Midterm Study Guide

Anatomy and Physiology Mid-term Study Guide
1) Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
Be able to identify and explain the following:
a) Body Planes
b) Body Cavities
c) Body Regions
d) Directional Terms
2) Tissues and Membranes
a) 4 major types of Tissue
b) General Characteristics of Connective Tissue
c) General Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue
d) Cells found in Tissues
e) Histology- identification of tissue types under the microscope
3) Integumentary
a) Main layers
b) Functions
c) Types of cells and proteins found in skin
d) Identify accessory organs and their functions
4) Skeletal System
a) Functions
b) Types of cells specific to bone and their basic function
c) Anatomical parts of general long bone
d) Main Skeletal bones (Appendicular and Axial- including vertebrae and rib types)
e) General bone marking terminology definitions
5) Muscular System
a) Functions of system
b) General Characteristics of each muscle type
c) Main facial, trunk, upper and lower body muscles
d) Principles of muscle contraction (sliding filament, all or none, origin/insertion, sarcomere, neuromuscular
Anatomy and Physiology Mid-term Study Guide
1) Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
Be able to identify and explain the following:
e) Body Planes
f) Body Cavities
g) Body Regions
h) Directional Terms
2) Tissues and Membranes
a. 4 major types of Tissue
b. General Characteristics of Connective Tissue
c. General Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue
d. Cells found in Tissues
e. Histology- identification of tissue types under the microscope
3) Integumentary
a. Main layers
b. Functions
c. Types of cells and proteins found in skin
d. Identify accessory organs and their functions
4) Skeletal System
a. Functions
b. Types of cells specific to bone and their basic function
c. Anatomical parts of general long bone
d. Main Skeletal bones (Appendicular and Axial- including vertebrae and rib types)
e. General bone marking terminology definitions
5) Muscular System
a. Functions of system
b. General Characteristics of each muscle type
c. Main facial, trunk, upper and lower body muscles
d. Principles of muscle contraction (sliding filament, all or none, origin/insertion, sarcomere,
neuromuscular junction)