ANL1801MA Targeting the Noun Phrase 2nd year, Autumn 2015

ANL1801MA Targeting the Noun Phrase
2nd year, Autumn 2015
Instructor: Cserép Attila
Office hours: Monday 15.00-16.00 and Tuesday 13.00-14.00
Office: 1/3
Course aim and material
This course aims to develop students’ level of proficiency, especially their knowledge of English grammar.
It is offered in the hope that students will have plenty of opportunities to practise various points of grammar
related to the topics listed below. Targeting the Noun Phrase is intended to serve as a follow-up seminar
covering areas which are the same as or related to those mentioned in the corresponding lecture course. The
topics to be covered are as follows: the noun (number, gender, case), pronouns, relative clauses, pre- and
postmodification, determiners, articles, adjectives, and adverbs.
Recommended books
Rules and examples:
Carter, Ronald and Michael McCarthy. 2006. Cambridge Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press.
(only The noun phrase 167-175, Nouns and determiners 176-196, Pronouns 197-212, Adjectives and
adjective phrases 236-241, Nominal clauses 316, Relative clauses 317)
Swan, Michael. 2005. Practical English Usage. Oxford: OUP. (the relevant entries)
Eastwood, John. 1994. Oxford Guide to English Grammar. Oxford: OUP. Chapters 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
24, 25 (only 206-207), 26, 35.
Rules, examples and exercises:
Hewings, Martin. 2005. Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge: CUP.
Requirements and procedures
Students have to do the exercises in Advanced Grammar in Use (if you can’t get the latest edition, any older
editions are fine) at their own pace at home and check the solutions in the key. The explanations and
examples given in the book from which the exercises are taken as well as in the books listed under
“Recommended books” will hopefully help clarify any problematic points. Only the points related to the
noun phrase have to be studied (see below):
There will be a grammar test at the end of the course, in the last week of teaching (14th -18th December).
You will receive it by email and send it back to me.
Topic area
Countability: count and noncount nouns
Singular and plural forms of nouns
Genitive (‘s and of) and compound nouns
Relative clauses and other modifiers
Advanced Grammar in Use 2005
[only in the first edition]
Units 40-42
Unit 43
Units 44-52
Units 60-61
Units 66-73
Units 53-57