Finding Common Ground - Muscle Control

Finding Common Ground - Adaptive Technology Website
Go through the list of Exceptionalities and fill in the table.
Behaviour Exceptionalities
Intellectual Exceptionalities
Moderate Intellectual
Developmental Delays (MID)
Severe Intellectual Developmental
Delays (DD)
Physical Exceptionalities
Vision Impaired
Communication Exceptionalities
Hard of Hearing
Speech Impaired
Language Impaired
Learning Disabled
Type #1: Language Delayed or
Language Learning Disability
Type #2: Non-Verbal Learning
Disability - Visual Spatial Deficits
Type #3: Small or Large Muscle
© 2008 OISE, University of Toronto
Students who will definitely have difficulty
with vision or the processing of visual spatial
Students may or may not have difficulty with
vision or the processing of visual spatial
Finding Common Ground - Adaptive Technology Website
What type of difficulties do you predict students with large muscle difficulties will have in a class? (Students who may
be clumsy or use walkers or wheel chairs).
What type of difficulties do you predict students with small muscle difficulties will have in a class?
Think of a lesson you have taught and determine how you could have differentiated your instruction or made
accommodations for students who had difficulties of this kind?
Can you improve these deficits?
The following is a list of all the technologies available in our lab. After researching and experimenting with each,
determine which would or would not be applicable to students with Muscle Control deficits? Justify your answer.
Clicker5 - writing support and multimedia tool
CoWriter 4000 Solo - editing supports
Write: Outloud Solo - text-to-speech support
Premier Literacy Suite - suite of 10 tools to support reading and writing
AlphaSmart - portable word-processing tools
Intellikeys - customizable touch keyboard
© 2008 OISE, University of Toronto
Finding Common Ground - Adaptive Technology Website
Premier - Literacy Suite - suite of 10 tools to support reading and writing
Kurzweil - digitize text and read using text-to-speech
Screen Magnification Software
ZoomText - enlarge display and read outloud
JAWS - translates text to audio output
Intellikeys - customizable touch keyboard
Dragon Naturally Speaking - translates spoken language into text
Kidspiration - graphical mapping tool
Inspiration- simple graphical mapping tool
Smart Ideas- graphical mapping tool
© 2008 OISE, University of Toronto
Finding Common Ground - Adaptive Technology Website
How can you use these technologies in class to not only differentiate instruction for specific students, but using the
principles of Universal Design, make you classroom and lesson inclusive for all students?
Are there other technologies to use for Universal Design, or other ways of making those aspects of your lessons that
involve muscle control accessible to all? (Remember that some students may have visual-motor or hand-to-eye
coordination difficulties and therefore have difficulties with such things as copying notes from the board).
© 2008 OISE, University of Toronto