Welcoming Congregation
review—a few sessions—should happen this next spring, April-May.
The two covenant groups already meeting are doing well. Another based on the book Soul to
Soul, by Christine Robinson and Alicia Hawkins, can begin if and when it is needed.
Other people suggested meeting with a group from First Unitarian Universalist Church of
Columbus, even going camping, and having interesting discussions.
For closing, Lauren chose a selection from our hymnal, and Susan read it.
The next meeting of the Leaders Council will be October 13, 2014.