Chapman University School of Law Student Bar Association Minutes

Chapman University School of Law Student Bar Association
Minutes for: July 10, 2004 at 10:00 a.m.
Grand Living Room, Big Bear Resort
Present: James Hafstrom, Tom Pokladowski, Rachel Pickens, Erika Drake, Bryan Johnson,
Merit Mikhail, Rhonda Wilson, Jennifer Weissburg, Jeremy Roach, Lani Goodman, Marvin
Adviento, Saul Wolf, Kenny Schwarz.
Absent: Daniel Josephson, Nadine Sayegh, Ben Phillips, Jacob Djaboury, Bonnie Bennett,
Heather Reitz
Call to Ordera. President Hafstrom calls the meeting to order at 11:04 a.m.
b. Mr. Hafstrom thanks everyone for coming.
c. Mr. Pokladowski passes the M& M’s bag around for a “Get to know everyone
i. Ms. Goodman volunteers to go first.
ii. Mr. Pokladowski explains that each color has a different meaning.
d. Meeting moves into executive session at 11:10 p.m.
e. Meeting moves out of executive session at 11:28 a.m.
Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes-May 17, 2004.
a. Mr. Wolf explains that he had handed out the revised minutes.
i. Mr. Wolf thanks Mr. Schwarz and Ms. Weissburg for their corrections.
ii. Mr. Wolf explains that the future minutes will be less extensive and less
iii. Ms. Drake moves to approve.
iv. Mr. Pokladowski seconds.
v. Motion to approve the minutes passes.
Officer Reports
i. President-James Hafstrom.
ii. Mr. Hafstrom explains that this retreat replaces the 8-hour budget meeting.
1. Mr. Hafstrom says that this is a good idea to get to know everyone.
2. Mr. Hafstrom says that there is a possibility of a mid-year retreat.
3. Retreat Schedule
4. Mr. Hafstrom explains the retreat schedule.
5. Mr. Hafstrom thanks Ms. Mikhail for bringing the DVD player.
iii. State of the S.B.A. address.
1. Mr. Hafstrom explains that Ms. Pickens has been on the board for
four years and would be the senior member for any questions.
2. Mr. Hafstrom is excited about the upcoming year as being the 10
year anniversary of the SBA.
a. Mr. Hafstrom explains that this is the 5th year with alumni,
and Chapman has come a long way since the inception.
3. Mr. Hafstrom would like to change the SBA motto.
4. Mr. Hafstrom says that we have business cards and name badges
for all members
a. Mr. Hafstrom welcomes Ms. Mikhail and Mr. Roach.
Mr. Hafstrom explains the concept of the Constitution for the new
Mr. Hafstrom again explains his position, and to who he is
accountable, and what to expect from him.
a. Mr.. Hafstrom thanks Ms. Pickens for coming back to the
Mr. Hafstrom explains that SBA is the conduit between the faculty
and the student body.
a. He explains that he is easy to get along with
b. Mr. Hafstrom says that this job includes handling the
students’ fees as well as conducting social activities.
Mr. Hafstrom explains that he has three goals:
a. Mr. Hafstrom says that his first goal is to make sure the
students are doing their part to enhance the reputation of
the school
i. He explains that this includes bringing in big-name
speakers and do our part to try and raise our tier.
b. Mr. Hafstrom says that the second goal is to increase
student organizations and co-sponsored events.
i. Mr. Hafstrom wants to see student organizations do
more at the school.
c. Mr. Hafstrom says that the third goal is to improve both our
graduation preparation and bar preparation
i. Mr. Hafstrom says that he has discussed this issue
with the Executive Council about doing more and
increasing programs for both graduation and bar
Mr. Hafstrom explains who makes up the Executive Board.
Mr. Hafstrom explains who are the Committee Chairs.
i. Mr. Hafstrom explains that the Events Committee
Chair is Ms. Goodman
ii. Mr. Hafstrom explains that the Academic Affairs
Committee Chair is Mr. Adviento
iii. Mr. Hafstrom explains that the Student Affairs
Committee Chair is Mr. Josephson
Mr. Hafstrom discusses the current financial situation
a. Mr. Hafstrom explains that we may only budget $27,000,
and that we have the same amount ($27,000) in the leftover
Mr. Hafstrom expects good representation from the board.
Mr. Hafstrom explains that every member has his or her strength.
Mr. Hafstrom says that we have a lot of challenges, but we have
the strength to meet these various challenges.
a. Mr. Hafstrom plans to deal with the challenges as they
come, as they may be unexpected.
b. Mr. Hafstrom states that Dean Vicki Huebner-Dummit is
our Advisor.
Vice President-Tom Pokladowski
1. State of the Committee address
2. Mr. Pokladowski says that he is overseeing the committees.
a. Mr. Pokladowski says that planning ahead is one of the
main objectives.
b. Mr. Pokladowski explains that publicizing some of the
events is also important, such as Chapman Law Day.
1. Mr. Pokladowski says that Chapman Law
Day could have been a better event with
appropriate planning and publicity.
3. Mr. Pokladowski wants to see the committee chairs take
a. Mr. Pokladowski says that the onus is on the members to
contact the committee chair to make sure you are doing
your part, as this will help productivity.
4. Mr. Pokladowski will hand out committee sign-up sheets.
5. Mr. Pokladowski says that the committees will take more
ownership with their events or issues.
6. Mr. Pokladowski explains that there will be a sub-committee for
v. Fall Elections
1. Mr. Pokladowski would like the fall election to take place after
Labor Day, which is on September 6, 2004.
a. Mr. Pokladowski says that this would give the students a
better opportunity to know their constituents.
2. Mr. Pokladowski says that the bylaw says there is no campaigning.
a. Mr. Pokladowski says that there is nothing in the bylaw to
say that a candidate cannot ask another to vote for him.
b. Secretary-Saul Wolf
i. Minutes/Attendance/Contact Info
1. Mr. Wolf says that the attendance policy will begin at the first
meeting of the school year.
2. Ms. Weissburg asks about specifics of absences and tardiness
3. Mr. Hafstrom and Mr. Wolf explain that the bylaw states that three
absences means automatic removal from the board, absent
extenuating circumstances.
4. Mr. Haftstom states that we do not yet have a tardiness policy in
ii. Public Relations Role
1. Mr. Wolf says that there is no need for a Publicity Committee, as
he will act as publicity chair, and ask for help when appropriate.
Treasurer-Erika Drake
i. End of Year Budget Report
1. Ms. Drake hands out a working budget.
a. Ms. Drake says that the budget is currently at $28,810.
b. Ms. Drake says that all we deal with is $27,560, which is
the total of the student fees.
Ms. Drake hands out the proposed budget prepared
by the Executive Board
1. Ms. Drake says that the budget for Student
Organizations is $12,500.
2. Ms. Drake says that the budget for New
Clubs is $500.
3. Ms. Drake says that the budget for CoSponsored Events is $500.
4. Ms. Drake says that the budget for
Operating Fund is $100.
5. Ms. Drake says that the budget for
Technology is $50.
a. Ms. Weissburg explains that the cost
for the hosting and domain name will
be no more than $200.
b. Ms. Drake asks Ms. Weissburg to
keep her updated.
6. Ms. Drake says that the budget for Reserves
is $10.
7. Ms. Drake says that the budget for Back-toSchool Night is $500.
8. Ms. Drake says that the budget for
Community Services Week is $0.
9. Ms. Drake says that the budget for a
Halloween Party is $1,000.
10. Ms. Drake says that the budget for
Thanksgiving is $0.
11. Ms. Drake says that the budget for Law
Review Symposium is $1,000.
12. Ms. Drake says that the budget for the
Barrister’s Ball is $4,000.
13. Ms. Drake says that the budget for the
Student and Dean’s Fora is $1,000.
14. Ms. Drake says that the budget for Bar
Reviews is $900.
15. Ms. Drake says that the budget for
Graduation is $3,000.
16. Ms. Drake says that the budget for Bar
Preparation is $1,500.
2. Ms. Drake opens the budget up for discussion:
a. Mr. Johnson is worried about dipping into the reserve funds
and blowing all the cash.
b. Ms. Wilson states that Ms. Drake needs to deal with
Michelle across the street.
c. Ms. Drake says that there will be significant income from
the lockers.
d. Ms. Pickens explains that this money in reserve is growing
without being spent, and it needs to be used.
Mr. Pokladowski explains that the money needs to be spent
to benefit the entire class.
f. Ms. Drake says that Law Review does have its own
operating budget.
g. Ms. Pickens explains that Law Review did not even know
they had money from SBA last year.
h. Mr. Johnson says that these symposiums do help increase
our reputation
i. Mr. Hafstrom says that Law Review is an organization that
already receives club funding.
j. Ms. Wilson says that there is a way to budget to use the
reserve money.
k. Ms. Pickens states that Nexus will be coming to SBA for
money for a symposium.
l. Ms. Wilson says that we need to budget for reserves.
i. Ms. Drake says that this would be fine, but we need
to find a place from which to pull this money.
m. Ms. W says that we need to find $4134 for the reserves, as
it needs to at least be 15% of the entire budget.
n. Mr. Pokladowski moves to table the discussion until we
deal with the bylaws.
o. Mr. Johnson seconds the motion.
p. Mr. Hafstrom opens the motion for discussion.
q. Ms. Mikhail asks about where all the money for SBA
comes from
r. Mr. Hafstrom explains that all of the money from student
funds is our budget, and there is no more money to add to
our budget.
s. Ms. Pickens says that the money spent by the
administration is spent by them, and we cannot budget that
money to spend.
t. Ms. Drake explains that we can line-item money from the
reserves budget to balance the budget for now.
u. Mr. Pokladowski withdraws his motion.
v. Ms. Drake moves to line-item and pull $5000 from the
w. Ms. Weissburg seconds that motion.
x. Motion to line-item and pull $5000 from reserves passes.
y. Ms. Drake explains that the new motion gives us an
additional $1486, that goes into reserves.
z. Ms. Drake explains that there are ideas about capital
expenditures, but explains that this will be discussed later
in the meeting.
d. Parliamentarian-Rachel Pickens
i. Ms. Pickens will be conducting parliamentary procedure and will be
calling to question for extensive discussions.
1. Ms. Pickens says that it is not a good idea to put the Constitution
up for vote again.
Ms. Pickens says that there are a lot of problems with the bylaws.
a. Ms. Pickens says that there are severe conflicts.
b. Ms. Pickens says that any problems should be put in to her
before the next meeting.
3. Mr. Schwarz asks about any other changes.
4. Ms. Pickens says that any changes or problems must be brought to
her in writing before the next meeting.
Committee Chair Reports
a. Student Affairs-Daniel Josephson (Proxy-Tom Pokladowski)
1. Orientation
2. Mr. Pokladowski explains that the first day of Orientation is
Wednesday, August 11th.
3. Big Sibling Program
4. Mr. Pokladowski says that Thursday, August 12th is the Big
Sibling Session.
5. Mr. Pokladowski says that on July 29th, Dean Dummit would like
to have a session to talk to prospective Big Siblings as to what is
expected of them.
6. Mr. Pokladowski explains that Friday, August 13th is the
introduction to SBA as well as the day for informational tables for
a. He says that there will also be a panel discussion and
question/answer session.
ii. Open House Participation
1. Mr. Pokladowski explains that there are no dates yet for Open
Houses, but explains that it will be under Mr. Josephson’s purview.
iii. Student Fora
1. Mr. Pokladowski explains that these will also be under Mr.
Josephson’s purview
2. SBA Forum
a. Mr. Pokladowski says that there is one budgeted SBA to
provide for refreshments.
iv. Graduation
1. Mr. Schwarz inquires about Graduation Committee.
2. Mr. Pokladowski explains that Ms. Goodman and Mr. Josephson
will meet with the faculty, but all graduating members will be a
part of the committee.
b. Academic Affairs-Marvin Adviento
i. Registration Issues/Schedules/Waitlist
1. Mr. Adviento explains issues about waitlisting
a. Mr. Adviento has spoken to Maryam about problems with
registration and creating an online registration process.
i. Mr. Adviento says that the fall semester schedule is
2. Mr. Adviento has already taken care of what classes that the 4L’s
want to be added in the evenings.
Mr. Adviento says that he has emailed 3L and 2L
representatives to survey classmates for desired classes in
the spring.
b. Mr. Adviento met with Dean Howe and spoke about
possible adjustments to the spring schedule.
i. Mr. Adviento says that if there is more interest, then
there is a greater chance of getting that class added
to the schedule.
1. Mr. Adviento says that documentation of
interest is necessary to add these classes.
c. Mr. Johnson suggests sending out an email to the entire
d. Mr. Schwarz suggests in-person contact follow-up, and
states that an email was helpful last year.
i. Mr. Schwarz says that reinforcing the survey inperson will help recruit more input and interest.
Mr. Hafstrom suggests the use of Blackboard, and wants to have
each member of the board have access to the school-wide email.
Ms. Drake explains that she is hesitant to allow this for every
Mr. Schwarz says that everyone on the board had access last year.
Ms. Drake says that she would like to see this type of access
Mr. Schwarz says there is an advantage to being to contact your
own class.
Mr. Johnson says that we should have this access and it’s
necessary to help other board members.
Ms. Goodman says that she thinks we should be able to send an
email out to everyone.
Ms. Drake reiterates the point of having checks and balances.
Ms. Pickens explains that she wants to maintain integrity without
misspellings, so we need these checks and balances.
Mr. Pokladowski says that class emails should be able to be sent
by every member, but school-wide emails should either come from
Mr. Hafstrom or Mr. Wolf
a. Mr. Hafstrom believes that it is alright that every member
has access to the entire student body.
Mr. Hafstrom moves to have all members of the board have T.A.
Mr. Schwarz seconds the motion.
Motion for all members of the board to have T.A. access to
Blackboard passes.
Ms. Mikhail likes the idea of a class representative sending a
follow-up email with the ideas for new classes.
Mr. Adviento will send out a school-wide email and then conduct
further follow-up on ideas for classes for the spring schedule.
Mr. Roach explains that he feels more comfortable in responding a
representative, not necessarily to Mr. Adviento.
Mr. Schwarz agrees with Mr. Roach, but says that Mr. Adviento’s
email and a follow-up as repetition will be more effective.
ii. Dean’s Fora
1. Mr. Adviento will be setting up Dean’s Fora with the help of the
a. Mr. Adviento says that he will have the committee
members deal with logistics.
2. Mr. Roach states that he enjoyed the Dean’s Forum this past year
and thought that it was effective.
3. Ms. Pickens explains that these fora are necessary to bring to the
forefront important issues.
4. Ms. Weissburg brings up the problem of LRW and having a forum
exclusively for that issue.
5. Ms. Mikhail explains the “rapping with the chancellor” at her
undergraduate school, in which the AS brought all of the faculty
6. Ms. Weissburg brings up the point of having Wellford at the LRW
7. Mr. Adviento asks about how many fora we should have
8. Mr. Johnson suggests a graduation forum.
9. Mr. Schwarz says that we should have at least two set fora.
iii. Honor Council/Proctors
1. Mr. Adviento explains that he will be working with Student
Affairs, as there is an issue with proctoring, honor council and
honor code.
a. Mr. Adviento explains that the proctoring was insufficient
to deal with these problems.
2. Mr. Hafstrom says that Honor Council has been selected with two
a. Mr. Hafstrom explains that Katie Hagen is the Chair of
Honor Council.
iv. Bar Exam Results/Bar Prep. Discussion
1. Mr. Adviento explains that bar results were poor.
2. Mr. Adviento wants to get the bar preparation course started and
wants the course to be more sufficient.
3. Mr. Adviento says that Dean Howe is hiring an academic support
program director.
a. Mr. Adviento explains that this person will be in charge of
setting up a bar preparation program.
b. Mr. Adviento says that Dean Williams and Dean Howe
want to see this program get performed in a more efficient
i. Mr. Adviento explains that the paperwork has come
through and the money has been budgeted, and the
faculty hope to have this person in place by early
4. Mr. Adviento explains that the administration wants to begin a
tutoring problem as well.
Ms. Weissburg asks about the Writing Enhancement
b. Mr. Hafstrom explains that the failure for the push for the
Writing Enhancement Program last year is mostly on the
graduates, not on the Board.
5. Mr. Adviento says that the students need to show the numbers and
documentation to get things done with administration.
v. Administration Relations
a. Mr. Adviento says that Dean Howe seems very sincere in
giving the students what we want.
2. Mr. Adviento says that we need to show the support, the
documentation and spell it out in order to have things done.
a. Mr. Adviento suggests that, during orientation, we should
stress that SBA is the liaison between the students and the
faculty, and to use SBA for this exact reason.
3. Ms. Weissburg is concerned that Dean Howe has not been very
receptive to individual concerns.
4. Mr. Hafstrom explains that the undergraduate petition was enough
to get the student voices heard.
5. Mr. Roach explains that his email to Dean Howe about an
extended reading period before finals was taken as a surprise, but
this year seems to have a longer reading period.
6. Mr. Schwarz suggests the use of petitions if necessary.
7. Ms. Mikhail suggests that Dean Howe tell an SBA member about a
concern and survey their constituents for that issue.
8. Ms. Wilson warns Mr. Roach about the schedule and calendar, as it
has not been properly updated.
c. Event Affairs-Lani Goodman
i. Ms. Goodman says that liked last year’s events, but wants to makes a
couple of changes.
ii. Orientation
1. Ms. Goodman would like to see other people, not just
representatives, on the surviving panel.
iii. Back-to-School Night Bash
1. Ms. Goodman suggests a bowling night at Lucky Strike instead of
Dave and Buster’s.
a. Ms. Goodman would like the members of the committee to
focus on a particular event.
b. Ms. Goodman is surprised about the involvement of SBA,
and would like to include outside members on some of
these events.
2. Mr. Hafstrom explains that the new bylaw allows the involvement
of outside members.
iv. Chapman Law Day
1. Ms. Goodman did not like the publicity and club involvement last
a. Ms. Goodman would like to see every club involved to get
more representation.
Ms. Goodman suggests more involvement by SBA to improve the
3. Mr. Johnson says that Teri Hauser was interested in doing a March
Madness Basketball Tournament.
4. Mr. Hafstrom explains what Chapman Law Day entailed.
5. Mr. Schwarz would like to see an external event bringing other
schools to a Chapman event.
v. Halloween Party
1. Ms. Goodman enjoyed the Halloween Party, but was concerned
about the new alcohol policy.
2. Ms. Pickens explains that there is a specific alcohol policy that we
would have to enforce.
3. Ms. Weissburg asks about getting a copy of the alcohol policy.
4. Mr. Hafstrom brings up the suggestion of a boat cruise for the
5. Mr. Johnson explains that Halloween lands on a Sunday.
6. Ms. Goodman would like to have things planned early and says
that not all decisions need to be conducted by the entire board.
vi. Barristers Ball
1. Ms. Weissburg explains her concern over the price of the
Barrister’s Ball.
2. Ms. Goodman would also like to see lower prices and see some
fund-raising take place.
3. Mr. Pokladowski suggests securing the location early and have
students budget money for this ball early in the year.
4. Ms. Weissburg explains that Mr. Pokladowski’s idea may not the
best way to get constituents to the ball.
5. Ms. Pickens says that it is impossible to please everyone.
6. Mr. Johnson explains that it was actually a good deal for the
Barrister’s Ball.
7. Ms. Mikhail agrees with booking early and having people plan for
this well in advance is a good idea.
8. Ms. Drake brings up a concern about the PILF Auction.
9. Ms. Goodman would like to see the clubs involved in encouraging
people to attend the Ball.
a. Ms. Goodman would like to have emails sent to her about
things that students enjoyed at the Ball.
10. Mr. Schwarz would like to see alumni making donations and invite
alumni to the ball to encourage such donations.
vii. Bar Reviews
1. Ms. Goodman is happy to see money budgeted for Bar Review.
2. Ms. Goodman would like to see clubs co-sponsor these Bar
3. Mr. Pokladowski encourages Ms. Goodman to be at the President’s
Round Table to discuss this issue.
4. Ms. Weissburg asks about any bylaw allowing us to force
Presidents to attend the Round Table.
Ms. Pickens explains that there is nothing in the bylaws to preclude
us from doing that.
viii. ABA-LSD-Rachel Pickens
ix. ABA Annual Meeting in Atlanta
1. Ms. Pickens explains that the Annual ABA Meeting is in Atlanta,
from August 4th-8th.
a. Ms. Pickens explains that our school is nominated for 5
b. Ms. Pickens thanks Ms. Weissburg for fixing the website.
i. Ms. Weissburg says that we need to go through the
school if we use the school server.
2. Ms. Pickens says that there will be good training for SBA members
at the Annual Meeting in Atlanta.
x. New Lt. Gov. Appointments
1. Ms. Pickens says that there are newly appointed Lieutenant
a. Ms. Pickens says that Mr. Pokladowski is Lt. Gov. for
b. Ms. Pickens says that she is Executive Governor for SBAs.
c. Ms. Pickens says that Ms. Mikhail is Lt. Gov. for diversity
d. Mr. Hafstrom is Lt. Gov. for ?????.
xi. Upcoming ABA Events
1. Ms. Pickens explains that there will be an ABA Fall Roundtable.
xii. Fundraising/Salt Lake
1. Ms. Pickens hopes to use Script fund-raising to have more
attendees at the mid-year ABA Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.
xiii. OCBA Liaison Torch Passing
1. Ms. Pickens explains that she is passing the torch to Ms. Drake as
the new OCBA Liaison.
xiv. ABA Membership Drive
1. Ms. Pickens says that we compete against all schools in our region.
a. Ms. Pickens explains that Cal Western has 68%
b. Ms. Pickens wants to increase membership.
2. Mr. Johnson wants to know what he gets from joining ABA, so
that he can have an answer to the question when he is asked by his
a. Ms. Pickens explains that there is a great networking
opportunity and career development opportunity.
b. Ms. Pickens also says that there are numerous other
benefits for being a member.
3. Mr. Pokladowski explains that the ABA Law Student Division is
petitioning for increasing the cap on Federal Stafford Loans.
4. Mr. Hafstrom explains that there is a great opportunity to have a
national voice.
d. Committee Sign-Ups:
Mr. Pokladowski explains that each member must sign up for one
1. Mr. Pokladowski explains that this does not preclude a member
from also helping out on other committees.
Meeting called to recess at 2:15 pm
Meeting called back to order at 2:37 pm
Unfinished Business
a. SBA Logo Items
i. Ms. Drake says that she has a contact in getting logo items organized
1. Ms. Drake says that there is a website with an opportunity to shop
online with Chapman logo items.
2. Ms. Weissburg asks about a certain minimum order.
3. Ms. Drake says that there is no minimum order, as it is done on a
per-order basis.
4. Ms. Wilson asks about other available items other than clothing.
5. Ms. Drake says that there is an opportunity for cups, pens, pencils,
ii. Mr. Johnson says the reason that it had taken so long was because Dean
Dummit was slow on responding to him.
1. Mr. Johnson also has a contact with all of the supplies and
necessary requirements.
iii. Ms. Drake asks about any issue with the school’s logo.
iv. Mr. Johnson says that the school is not communicating with Dean
Dummit, but we have to be careful because of copyright issues.
v. Ms. Weissburg asks about getting permission from the school, and asks
about the revenue and taxes from the internet option.
vi. Ms. Drake says that her contact can sit down and organize something
vii. Ms. Mikhail asks about having two different vendors.
viii. Mr. Johnson suggests his idea of having a booth at orientation and accept
orders at that time.
ix. Ms. Wilson would like to know the percentages of revenue from each
vendor and make a comparison.
x. Ms. Goodman says that one vendor is enough for efficiency purposes.
xi. Ms. Pickens brings up the concern of what the book store is selling.
xii. Ms. Drake worries about the commitment from her contact if there is more
than one vendor.
xiii. Ms. Weissburg asks about possible infringements from Follet.
xiv. Ms. Pickens explains that there is not much liability.
b. SBA Room Location/Office Hours/Dark Hour
i. Room Location:
1. Mr. Hafstrom explains that SBA has moved to the Faculty Lounge
inside the Student Lounge.
2. Mr. Hafstrom says taht he will have the keys this week.
3. Mr. Roach asks about internet access in the new room
4. Mr. Hafstrom says that there will be internet access, and there are
also more issues.
Mr. Schwarz asks about the lockers.
Mr. Hafstrom says that these lockers will go with us into the room.
ii. Office Hours:
1. Mr. Pokladowski says that each representative will have a
minimum of one office hour per month which will be posted on a
master calendar.
a. Mr. Pokladowski says that he sees these office hours as
beneficial for our constituents.
iii. Dark Hour:
1. Mr. Hafstrom discusses a possible afternoon dark hour.
2. Mr. Hafstrom says that we are not going to win on this argument.
iv. Meeting Times:
1. Mr. Wolf brings up possible times for the meetings for this
upcoming year.
2. The Board agrees that there will be bi-weekly meetings on Sunday
evenings, from 5-7 p.m.
3. Ms. Pickens brings up the possibility of conflicts with religious
4. Mr. Hafstrom explains the weeks that we will have meetings.
c. Internet Connectivity/Wireless Power/Faculty Control Discussion
i. Internet Connectivity:
1. Ms. Weissburg, as Webmaster, reiterates the problems with broken
ii. Wireless:
1. Ms. Weissburg explains that the wireless connection works
throughout most of the library, in some of the classrooms, and
some of the study rooms.
a. Ms. Weissburg explains that she would like to see the
wireless at full power, not only in part of the school.
iii. Faculty Control Discussion:
1. Ms. Weissburg explains that some professors had shut off the
internet connection in some of the rooms.
a. Ms. Weissburg believes that this switch is unnecessary, as
she believes that every student should be able to selfmotivate.
2. Mr. Hafstrom asks if this issue would fall under the Student Affairs
3. Ms. Weissburg asks about contacts across the street, about
demanding or requesting fixing of some problems.
4. Mr. Johnson believes that the professors should have the
opportunity to use the switch on the internet.
5. Mr. Roach says that the internet is often necessary.
6. Mr. Goodman says that she understands the administration’s point
of view and can see the use of the internet as a distraction.
7. Mr. Schwarz sees both sides of the issue, but he believes the
internet is a useful tool during the class.
8. Ms. Goodman explains that she understands that the internet is a
useful tool.
Mr. Johnson sees the internet as a distraction.
Ms. Weissburg would prefer self-governing students as opposed to
the administration governing this issue.
11. Mr. Pokladowski also sees both sides of the issue, but believes we
should pick our battles.
12. Ms. Mikhail says there may also be other distractions including
solitaire and pinball.
13. Ms. Weissburg sees this as something that will hinder some
students during class.
14. Mr. Johnson brings up the point that this is a switch that may or
may not be utilized.
15. Ms. Pickens sees the disparity of views, and this must be brought
up by the Academic Affairs Committee.
16. Mr. Roach says that we may bring this up at Orientation with new
17. Ms. Drake brings up the possibility of approaching the issue at a
Student Forum.
iv. SBA Special Election Determination Clarification
1. Mr. Hafstrom explains that we are not planning on having special
elections in the fall, other than the normal fall elections for 1Ls.
2. Mr. Johnson asks about filling the vacancies, and Mr. Hafstrom
says that he would appoint with the advice and consent of the
3. Mr. Schwarz asks about setting this criteria and does not
necessarily agree with the criteria as it is not a bylaw.
v. Parking issues; decreased spaces/increased fees
1. Mr. Hafstrom says that there will be a parking problem.
2. Ms. Weissburg explains that there may be a need for shuttles to the
needed overflow parking lot..
3. Ms. Wilson explains that the parking fees increased by 50% with
no increase in parking.
a. Ms. Pickens says that the problem is that the administration
is not being fair to the students.
4. Ms. Wilson explains that we have a right to have a say in what the
administration does with our fees.
5. Mr. Hafstrom says that we should circumvent the faculty and
administration and put a representative on the Trustee Committee.
6. Ms. Mikhail asks why the fees are increasing as a private school.
7. Mr. Johnson says that President Doti thinks that increasing the cost
will make the students believe that they will get more out of it.
8. Ms. Weissburg asks if AS has a representative on the Trustee
New Business
SBA Committees/Faculty Committees
Discussion of ad hoc committees and placement of members on various
student/faculty committees including;
Mr. Hafstrom explains that there are committee appointments that
need to be made
2. Faculty Comm. (2),
a. Mr. Hafstrom says that he appoints Mr. Pokladowski and
Ms. Pickens as the representatives on the Faculty
3. Academic Standards Comm.(2),
a. Mr. Hafstrom says that he appoints Mr. Adviento and Ms.
Reitz as the representatives on the Academic Standards
4. Honor Code Comm. (1),
a. Mr. Hafstrom says that Mr. Johnson is the representative on
the Honor Code Committee.
5. Faculty Appointments Comm. (3),
a. Mr. Schwarz and Ms. Wilson explains what is involved in
the job.
b. Ms. Goodman asks if we can wait and see when it is
needed and then appoint those representatives.
c. Mr. Hafstrom says that he will appoint Mr. Wolf, Ms.
Weissburg, and Mr. Schwarz as the representatives on the
Faculty Appointments Committee.
d. Mr. Adviento explains to bring up the academic support
program at the next Faculty Appointments Committee
6. Curriculum Comm. (1, with 1 pending),
a. Mr. Hafstrom appoints Ms. Mikhail as the representative on
the Curriculum Committee.
7. Graduation Comm. (TBD)
a. Mr. Hafstrom appoints Mr. Josephson and Ms. Goodman as
the representatives on the Graduation Committee.
8. Career Services Advisory Board. (TBD)
i. Mr. Hafstrom tables the appointment of the Career
Services Advisory Board.
iii. Graduation Planning/Committee(s)Discussion on various issues including;
Bar review/Bar Prep, Committee staffing, and graduation regalia.
iv. New clubs/organizations
1. Discussion on various organization issues including; new
organizations, demise of old organizations, and metal cabinet
a. Mr. Hafstrom explains that there may be one new club on
which to vote.
b. Mr. Hafstrom says that OWLS have disbanded
c. Mr. Pokladowski explains that this new club is not ready
for a vote.
d. 03-04 Carryover Funds
i. Discussion of funds remaining from previous year,
and management of funds.
Mr. Hafstrom explains that we have carry
over funds, and we can spend this money,
but we need to be conservative.
Capital Expenditure(s)
1. Mr. Hafstrom says that we have solicited ideas for using our
money for capital expenditures.
a. Mr. Hafstrom explains that one idea is a DVD Player for
the Student Lounge.
b. Ms. Drake says that there are other ideas, including new
couches, blinds, trophy cases, a printer in the mail room,
new computers for SBA and the mail room, or another
i. Mr. Hafstrom explains that there is a trophy case
spot, but there is no trophy case.
c. Mr. Johnson has heard the administration talking about
buying the blinds, and couches.
i. Mr. Hafstrom says that Jeff Weikel says that they
will not buy couches this year.
d. Mr. Pokladowski says that Dean Dummit spoke to him
about buying new things for the lounge.
e. Ms. Pickens sees the administration’s actions as a game.
f. Ms. Weissburg suggests the possibilities of facilities
cleaning the couches.
Webmaster/Alumni-Liaison/OCBA-Liaison/Associated Students-Liaison
1. Mr. Hafstrom explains that there will be Nomination/Confirmation
for new positions.
a. Mr. Hafstrom says that these appointments are with the
advice and consent of the Board, and explains that the
individuals up for nomination are:
i. OCBA Liaison-Erika Drake
1. Mr. Hafstrom moves to approve Ms. Drake
as OCBA Liaison .
2. Ms. Pickens seconds the motion.
a. Ms. Pickens and Ms. Drake explain
what is entailed in being the OCBA
3. Motion to approve Ms. Drake as OCBA
Liaison passes.
4. Webmaster:
5. Mr. Hafstrom explains that Ms. Weissburg
has already taken a great role as Webmaster.
6. Mr. Pokladowski moves to approve Ms.
Weissburg as Webmaster.
7. Mr. Schwarz seconds the motion.
8. Motion to approve Ms. Weissburg as
Webmaster passes.
Alumni Liaison:
1. Mr. Hafstrom explains that Mr. Phillips is
very interested in become Alumni Liaison
with Brad Etter
a. Mr. Pokladowski moves to approve
Mr. Phillips as Alumni Liaison.
b. Ms. Drake seconds the motion.
c. Motion passes to have Mr. Phillips
as Alumni Liaison.
iii. Associated Students Liaison
1. Ms. Drake nominates Mr. Roach as AS
2. Mr. Hafstrom explains what the position
3. Ms. Wilson explains that the Law School is
under the umbrella of the entire University.
4. Mr. Schwarz says that he is also interested
in taking this position.
5. Mr. Wolf moves to approve both Mr. Roach
and Mr. Schwarz as AS Liaisons.
6. Motion to approve both Mr. Roach and Mr.
Schwarz as AS Liaisons passes.
a. Mr. Schwarz suggests having a point man to contact club leaders for issues
throughout the year.
i. Ms. Drake suggests utilizing Mr. Wolf as this contact
b. Ms. Weissburg explains that Milton was great at starting the website.
i. Ms. Weissburg brings up other issues, including the need to find a server,
and giving Milton a thank-you or a reimbursement for his work on the
c. Upcoming Events:
i. Ms. Weissburg discusses her birthday plans.
ii. Ms. Wilson says that NITA will be around campus at the end of July.
1. Mr. Schwarz adds to Ms. Wilson’s mentioning of NITA as offering
great experience and practice.
d. Mr. Hafstrom hands out door prizes .
10. Executive Session
a. The Board moves into Executive Session at 4:10 pm
i. Representative comment period.
b. The Board moves out of Executive Session at 4:35pm
a. Mr. Hafstrom moves to adjourn.
b. Ms. Wilson seconds.
c. Motion to adjourn passes.