RELS TA positions 2011

Ad for TAs in the Department of Religious Studies:
Queen’s University and the Public Service Alliance of Canada have formed a new
Collective Agreement for Graduate Teaching Assistants. Teaching Assistant positions
within the Department of Religious Studies are advertised in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement.
The Department Religious Studies may require teaching assistants for the following
courses pending enrolment.
RELS 131 (Fall/Winter): World Religions
Introduces religion in India, China and Japan; also the movements of Judaism,
Christianity, Islam and Humanism.
RELS161 (Fall/Winter): Problems in Religion and Culture
Explores religious issues in social ethics, literature, and culture; e.g., liberation,
sexuality and gender, the Holocaust, the environment, and the future of humanity.
RELS 226 (Fall): Islam
Historical and topical survey of Islam, its development through study of its rise,
institutionalization of its beliefs and practices, formation of its theology, law, mysticism;
as well as its modern interpretations and practices.
RELS 235 (Fall): Religion and the Environment
Examines how religious traditions shape human values and behaviours towards the
environment and how environmental problems are shaping the evolution of religious
and spiritual traditions.
RELS 252 (Fall): Mysticism
The academic study of mysticism; mystical movements; and mystics.
RELS 214 (Winter): The New Testament
As religious literature expressing the witness to Jesus: and as source for the history,
trends and problems of early Christianity.
RELS 237 (Winter): Religion and Film
How religion is portrayed in film; particularly the depiction of religious belief, practices,
practitioners and institutions, and the use of religious symbols and metaphors.
RELS 250 (Winter): The Mythology of Heroes, Heroines and Saints
Their place in religious consciousness with a variety of examples.
Please note: These positions are conditional upon enrolment figures and budgetary
approval. Positions will remain posted until they have been filled (no less than 7
business days from date of posting). TA-ships will not be offered to candidates in Group
B, C or D until the qualified candidates in Group A have been exhausted. In addition, we
will do our best to match your preference to course offerings.
First Preference – Group A:
Is for qualified graduate students registered as:
(i) students in a department or program in which the TA-ship will be offered; or
(ii) students in an interdisciplinary program with TA budget resources, and for whom
the TA-ship has been granted as part of the funding commitment offered by Queen’s
Second Preference – Group B:
Is for qualified graduate students registered as:
(i) students in a department or program in which the TA-ship will be offered; or
(ii) students in an interdisciplinary program with TA budget resources, and for whom
(iii) the TA-ship will not form part of the funding commitment offered by Queen’s
University; or
(iv) there is currently no funding commitment provided by Queen’s University.
Third Preference – Group C:
Is for qualified graduate students that have previously held a TA-ship or TF-ship for
the Employer.
Fourth Preference – Group D:
Is for qualified graduate students that have not yet met the criteria as set out in XX.04
A, B, or C.
Please forward your applications* and ranked course preferences and other
relevant material to Cheryl O'Shea at
*What to include in your application: CV, unofficial transcripts and a one-paragraph
statement why you want to TA for a particular course. Please rank your course
preferences by term. TAs in Religious Studies are ‘normally’ two terms, 10 hours per
week, therefore if you are applying for a fall or winter course, please provide at least two
For more information, please contact Cheryl O’Shea, Graduate Assistant, Department of
Religious Studies, 613 5332109
or Ellen Goldberg, Graduate Coordinator