line assignment

Line as Structure
The students will:
Create a drawing from still life objects with pencil and eraser on a sheet of 18 x 24 paper that fills the
space and defines the relationships between and among the objects as the main focus rather than
defining objedts.
Theme/Concept: Process, relative relationships, interdependency.
Students will create a line drawing that emphasizes the structure of the arrangement of objects so there
is evidence that the student is looking for:
 the overall shape of the still life.
 relationships between edges and points on objects across the arrangement of objects.
 how edges in the background line up with or bisect edges of objects in the foreground
when continued beyond the objects.
Structure & Composition
Students will create a drawing that has:
 an emphasis on structure in the relationship and arrangement of objects.
 unity enhanced by line and repetition of forms.
 variety through line weight created by varying pressure on the pencil during the search.
 accurate proportion and placement of objects in relationship to each other.
 emphasis created by movement of lines, contrast in line weight, and size and number of
Students will:
 begin drawing as if they were starting a gesture drawing.
 explore shapes that hint at the objects in the still life but not drawing objects.
 erase, reposition objects fragments in their drawing.
 sight and measure for placement and position.
 use line weight to emphasize compression/extension, lightness/weight, strong/weak contrast
in edges, and to create an area of emphasis in the composition.
 Use the eraser as a drawing tool for mark making.
Technical Skills/Presentation
Students will create a drawing that:
 is unified.
 has strong contrasts and a variety lines.
 has strong energy through execution.
 is complete and balanced in composition.
 Is more than a drawing of isolated objects.
As always, the portfolio should contain all process work leading up to the final product. Your name,
class, and section number should be on the upper right hand side of the paper portfolio. Place the
portfolio on the table next to the window.
Work turned in late will receive a 10% deduction. Work turned in one week late will (can) not be graded. It is very important
for you to get in the habit of working outside of class on studio work. You will be working outside of class on preparation for
the classes you teach.