Study Skills Inventory

Rank each statement as it applies to you by putting the appropriate number in the blank.
4 = Always
3 = Some of the Time
2 = Seldom
I use these study strategies:
____ Flash cards
____ Study with a group
____ Study with one other person
____ Study best alone
____ Have a family member quiz me
____ List what I need to study
____ Plan long-term projects in steps
____ Take effective notes from textbooks
____ Study in quiet area
____ Rewrite notes into my own words
____ Recopy notes
____ Have a plan for successfully taking tests
____ Review within 24 hours of original learning
____ Use colored pens to mark notes
____ Will ask for help when I don’t understand the work
____ Make up missing work on time
____ Turn in homework assignments on time
____ Write neatly
____ Take time to proofread
____ Use a weekly study schedule
____ Use a planner to organize study time
____ Have a study buddy to consult about class events
1 = Never
____ Make use of my biological clock to study efficiently
____ Create my own study guides
____ Aim for a specific grade in each class
____ Work towards a future goal
____ Predict accurately what will be on tests
____ Spend enough time to learn the material well
____ Have enough supplies at school
____ Have enough supplies at home
____ Have a well-organized study area at home
____ Keep old papers on file for tests and exams
____ Write down my assignments
____ Skim material before reading
____ Focus well in class
____ Come to class prepared to work
____ Pass tests
____ Take planned study breaks
How did you do?
Score from 160-140: Congratulations! You possess nearly all of the skills for academic success! Studying is a high
priority in your life, and you enjoy learning and coming to school. Before class starts, you are the one busily reviewing
and highlighting your notes. You participate in class by answering and asking questions. Homework is consistently done
and reviewed during class. When reading a textbook, you don’t feel comfortable until you have read all the chapter
headings, prefatory material, and summaries. Anytime you are going somewhere that might contain downtime, you
bring along a book or a set of flashcards to use time wisely. Awesome achievement!
Score from 139-100: Great effort! You’re probably one of those students who is most always prepared and organized
with books and materials. While doing your homework, you are able to predict 50-60% of the questions on an upcoming
test. Flashcards are a fairly regular part of your study routine, and you have fun quizzing with friends. Often, before you
begin an assignment, you estimate how long it is going to take and plan accordingly. You do your homework daily and
usually make up missed assignments. Keep up the good work!
Score from 99-60: Need some polish and attention to detail? You are probably the kind of student who has difficulty
determining the important points of a lecture. Sometimes you record everything the teacher says! Other days in class,
you just don’t feel like taking notes because you’re tired or aren’t in the mood to be scholastic. During class, you find
yourself daydreaming or thinking about what you would rather be doing at lunch/home. At home, you just can’t find a
good quiet spot to study. When you do want to study the night before a huge exam, you find that you have left your
book or assignment in your locker! Implement these strategies ASAP: Flash cards, study buddies, daily homework
agenda, notetaking/copying notes from a good student, organized homework area with supplies and resources, and rereading assignments for comprehension.
Score from 59-40: Unmotivated? Tired? Confused about why you’re here? You are the kind of student who would
much rather talk about the weekend or a concert you attended last summer than do school work—either at home or at
school! When the teacher is talking, you are texting or raising your hand to get out of the room for a while. Books and
materials seem to vanish, and everything from your backpack to your essays is totally unorganized. If an assignment is
difficult or lengthy, you give up. Extra help just takes way too much time after school. Implement these strategies
ASAP: Flash cards, study buddies, daily homework agenda, notetaking/copying notes from a good student, re-reading
for comprehension, organized homework area with supplies and resources, Guidance Counselor/Student Assistance
Counselor visit, goal setting, and CMAC/Writing Lab/subject area after-school help.