How to make a Garbageless lunch or Ways to reduce your trash

How to make Garbage less lunches
Caring for our Environment, How can I change my garbage habits?
How to make Garbage less lunch or Ways to reduce your trash output each day
Garbage less lunch requires a person to eliminate as much left over litter as possible. We
 A cloth shopping bag to act as a lunch bag or a reusable lunch bag
 Reusable and resealable plastic containers
 Reuse plastic cutlery
 Fill a water bottle or juice container with beverage
 Buy yogurt in the 1 litre container and put some in reusable/washable container
each day.
SPECIAL TIP: If you freeze your drink boxes and yogurt cups the night before they will
keep your lunch cool and fresh!
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Garbageless Lunch. ITEM. Plastic Film (plastic wrap, etc.)
Microwaveable Packaging. Plastic Cutlery. Drinking Boxes. Pudding
Cups or Fruit Cups. Yogurt Cups ...