Cary Institute Metadata Form -download for PC

Cary Institute Metadata Form
Use this form to document your research data.
If you would like to see an example of a completed metadata record, see a nice example located at
If you have any questions, comments or problems regarding this form, please contact Amy Schuler, or consult your research collaborators or mentor if you are uncertain what to enter
in the fields.
*Denotes a required field.
*Data Files or Images
Provide list of data file names and/or research images (such as
canopy images or satellite imagery) that you generated during your research, e.g. Data file name:
REU_Kelly_Baltimore_Mosquito.csv. Also indicate how you coded missing values in your data, e.g. Missing
Value Code: N
*Location of data tables and/or images
Name of individual(s) who has data, or path to shared Cary network
URL if data have been posted in online repository (unlikely to apply to REUs)
*Data File Variable Descriptions – see worksheet located at the end of this form
Usage Rights
No restrictions
*Data Submitter
*Your First Name
*Your Last Name
Obtain permission from data set owner(s)
Street Address
U.S. State or Territory
Other State/Province
Postal Code
Associated Parties or Collaborators
First Name
Last Name
Role of associated party
e.g. “REU mentor”
Organization Name
First Name
Last Name
Role of associated party
Organization Name
Additional collaborators
*Research Project Abstract
(~350 words)
For samples, see metadata record cited above. Indicate whether you are using an online thesaurus
such as NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD).
*Temporal Coverage
Start Date (mmddyyyy)
End Date (leave blank if your data set is open-ended)
*Geographic Description
General description of the geographic area in which the data
were collected. It can be a simple place name (e.g., Millbrook) or a fuller description.
*Geographic Location
I am providing GPS Coordinates:
I will provide a Google Earth file or ESRI shapefile containing research
locations with my data file(s)
Data file(s) contain site codes, station codes or location codes
Geographic locations are not relevant to this study
Taxonomic Information
Taxonomic Rank
(e.g., Species)
Taxonomic Name
(e.g., Ursus arctos)
Taxonomic Rank
(e.g., Species)
Taxonomic Name
(e.g., Ursus arctos)
Taxonomic Rank
(e.g., Species)
Taxonomic Name
(e.g., Ursus arctos)
Taxonomic Rank
(e.g., Species)
Taxonomic Name
(e.g., Ursus arctos)
Taxonomic Rank
(e.g., Species)
Taxonomic Name
(e.g., Ursus arctos)
Taxonomic Rank
(e.g., Species)
Taxonomic Name
(e.g., Ursus arctos)
Taxonomic Reference
List the source(s) used for identifying and naming taxa (e.g., name of a field guide,
key, or nomenclature revision).
Method Description (tip: use methods section of your paper; supplement as needed according to description
General information about your methodology, such as any
data you compiled to facilitate your project, analytical methods used, instrumentation (including specialized
software & version). Describe the temporal, spatial and taxonomic extent of the study. For example, if the
temporal coverage of the data is 2013-2014, you might provide details about days that were missed or the
months in which sampling occurred. Describe the sampling design of the study. For example, you might
describe the way in which treatments were assigned to sampling units.
Data Contact
Use the same name and address as the Data Submitter above.
*First Name
*Last Name
Organization Name
Street Address
U.S. State or Territory
Other State/Province
Postal Code
*Data File Variable Descriptions
This sheet should follow the format of NERC variable descriptions. See this example,, before you begin your work.
ExampleThe FoliarChemistryData table provides a compilation of foliar chemistry data for the northeastern United
States and southeastern Canada.
VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS: Variable names, description, units. Tip: copy & paste R or other stats code to
input the data including comments with units & descriptions.
ExampleLocation: This is a text description of the location samples were collected.
Culex_Number: Number of Aedes larvae present
Cl_mgperL: Chloride concentration in pool, units mg per L