Lesson plan 7 - NMSU College of Business

Lesson Plan 7
October 6th, 2015 facilitated by Ruoqing
Before Class:
1. Chapter 4- Story Network Analysis (p62-73). Narrative Methods (Boje, 2001)
2. Step Seven- Making a Taxonomic Analysis (p112-121). Participant Observation
(Spradley, 1980)
3. #118 and #390. Being and time (Heidegger, 1927)
4. Extended reading:
 Geraldi, J., Maylor, H., & Williams, T. (2011). Now, let's make it really complex
(complicated) A systematic review of the complexities of projects. International
Journal of Operations & Production Management, 31(9), 966-990.
"The Third Lens: Multi-ontology Sense-making and Strategic Decisionmaking."International Journal of Operations & Production Management 30, no. 2
(2010): 226-227.
Boardman, J. T., & Clegg, B. T. (2001). Structured engagement in the extended
enterprise. International Journal of Operations & Production
Management,21(5/6), 795-811.
Lin, C., Kuei, C. H., & Chai, K. W. (2013). Identifying critical enablers and
pathways to high performance supply chain quality management. International
Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(3), 347-370.
Binder, M., & Edwards, J. S. (2010). Using grounded theory method for theory
building in operations management research: A study on inter-firm relationship
governance. International Journal of Operations & Production
Management,30(3), 232-259.
4:15-4:20 Introduction the class content for the day
4:20 - 4:50 Video- Supply Chain Management
David Perez- Walmart supply chain network; relationships among suppliers, distributors, and
Supply in Heidegger: to look at historicality-fate and repetition in supply chains, as a ground
problem in the connectedness of life To look at supply chains ontologically, their Being-in-theworld of space/time/mattering.
Heidegger exploration of the week : #118 “In our 'description' of that environment which is
closest to us-the work-world of the craftsman, for example,-the outcome was that along with
the equipment to be found when one is at work [in Arbeit] , those Others for whom the 'work'
["Werk"] is destined are 'encountered too'. 2 If this is ready-to-hand, then there lies in the kind
of Being which belongs to it (that is, in its involvement) an essential assignment or reference to
possible wearers, for instance, for whom it should be 'cut to the figure'. Similarly, when
material is put to usc, we encounter its producer or
as one who 'serves' well
or badly. When, for example, we walk along the edge of a field but 'outside it', the field shows
itself as belonging I I 8 to such-and-such a person, and decently kept up by him; the book we
have used was bought at So-and-so's shop and given by such-and-such” a person, and so forth.”
4:50 – 5:20 Discussion of Story Network Analysis
Design one story network that you are interested in, try to create nods and linkages as many as
you can, then discuss in pairs, and think about the differences between story network analysis
and deconstruction analysis.
5:20 – 5:30 Break
5:30-6:00 Discussion of Taxonomic Analysis
To understand how taxonomies organize culture domains.
How to make a taxonomic analysis?
Go beyond Spradley by doing a cumulative kind of taxonomy. That is, instead of
mutually exclusive, do one where it can be multi-dimensional, even holographic.
6:00-6:30 Review & Discuss Assigned Canvas Questions due this week.
7a: What is your personal narrative of a story network and how does that personal narrative fit
into the network storytelling? This can be related with Dasein and Umgang. (200 words)
7b: Write up your item project title, abstract, introduction (focus, purpose 3 contributions &
structure of article) and what journal you can submit to. (800 words minimum)