Scale -

Unit 4_Geography_A. Atlas Skills_4. Scale
The scale of a map shows a how much of the actual Earth’s surface is
represented by a given measurement on a map.
- A large scale map covers only a small region and shows most of the
details of an area (ie: roads, rivers)
-A small scale map leaves out many details and covers a much larger area
(ie: North America)
Scale Can Be Stated 3 Different Ways
1.) Representative Fraction (R.F. Scales)
1: 50, 000
One unit of measurement on the map represents 50, 000 units
on the Earth’s surface
2.) The Stated Scale
1 cm: 50, 000 cms. This scale tells us the units of measurement that we are
1 cm : 0.5 kms
working with.
3.) The Line Scale
4 kms.
By looking at this line we can see that 1cm. is
equivalent to 1 km.
Changing Scales
1.) How To Change an R.F Scale To A Stated Scale
a) 1 : 50, 000
b) 1cm : 50, 000 cm
Put in the units if measurement you wanted to
work with.
c) 1 cm : 50, 000 cm X 1 km
100, 000 cm
Divide 50, 000 cm. by 100, 000 cm.
(Because there are 100, 000 cm. in 1 km.)
d) 1 cm : 50, 000 cm X 1 km
100, 000 cm
e) 1 cm : 0.5 km
Stated Scale
2.) How to Change a Stated Scale to a Line Scale
a) 1 cm : 0.5 km
Stated Scale
2 kms
Line Scale
3.) How to Change A Stated Scale to an R.F Scale
a) 1 cm : 0.5 km
Stated Scale
b) 1 cm : 0.5 km. X 100, 000 cm.
1 km
We want to convert the kms. to cms.
c) 1cm : 0.5 km. X 100, 000 cm.
1 km
Cancel out the kms.
d) 1 cm : 0.5 X 100, 000 cm
e) 1 cm : 50, 000 cms.
Cancel out your units of measurement.
f) 1 : 50, 000
Representative Fraction