February 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

NWBA Board Meeting Minutes - 2/10/2012 at 1:30 p.m.
Present: Lisa, Tracy, Kristin, April, Angela, Jodie, Ann, Kathy
1. Mentoring/ Networking Program with Women's Law Students Association at Creighton
University School of Law
a. Tracy, April and Kristin met with Christine Galt on Wednesday, February 8, 2012
i. The board is in agreement and likes this idea.
ii. Christine is going to work on forms and follow-up surveys for possible
mentor/ networking program.
iii. NWBA will send out forms to our members. Attorneys who are interested in
being a mentor will fill out the form and send them back.
iv. Christine will match students with attorneys based on the response from the
v. In future years, the President of WLSA will make the matches between the
students and attorneys.
vi. Liaison from the board to help communication between NWBA and WLSA Mandy has volunteered to be liaison.
2. UNL Women's Law Caucus - Ann
a. Possibility of a "combined" membership with NWBA
i. Suggestion came out of the lunch meeting at UNL with Lincoln Group
ii. There was a suggestion that we consider combined membership with
iii. Ann will go back to the group to see what they propose.
b. NWBA has donated $300 in the past with the provision that 100% would be devoted to
clerkships in public interest areas and NWBA be given recognition "in print" for its
i. The board discussed donating this year.
ii. Ann motioned we donate $300 with the same terms as we donated in the
past; Tracy seconded; all in favor
iii. NWBA will donate with $300 with the same terms as last time.
iv. Ann will have them send an invoice to April for payment.
3. National Conference of Women's Bar Associations
a. Discussed whether to join; general consensus is that it would be a good idea.
b. Dues are $75 for groups of 100 members or less
c. Decision to table it or vote now: Tracy motioned we vote now; Kristin seconded; all in
favor to vote now
d. Tracy motioned we join; April seconded; all in favor
e. NWBA will join National Conference of Women's Bar Associations - April will send check
for $75
4. Denise Hill has placed her name on ballot for Board of Directors at Centris Credit Union
a. Board decided that requests such as this should be put under the "Happenings" section
of the NWBA website
b. Invite members to send emails to Kristin with short paragraphs about upcoming news,
announcements, special requests, etc. Kristin will update the website when she
receives these emails.
c. We will also mention the "Happenings" section of the website on our CLE/ luncheon
invitations as well.
5. Topic for March 7th Luncheon (non-CLE) - Omaha at Security National Bank at 11:45 - 1:00 p.m.
a. Legal Protections for Same-Sex Couples in Nebraska - Estate Planning for same-sex
couples/marriages (attorney bio and description attached)
b. The Board feels this is a timely topic, and agrees the topic is appropriate.
c. It was decided that Omaha will have this topic during their April 4th Luncheon so that
those in Omaha can attend Lincoln's CLE on March 7th via teleconference.
6. Topic for March 7th CLE - Lincoln at Nebraska State Bar Association Conference Room at 11:45 1:15 p.m. - Workplace Harassment
a. Tracy reported that it can be added as a class function (teleconference) $50 for
availability by phone for those attending in Omaha - no limit on how many people call
b. It was suggested that Omaha have their meetings every third Wednesday and Lincoln
keep their meeting every first Wednesday so that our luncheons don't overlap. There
was discussion on whether we should try having our luncheons on different days.
c. It was decided that we will keep the schedules as is. On the days Lincoln has a CLE,
Omaha will attend via teleconference. On the days when Omaha has a CLE, Lincoln will
attend teleconference.
d. Lincoln's March 7th CLE - It will be the same invitation for all members (Omaha and
Lincoln) - Ann will draft invitation
e. Deadline for RSVPs will be Friday, March 2nd. April will collect all RSVPs and payment.
Invitation will ask attendees to specify whether they will attend in Lincoln or Omaha.
f. April will get numbers to Kathy on Monday, March 5th for Omaha's attendance.
7. Possible future speaker/ topic ideas ?
a. Carol Cleaver - Immigration Issues Affecting Families and Juveniles
b. Kimberly Taylor-Riley - Domestic Violence, Protection Orders and Keeping Victims Safer
c. Diana Liska - 1) Compliance and/or Compliance Auditing; 2) Dealing with Difficult Clients
- Mediation Techniques; 3) Banking Regulations e.g., Fair Lending, Money Laundering,
Service members Civil Relief Act; 4) Risk Assessments/ Evaluating Risk Assessments
d. Kathleen Schmidt - Foreclosure
e. Thalia Carroll - Bankruptcy and Foreclosure
f. Speakers from Omaha Law League, Entrepreneur's Organization and/or Young
Professionals Organization
g. Tracy reminded board members to keep these possible topics in mind or to think about
other possible topics/ speakers. No one had comments on this list at this time.
8. New Business
a. Email lists from UNL and Creighton Law Schools - Kristin and Angela
i. Kristin reported that spoke with Karen Dixon, at Creighton Law School Career
Center, and that Karen said they could not give a list of recent grad email
addresses, and she was unaware of whether they even had a list of recent grads
email addresses. Karen will see if there was anything else they could do to help
and get back to Kristin.
ii. Angela reported that UNL will forward emails to their recent grads on behalf
of NWBA. Angela will forward our upcoming events, invitation emails, etc. to
UNL, and UNL will forward them to recent grads.
b. Barristers - $500 check to auction item. We will ask them for recognition on the
invitation - April will follow-up
9. Treasurer's Report provided by April - no questions and no comments
10. Next Board Meeting: March 9 at 12:30 p.m., same call in, same code