File - Survival SOS

Valparaiso Ward, March 16, 2014
Society of Survival Newsletter
“"We will see the day when we will live on what we produce." Marion G Romney 1975
Reasons Food Prices are about to Soar: California is going through the worst drought it has ever seen +
the size of the US cattle herd is the smallest it has been since 1951. The Fed. Gov’t has declared portions of
11 states to be disaster areas + ½ million acres of farmland in Cali will sit idle due to the drought. 2013 was
the driest year on record for Cali & 014 is looking the same. The Sierra Nevada snowpack is only 15% what
it normally is + underground aquifers are being draining at a staggering rate. The drought is affecting states
from Texas to Oregon. Extremely unusual weather patterns are playing havoc with crops all over the planet.
Food prices are soaring while incomes stand still at best– falling is more accurate. All this is reminiscent of
the Dust Bowl of the 30’s. Don’t worry - follow the examples of our Grandparents & store food.
IF THE GRID GOES DOWN: Did you know the US has 3 Grid systems that are independent of each other? The
EASTERN GRID serves East of the Rockies, WESTERN GRID serves from the Pacific to the Rockies & then the TEXAS
GRID. Major parts of CANADA are also connected to the W & E Grid & parts of Mexico have connection to the TEXAS &
W Grid. Besides not being able to be connected to the news, lack of power to our homes or inability to power up cell
phones, the 1st thing people do is rush out to grocery shop & to the local hardware store. Long term shut down would
also impact commerce, mass transportation & supplies, ATM machines that won’t work, Payroll disruption, Closed
schools, public places as well as the workplace. PLUS the inability to access clean drinking water. In AUG of 03 it only
took 10 secs. For New York to begin to go dark when Northeast Ohio experienced a grid down. There are 3 potential
causes of a GRID DOWN- 1. Extreme Natural Disasters- this includes solar storms. In 1989 the Hydro- Quebec power
grid was downed by a solar storm leaving 6 M Canadians w/o power for 9 hrs. 2. Terrorism- includes a cyber attack
OR an EMP weapon (Electro Magnetic Pulse) An EMP strike would change our way of life. NOTE: A total lack of
electricity & media may alert you that a nuclear blast is imminent within 10-30 minutes & to take protective cover. 3.
The Ailing GRID itself. Once damaged it take months to get the needed parts from China. We must admit to ourselves
that a GRID DOWN could be more than a minor inconvenience. Store- Alternative Fuel sources, Food Preservation
Supplies, Bulk Foods, Water, Light Sources, Batteries/Chargers, Emergency Stoves, Wood Burning Heat Source, Cash.
Does your College Student have… a personal water filter, a solar powered phone charger, a multi-tool, a
paracord bracelet, & an Emergency Preparedness book such as the SAS Survival Guide- which can be
ordered on line from Walmart for only $5. In a GRID Down they would also need: a flat of bottled water,
canned foods w/ a manual opener, energy snacks, flashlight & batteries, & a small 1st aid kit. They may panic
in an emergency so include a small note w/ some instructions. In an extreme event anyone would just want
to get home as quickly as possible. A ‘Get Home’ back pack could include; personal water filter, food bars,
cash, 1st aid, change of clothes, good wool socks, comfortable shoes, rain gear, flashlight/weather radio,
solar charger, multi-tool, signal mirror, whistle, lighter, tarp, pepper spray, hygiene items, KI03 (radiation
tablets – with instruction for use). Have a family disaster plan ahead of time so all family members know
where the Bug Out location(s) will be & know where to head to.
Whattodo… w/ empty #10 cans- they cannot be resealed. Use them to; store nuts & bolts, for catching oil,
use the re-sealable plastic lid & hold bulk items in the kitchen from bulk bucket foods. Decorate them to
hold art supplies, for target practice, punch holes in the bottom & plant something, make a Rocket Stove, use
them as a feed scoop, make a bucket using a coat hanger for a handle, holds candles & matches or salt/sand
in your WRECK bag perfectly w/ the plastic lid on, (also an emergency toilet), bake bread in them if they are
BPA free, holds TP in an out house or…. Make a time capsule!!
Quote: “Shakespeare never said,” To prepare or not to prepare- that is the question.” Falin Tanner
Random: Create a GROUP texting list in your cell phones now. In case of an emergency, 1 text can be sent
to all family members to keep them all informed.
Five & ½ lb of Wheat = $3.05 at the Family Home Storage Center. It is open to the public. Make regular
purchases now. 150 lbs. per person/ per year. Make flour, sprout, grow into grass.
Type Food Storage Calculator into Google. Find out exactly what you need. It is no longer on the Church site.
To report a power outage call 1-800-4NIPSCO (1-800-464-7726)