Oral Book Report Presentation Options

Oral Book Report Presentation Options
Ways to Share Your Book
1. Find out about the author and write a report. (Do not just use the
back flap of the book. You don’t learn anything this way). Write a
letter to the author or to the publisher. Use an encyclopedia for
your research.
2. Compare the characters in your story with your life, your school,
your home, your family, etc. Be explicit. Explain fully, step by step.
Write at least one page.
3. Diorama: make a diorama showing a scene from the life of you
favorite character in the book. Use a shoe box or make your own box.
Make your scene three dimensional!
4. Mobile: make a mobile of the characters in your story. Tell
something about each one. Make sure to include the title and author.
Do at least five characters.
5. Collage: make a collage, or montage, of the events which took place
in your story.
6. Make a billboard about your story to share with your friends.
Include what you would want to advertise to make others interested
in reading this book.
7. Dramatize a part of your book that you especially liked. Act it out
for the entire class. Bring props or costumes if appropriate.
8. Tape Record a favorite part of your story to share with your friends.
Add music or sound effects to increase audience’s interest.
9. Puppetry- prepare puppets and dialogue to dramatize a scene from
your book. Give the puppet show for the class.
10. Read one of the poems to the class. Draw illustrations to go with
your poem. Write a poem of your own. (This is only if you are
reading a poem book)
11. Dress up as the main character in your book. Give an oral
description of the character you are portraying; appearance,
personality, likes/dislikes, etc. Would you like to have this character
as a friend? Why/ why not?
12. Design a book jacket, include your favorite scene. Must be neatly
colored and include the title and the author.
13. Draw a series of pictures in sequence like a comic strip. Show the
main parts of your story. Do an oral presentation.
14. Write and illustrate a different ending for your story. Must be at
least one page in length. This is also an oral presentation.
15. Draw a series of scenes, with dialogue, in sequence on a roll of paper
to be shown on a TV scene. Use a box for the TV and present to the
16. Make a clay model of a scene from the book. Write a report of the
scene. This includes an oral presentation.
17. Describe a trip, or field trip, you would like to take because of this
book. Explain in full detail to the class.
18. Use the overhead projector to show three or more scenes from the
book. Prepare a report explaining why you selected each scene.
Overhead sheets are available at Kinko’s or Staples.
19. Prepare a flannel board story from your favorite part of the book.
Present the story to the class.
20. Write a headline and news style report story about an exciting
event in your story.
21. Write a “Dear Ann Landers” letter…. from the main character
about his or her problem. Then write a reply to this letter. Read
them to the class and explain why you wrote this.
22. Do your own slide show explaining and showing your favorite part
of the book.
23. Write a letter to a friend recommending a book. Must be at least
one page and you must read it in front of the class.
24. Make a list of five to tem new and interesting vocabulary words.
Explain them and tell how they were used in the story.
25. Grab bag- collect items that were represented in your story and put
them into a pillow case. Pull out items one-by-one and explain their
significance to the story or the characters.
26. Make a travel brochure inviting people to come to the setting of the
book. Include pictures and things to do and see while you are there.
27. Make a radio or TV commercial to advertise your book.
28. Write a comparison between two books on the same subject or two
books by the same author.
29. Make up a lost and found ad for a person or object in the story.
30. Make up a fun game that would represent situations or characters
from your book.
**** All other presentations must meet with prior teacher approval.